Dilemma with TRT under 20


New Member
hello everyone;
alright i have this rare situation and a little study under my belt but not satisfied so I'm going to explain briefly below and any help would be appreciated.
I wanted to join the military and wasn't getting good results in my physique despite proper dieting and daily hours invested so a couple weeks ago i went ahead and got my blood-work done here's my hormone panel:

TSH 3.850 mlu/L Normal Range 0.7-6.4

F.S.H 1.0 mlu/L Normal Range Male:1.5-12.4

LH 2.9mlu/L Normal Range Male:1.7-8.6

Testosterone 3.84 ng/ml Normal Range Males 20-49 years :2.49-8.36
below=50 years :1.93-7.40

Free Testosterone 7.4 pg/ml Normal Range Male(Adult):4-30

Estradiol 29.0 pg/ml Normal Range Men:7.63-42.6
boys;higher than 5.00-20.0

DHEA-SO4 192.9 Normal Range 15-19 years 70.2-492

dihydroxy Testosterone 428 pg/ml Normal Range Male:250-990

SHBG 21 nmol/l Normal Range Male:15-100

i have got somewhat low Testosterone and a F.S.H level 0.5 below normal range now I am currently 17 years old and i think i have been under testosterone therapy 4 years ago for delayed puberty i don't remember if it was testosterone because i was just a kid and my English wasn't that good, and you listen to the good doctor and take what he says right?but it had all the classic signs of testosterone, the injections were weekly, i started having great libido, i used to hate injections(21 gauge needles) but somehow i couldn't wait to get my weekly injection i had great sense of well being and developed gynecomastia during a period after i stopped therapy cold turkey and judging by my low F.S.H i have damaged HPA i think its safe to say that it was Testosterone.

yesterday i was going to visit my doctor and i was aware and OK with possible side effects of Therapy that i remembered that i forgot all about stunt growth and brain development issues.I'm having massive side effects regarding my energy brain and physical performance i mean before that damn therapy i could do so much in 24 hours with just 5 hours of sleep now its been 3 months since i wanted to go get my certification to work as an electrician part time and i cant, i don't even study school stuff i just study a month prior exams to just pass it i used to be top student of the school.i used to be able to handle the side effects but as time has passed its gotten out of control.

Now what do you guys think i should do?

by the way i work with a ''great'' doctor the guys a urologist and a surgeon and specializes in every male sex organ related issues, prostate, etc etc and charges an arm and a leg for 15min visit so I'm good to go.

shoot me what you guys think and thanks for your patience.
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My gut reaction is that your Dr isn't anywhere near as good as you think he is, he obviously knows nothing about TRT. Two things, 1) your TSH is much too high @ 3.8, you need a full Thyroid panel with reverse T3 and antibodies. 2) go in and edit your post adding lab ranges to your results so we can get a better picture of your numbers.
I added ranges and i meant ''great'' relative to all the ''its all normal'' ''testosterone's evil'' Doctors out there.about the thyroid thing i kinda had a hunch about that but my physician said ''its all normal''so i kinda let it go.but i will definitely get a full checkup on thyroid later.
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"in range" is what Dr's say when they don't know any better. What that 3.85 means is that your body thinks its low on Thyroid hormone and the Pituitary is signaling, heavily, the Thyroid to make more. It's in no way good or optimal. TSH should be <1.5. Your test indicates MORE testing is necessary...Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, and antibodies for a complete picture on your Thyroid. I'd start there given your age, an out of whack Thyroid will cascade problems.
i will definitely get on that tomorrow and get full thyroid testing done what kind of specialist do you suggest because i don't want to get ''everything's normal'' hit on my face like a bat.actually that explains a lot of things by the way i have white hair all over my head its not grey but white could that be related to thyroid?
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You'll get that with just about any Dr...are you in the states...? This is kind of a thing where you have to take charge of your own care, you have to get educated about it and challenge the norms. Finding a great Dr is a challenge.
You'll get that with just about any Dr...are you in the states...? This is kind of a thing where you have to take charge of your own care, you have to get educated about it and challenge the norms. Finding a great Dr is a challenge.
Sadly I'm not in the US but I'm working on it :) its kinda hard though with all the health issues.i know i used to have that just embrace the suck mentality but none of that anymore I'm taking charge thanks for the replays by the way.

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