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Specialist clinic for men helping with testosterone and ED
Eden Clinic for Men is based at 23 Mayflower Street, which houses three other businesses, meaning it is discreet
A brand new clinic for men has opened in Plymouth, focusing on some of the treatments that are difficult to get help with on the NHS. Eden Clinic For Men operates out of a super-hub in Mayflower Street, making it discreet.
The specialist clinic was set up by Angela Servis, who spent 17 years in the British Army as a doctor - which led to her becoming aware of problems men are faced with and often do not get the appropriate care for.
Eden Clinic for Men offers weight loss treatments, investigations, erectile dysfunction treatments, testosterone replacement therapy, and aesthetics for men. Angela, who owns the building at 23 Mayflower Street, also operates Eden Clinic from the same venue, which offers a range of treatments including chemical peels, dermal fillers, fat-dissolving injections, and much more.
The building also is home to Flow Aesthetics and Menopause Decisions, meaning anyone who enters could be going in for a range of treatments. Angela explained: “Some of the things they're talking about, we're talking about low libido and erectile dysfunction and that can be quite an intimidating venue to walk into if that's what they're going to assume that every person walking in, is going to be discussing.
"So think in some ways that being, you know, a few different treatments, including weight loss treatments as well, it kind of helps."
As well as Angela's experience, Eden Clinic for Men also has the experience of Professor Geoff Hackett. Professor Hackett is a professor of men's health and diabetes.
He is also a consultant in urology and sexual medicine, with over 35 years of experience as a primary care physician. His areas of special interest are the links between erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular and diabetic risk.
Angela explained there aren’t many clinics for men which specialize in the treatments Eden Clinic for Men offers. She said: "I’ve spent loads of time treating men and I noticed that there’s a really big increase in testosterone deficiency, which we're not sure why testosterone deficiency is on the increase.
"It can be environmental issues, it can be exposure to chemicals. Sometimes it's people who've used steroids in the past, and it's sort of damaged the mechanism by which they create their own testosterone. There's loads of different reasons that you can have it but essentially, it's not really managed, particularly well on the NHS."
As Angela was seeing many people who were not getting the help they needed, she was inspired to get training in the area so she could offer the service herself. She has recently returned from a course in Miami, at the International Society for Sexual Medicine - and has done additional training too.
Angela said: “I think a lot of the time when people do go to their doctors, the sad thing is that it's not really very well understood, and you don't really get taught about it in medical school. So I've spent the last three years now being trained up in the area.
"It was only because of my experience in the army, you know, sort of seeing and seeing a large proportion of men and seeing their changes actually made me sort of go ahead and want to do this."
Angela explained the majority of clients she works with have already had appointments with the GPs, including having blood tests done which show they have low testosterone which warrants treatment - but they are not given the treatment. She said: "GPs aren't doing a bad job at all. They're working as hard as they can, but it's more of a case of training in the area because it's quite a specialist area."
Angela also offers botox for men, explaining that there are differences. She said: “So with men, their facial anatomy is that often their muscles are thicker and sometimes they have different muscle patterns that you need to alter in order to achieve the aesthetic result that they're after.
"So, definitely with filler you can if you're not smart about it, you can end up feminizing a face rather than masculinizing. And you know, some people do come in asking for feminization treatments, which I can also do, but you need obviously to be really clear from the offset what it is that they're trying to achieve."
Eden Clinic offers a free 15-minute consultation for botox and fillers, but with regards to men’s health clients are put through a blood test first and then an hour-long consultation is undertaken. This is so it can be discussed what areas need to be looked at and what the best course of action for treatment may be.