If you feel I'm UNJUSTIFIED in blaming Arimidex for most emotional problems that started after starting TRT, please explain why??
I feel you are indeed unjustified jumping to such conclusions. It is a possibility, but not necessarily THE answer.
You are understandably acting from emotion and desperately throwing darts for a solution. However, your problem is not clear cut. You are in deep from taking such high doses, and it is going to take time for things to normalize to a reasonable baseline. Everything for a while will be a moving target, and more knee jerk decisions for self treatment are roulette. You are on an extremely steep roller coaster dosing that high then needing to come down again. You may need to restart taking T, but man, you have to have a reasonable plan and a provider to guide you, and stop roller coaster self treatment.
The pain of lowering dose: I had trouble on a paltry 150mg/week and had to repeatedly reduce dose and spend time exploring dosing frequency before I became stable and happy on T at around 80mg/week. Now I am on much less and doing well. And every time I lowered my dose, I felt like hell. It takes me about 2-3 months to reach stability. You have probably heard that levels stabilize in 6-8 weeks, yes, but it takes longer for the body to fully adapt to a new level.
Be f%^&ing careful with anastrozole. Guys have crashed their E2 for the long term, even feeling they never recovered from taking too much. If your T level falls precipitously and you take 2mg week, you are asking for trouble. I was on a very different T dose, and with much more reasonable blood levels, but I did better lowering my E2 for a while with Anastrozole: at .06mg every other day. That's right, less than one quarter of a milligram a week. Your case is entirely different, but playing with anastrozole is playing with fire.
I am sorry there are not easy answers. Your case is far beyond the norm for TRT.
I'd say your best bet is to consult with your
Defy provider. And you may find more knowledge of how to recover from blasting on AAS forums.