Disappointed with my labs

I don´t know what is happening. I kept my protocol for a long time but the Testo has gone down since last lab. I don´t what supplement etc,,, can have effect on testo. Keeping in mind that my Hemocrite is on the upper limit I don´t know if I should increase my dosage of testo
Current protocol 2x50mg p/week 2x500iu HCG.

Please check my labs.

In general is it OK or?



I don´t know what is happening. I kept my protocol for a long time but the Testo has gone down since last lab. I don´t what supplement etc,,, can have effect on testo. Keeping in mind that my Hemocrite is on the upper limit I don´t know if I should increase my dosage of testo
Current protocol 2x50mg p/week 2x500iu HCG.

Please check my labs.

In general is it OK or?


Hey, can you post your labs from february? I'm not sure how much things have changed, nor will anyone who is reading this.

Can you tell us when these were taken relative to injection? When the february labs were taken relative to injection?

Most importantly, HOW do you feel? Numbers are less important than how you feel, your levels aren't terrible for a trough, and if you feel good I wouldn't change a thing.

You're taking testosterone propionate correct? That isn't usually used 2x a week. I assume you mean test cypionate PER week?

I do see a few other issues, first you'd want to donate blood.

Your thyroid looks to be underperforming, this isn't my most knowledgeable topic, so hopefully others will comment as well.

DHEA is low you may want to supplement that.

I imagine you're over 40 years old?
I always have blood work done before injection on the same day. My testosterone is Testoviron enanthate. How I feel? Really nothing special just normal. I am 55 years old.
Unfortunatelly my doc forgot ording the free testosterone.
My last lab is from June 2016:

Hemoglobina 16.20 (13.6-18.00g/dl)
Hematocrito 0.47 (0.40-0.52) L/L
PSA total 0,75 ng/mL < 4
Testosterone total 830 (250.0-827ng/dl)
Free Testosterone 17.71 pg/mL (EIA ref: 3,84 -34,17) (should be 2,1% of FT)
Estradiol (non sensitive) 29.66 (7.6-42.6pg/ml) (it´s not possible to have a sensitive test were I live) T/E2 = 27.98 ok?
25-Hidr.. Vitamin D3 46.24 ng/mL ( above 30should be enough I´ll guess)
SHBH 23.71 nmol/L (13,50 – 71,40)
IGF-I 115.38 ug/L (51--60 years) - 81.00--238.00
DHEA 78 ug/dL (80-560)
TSH-H 3.92 (0.27-4.20 mUIl/L)
T3 1.63 (1.30--4.4 pg/ml)
FT4 1.10 (0.94--1.72 ng/dl) 14.12 pmol/L 12.00-22.00
Posted on this forum on the 06-02-2016 - Please some comments on my last blood work
where my lab is attached.
A more important question than the lab numbers is how do you feel? If you feel good then I would not worry about it.
If it was me, I would increase my dose. 50mg of T twice a week is a low dose and levels of 585 is low, I would increase to at least 70mg twice a week.
It is not so much of how I feel my question is more like - if stay on the same protocol why does the serum level diminishes.

That's the goal of TRT. To feel normal, nothing special, but if your sexual function works, you don't feel depressed, weak, tired, or have trouble gaining muscle personally I think that's fine.

Serum levels can fluctuate, and yours is certainly odd, especially with an SHBG level increase but still not a bad level. E2 is the same, so it's possible you mis-dosed or used a different muscle with a different absorption rate.

I am not entirely sure but I wouldn't worry too much. You can test again to see if it's a lab error or mis-dose.

If it was me, I would increase my dose. 50mg of T twice a week is a low dose and levels of 585 is low, I would increase to at least 70mg twice a week.

OP is on 50mg twice a week not 50 per week. It's easy to miss so I understand ;) the irony is strong with this mistake.
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Thanks for aswering. I made some injection in my leg with 1/2" and maybe the needles is too short so back to my shoulders again. Maybe I will increase my dosage a just a bit due to upper end Hemacrite.

Thx again!
Would follow Vince's advice, up dose to 70mg 2xwk and see if you can find some micronized DHEA 25mg daily. Defy wants DHEA in the 500-600 range so, you have a long way to go. I would also retest after 4 weeks to see where you stand on the new protocol.
I´m on the lower level of DHEA so supplemting should be the right thing to do but it gives a bit of bad temper alias snap for nothing really. But I´ll give it try one more time.
Tommy, as noted by JD, your thyroid numbers are standing out a bit. I'd suggest getting the full adrenal panel done, including a 4x saliva sample kit w/ DHEA correlation. There's a "possibility" things are off a bit, which would affect your thyroid, and it would also effect your tolerance with DHEA.

Sometimes DHEA supplementation can work best when administering in the PM, as it will help with the counterbalance of cortisol, especially when the demands are high on cortisol. However, this is permitting that AM reserves haven't tanked and/or possibly surpassed one of the later stages of adrenal fatigue. I'm just noting this as an awareness to consider if you're experiencing negative results with DHEA. Again, other markers like your thyroid numbers (IMO) probably support it to be given some consideration.
Congrate to you Chris you posses more knoledge than my and many GPs. As long as everything is within the rage there is nothing to worry about according to my GP. When I started talking of "pooling issues" and other points that you had mentioned in a previous post my GP just didn´t know how to give any answer. I mentioned that even if the levels are within upper and lower ranges doesn´t mean that they in optimal levels etc... (more or less what I undestood of you post). My GP and many others do not have enough knowledge about thyroid issies I´ll only the basics. So I´m don´t think my GP will order a full adrenal panel unless I seek a specialist in this area. I had a "Burn out" for years back (10 years ago) and it took years to recover but I´ll will never be 100% again maybe 70% at the best. My tank went down to zero basically and the only remedy offered was some antidepressants. Any way thx again to all of U for input.

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