Dissected Thyroid for High Thyroid Antibodies levels.


New Member
Just like the title says i was prescribed dissected Thyroid to bring down my high level of antibodies my TSH and everything else in range ill post the ranges below. Ive read things were they say its not worth using dissected for that just wondering what you think. Thank you
TSH - 2.940 Range is 0.450-4.500 uiU/mL
T4 Free Direct 1.43 Range 0.82-1.77 ng/dL
Reverse T3 Serum - 22.0 Range 9.2 - 24.1 ng/dL
T3 Uptake 24 Range - 24-39 %
Triidothyronine t3 Free - 3.3 Range 2.0-4.4 pg/mL
Thyroid Peroxidase TPO 234 Range 0-34 IU/mL
Thyroglobulin Antibody 59.7 Range 0.0 - 0.9 IU/mL
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 18 Range 13-39 ug/mL
Also my Prolactin was a bit high 17.9 Range is 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
If your antibodies are still showing up, I would get pharma grade thyroid meds.

Are you using a doctor or self-medicating the desiccated thyroid?
Thank you for the response i am using a doctor who is telling me to take the desiccated thyroid and yes my antibodies are still showing up high.
There has been some research (sorry I don’t have it to hand now) to indicate a provocation of antibodies can occur when desiccated thyroid is taken. This is due to the extra antigenic components of the desiccated thyroid. Instead thyroxine and/or liothyronine should be less problematic. However, the choice for thyroid replacement is often dependant on the prescribers experience with their own patients.
Tell you what, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos several years ago. It's an autoimmune condition where your body makes too many antibodies and is attacking the thyroid. In my case, my TSH was elevated well above 20+ and my thyroid antibodies were off the charts, even though free T3 and free T4 were in the low range of normal. Doc started me on dessicated thyroid (Nature Throid) and it helped, but we never could get the dose just right. With dessicated thyroid, you get what you get of each (T4 and T3) and that's what you get. There is no way to adjust one or the other with dessicated thyroid meds.

After a couple of years of failure in trying to adjust thyroid med dosage, we ditched dessicated thyroid and started over with the synthetic drugs. First T4 (Synthroid). We'd get free T4 in the top part of the range, but couldn't get TSH down below 4.0. Ended up having to add a T3 drug (Cytomel) to the mix to finally get things to "normal".

In your case, your TSH is below 4.0 and that's "acceptable". Target getting TSH to 2.5 or lower though. Notice your reverse T3 though? It's in the upper part of the range. This nasty little thing prevents your body from converting T4 to T3 (the active thyroid hormone). Between elevated antibodies and RT3, I'll almost bet that you're on your way to a case of Hashimotos. Elevated antibodies typically preclude FT4/FT3/TSH going out of range.

I think you'd do best starting with a T3 med - Cytomel - but don't take my word for it. Go find yourself a doc that knows what the heck they're doing here. Typical primary care physicians don't want to mess with hormones. My "previous" PCP once told me, "Your free T4 and free T3 are in range. Your TSH is at 9.0. You're fine". Umm, no...I'm -not- fine (I feel like sxit). Visited an endo and he upped my dose of T4 med just a bit. Voila! FT3 and FT4 in the upper range and TSH settled down to a comfortable 1.0. Antibodies are still elevated though - not much they can do about those but treat with thyroid drugs.

A good endo may be your best best.

Oh, and you really should get to the bottom of the elevated prolactin. If your doc didn't see this as an issue, I'd find a new doc.
Tell you what, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos several years ago. It's an autoimmune condition where your body makes too many antibodies and is attacking the thyroid. In my case, my TSH was elevated well above 20+ and my thyroid antibodies were off the charts, even though free T3 and free T4 were in the low range of normal. Doc started me on dessicated thyroid (Nature Throid) and it helped, but we never could get the dose just right. With dessicated thyroid, you get what you get of each (T4 and T3) and that's what you get. There is no way to adjust one or the other with dessicated thyroid meds.

After a couple of years of failure in trying to adjust thyroid med dosage, we ditched dessicated thyroid and started over with the synthetic drugs. First T4 (Synthroid). We'd get free T4 in the top part of the range, but couldn't get TSH down below 4.0. Ended up having to add a T3 drug (Cytomel) to the mix to finally get things to "normal".

In your case, your TSH is below 4.0 and that's "acceptable". Target getting TSH to 2.5 or lower though. Notice your reverse T3 though? It's in the upper part of the range. This nasty little thing prevents your body from converting T4 to T3 (the active thyroid hormone). Between elevated antibodies and RT3, I'll almost bet that you're on your way to a case of Hashimotos. Elevated antibodies typically preclude FT4/FT3/TSH going out of range.

I think you'd do best starting with a T3 med - Cytomel - but don't take my word for it. Go find yourself a doc that knows what the heck they're doing here. Typical primary care physicians don't want to mess with hormones. My "previous" PCP once told me, "Your free T4 and free T3 are in range. Your TSH is at 9.0. You're fine". Umm, no...I'm -not- fine (I feel like sxit). Visited an endo and he upped my dose of T4 med just a bit. Voila! FT3 and FT4 in the upper range and TSH settled down to a comfortable 1.0. Antibodies are still elevated though - not much they can do about those but treat with thyroid drugs.

A good endo may be your best best.

Oh, and you really should get to the bottom of the elevated prolactin. If your doc didn't see this as an issue, I'd find a new doc.
Thank you for the response and really appericate the advice . I am not dealing wth a PCP actually was a known online TRT clinic prescribing me the Dissected thyroid.. Also the prolaction they mentioned taking Vitamin b6 to bring it down as my blood work before this it was lower.. I am going to talk to them about t3 med and see what they say.. Just did not want to start what they gave me if it would have made things worse.
Just like the title says i was prescribed dissected Thyroid to bring down my high level of antibodies my TSH and everything else in range ill post the ranges below. Ive read things were they say its not worth using dissected for that just wondering what you think. Thank you
TSH - 2.940 Range is 0.450-4.500 uiU/mL
T4 Free Direct 1.43 Range 0.82-1.77 ng/dL
Reverse T3 Serum - 22.0 Range 9.2 - 24.1 ng/dL
T3 Uptake 24 Range - 24-39 %
Triidothyronine t3 Free - 3.3 Range 2.0-4.4 pg/mL
Thyroid Peroxidase TPO 234 Range 0-34 IU/mL
Thyroglobulin Antibody 59.7 Range 0.0 - 0.9 IU/mL
Thyroxine Binding Globulin 18 Range 13-39 ug/mL
Also my Prolactin was a bit high 17.9 Range is 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's nearly 10 years ago. After three endocrinologists, and my primary care doc, I was ready to find someone who could really help me, and was willing to work with me as a patient, not a lab test. If you feel well, meaning, have enough energy, not depressed, and not feeling like you have constant or often symptoms of low thyroid, you may be just fine on your current regimen, or simply some synthetic T4 Synthroid. However, I am not convinced that antibody production is effected by your T4, T3, or TSH levels. The antibodies attack the gland itself, not necessarily the hormones. The harder your gland is working to produce the hormones based on TSH and your levels of T3 and T4, the more likely the immune system is going to produce antibodies. The antibodies can attack the gland and make it sore, but often cause body and particularly joint aches and pains, like flu symptoms. In my case, my gland was working overtime trying to produce lots of hormone, and it caused huge problems with antibodies. As I didn't have enough free T3 (converted from the free T4) to do the job, I was always tired. Always, and its a bone weary, too tired to get out of your own way tired. Its like being imprisoned in your own body. I finally found a doc who not only listened to me, but treated me like a patient, not a lab test, and was more interested in how I was feeling than just having my free T4 in the therapeutic window and my TSH not too low. The end result is, my blood pressure has NOT gone up, nor has my heart rate, nor am I shaky, or unable to hold my hands still. I am not cold sensitive, or any other thyroid symptom now. this is all due to the desiccated thyroid like Armour, or NP. It is driving my TSH to the bottom of the window, my free T3 slightly higher than the window, and is doing two things without side effects. First, it is taking the load off my thyroid gland which is likely causing my immune system from producing so much antibodies because I have not had the aches, pains, and other symptoms from that since I have started the NP desiccated thyroid. Also I have energy like I have not had since I was 30. (I am 64) All of this, without adverse events, side effects, etc. Yes, I watched my BP closely for a while. I kept track of my heart rate (generally runs around 65-66 bpm). I am not nervous or jumpy or shaky. I would think long and hard about giving up on the desiccated thyroid, as its also closer to your natural thyroid hormone than snythroid.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's nearly 10 years ago. After three endocrinologists, and my primary care doc, I was ready to find someone who could really help me, and was willing to work with me as a patient, not a lab test. If you feel well, meaning, have enough energy, not depressed, and not feeling like you have constant or often symptoms of low thyroid, you may be just fine on your current regimen, or simply some synthetic T4 Synthroid. However, I am not convinced that antibody production is effected by your T4, T3, or TSH levels. The antibodies attack the gland itself, not necessarily the hormones. The harder your gland is working to produce the hormones based on TSH and your levels of T3 and T4, the more likely the immune system is going to produce antibodies. The antibodies can attack the gland and make it sore, but often cause body and particularly joint aches and pains, like flu symptoms. In my case, my gland was working overtime trying to produce lots of hormone, and it caused huge problems with antibodies. As I didn't have enough free T3 (converted from the free T4) to do the job, I was always tired. Always, and its a bone weary, too tired to get out of your own way tired. Its like being imprisoned in your own body. I finally found a doc who not only listened to me, but treated me like a patient, not a lab test, and was more interested in how I was feeling than just having my free T4 in the therapeutic window and my TSH not too low. The end result is, my blood pressure has NOT gone up, nor has my heart rate, nor am I shaky, or unable to hold my hands still. I am not cold sensitive, or any other thyroid symptom now. this is all due to the desiccated thyroid like Armour, or NP. It is driving my TSH to the bottom of the window, my free T3 slightly higher than the window, and is doing two things without side effects. First, it is taking the load off my thyroid gland which is likely causing my immune system from producing so much antibodies because I have not had the aches, pains, and other symptoms from that since I have started the NP desiccated thyroid. Also I have energy like I have not had since I was 30. (I am 64) All of this, without adverse events, side effects, etc. Yes, I watched my BP closely for a while. I kept track of my heart rate (generally runs around 65-66 bpm). I am not nervous or jumpy or shaky. I would think long and hard about giving up on the desiccated thyroid, as its also closer to your natural thyroid hormone than snythroid.
Wow thank you for the response i am not giving up on the desiccated i have not started it yet as i was afarid of the side effects... but they want me to start at 30 mg and work my way up... I am 30 and honestly feel like im 50 lol... achey bones all my joints crack when i try and work out... I wouldnt say im depressed but i am just Blah with life right now and everything in it... I am glad you actually took the stuff and it worked for you it gives me hope to try it and start my way to feeling better..

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