Diabetes and its Impact on Erectile Function

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* Diabetes can severely impact a man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection, as it damages the blood vessels, nerves, hormones, and erectile tissues required for healthy sexual function

* Poorly controlled diabetes causes excess sugar to circulate in the blood, damaging arteries and veins over time through inflammation and plaque buildup. The smaller arteries supplying the penis are often affected before larger vessels, making erectile dysfunction an early warning sign of cardiovascular issues

Today we are privileged to have Dr. Helen Bernie, an assistant professor of urology and director of the Male Sexual and Reproductive Medicine Program at Indiana University. Her practice specializes in men's health, erectile dysfunction, Peyronie's disease, prosthetic surgery, hypogonadism, male infertility, fertility preservation, and cancer survivorship.

Diabetes can severely impact a man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection, as it damages the blood vessels, nerves, hormones, and erectile tissues required for healthy sexual function. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic condition present from birth, while type 2 diabetes is typically acquired later in life due to obesity and unhealthy lifestyle factors.

Poorly controlled diabetes causes excess sugar to circulate in the blood, damaging arteries and veins over time through inflammation and plaque buildup. The smaller arteries supplying the penis are often affected before larger vessels, making erectile dysfunction an early warning sign of cardiovascular issues.

While oral medications like Viagra can help by increasing blood flow, they require healthy nerves. As diabetes progresses, more invasive treatments like injections, vacuum devices, or implants may be needed. Beyond the physical impacts, erectile dysfunction can take a major psychological toll on men, harming self-esteem and relationships.

Early intervention through lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and partnered accountability can help reverse arterial damage from diabetes before it becomes irreversible. Open communication with medical providers is crucial, as sexual dysfunction may motivate diabetic men to better manage their overall health and prevent further complications like blindness or amputation. Small sustainable steps can yield major benefits.
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