Dht levels


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been asked before. But does anyone know how long after cream administration would dht stay elevated? I'm trying Injection/cream combo. Was just wondering if I could get away with using the cream on the days I'm not injecting (inject m-w-f)
Probably sounds strange but I've confirmed a few times on 3x a week injections on my off day my t levels drop a good amount. But not really a fan of doing Ed injections. So the little bump in t on my off days would be nice plus I feel like I get a libido boost and more erections from the cream. Let me know if this sounds silly to you guys.
Sorry if this has been asked before. But does anyone know how long after cream administration would dht stay elevated? I'm trying Injection/cream combo. Was just wondering if I could get away with using the cream on the days I'm not injecting (inject m-w-f)
Probably sounds strange but I've confirmed a few times on 3x a week injections on my off day my t levels drop a good amount. But not really a fan of doing Ed injections. So the little bump in t on my off days would be nice plus I feel like I get a libido boost and more erections from the cream. Let me know if this sounds silly to you guys.
Dht will start falling as t falls. All of the various metabolites of dht will also continue to be metabolized. Id say it’s a good idea to use cream daily in morning. Find the lowest effective dose.
Sorry if this has been asked before. But does anyone know how long after cream administration would dht stay elevated? I'm trying Injection/cream combo. Was just wondering if I could get away with using the cream on the days I'm not injecting (inject m-w-f)
Probably sounds strange but I've confirmed a few times on 3x a week injections on my off day my t levels drop a good amount. But not really a fan of doing Ed injections. So the little bump in t on my off days would be nice plus I feel like I get a libido boost and more erections from the cream. Let me know if this sounds silly to you guys.
Please read this thread Pharmacokinetics of testosterone cream applied to scrotal skin. There is a study with graph showing that DHT will stay long time elevated then Testosterone after aplication.
Dht will start falling as t falls. All of the various metabolites of dht will also continue to be metabolized. Id say it’s a good idea to use cream daily in morning. Find the lowest effective dose.
I'm considering trying cream only for a while. Just worried about lack of long term info on full scrotal application
well it turns out scrotal may not be the way to go. Nelso had much better resluts by applying to shoulders and chest. By better i mean higher blood levels.
I think scrotal application is the best bang for the buck cause of highest absorbability for the amount used especially when mixed with DMSO.
Nelson has blood tests comparing scrotal application to shoulder and chest application. The shoulder and chest application absorbed significantly better. I thought scrotal was the best too until I saw that.
Gel/cream should soak into the fat slowly releasing from there. If you apply to scrotal skin it goes "straight to blood" even more so with dmso.
You get a big blast peak with less duration, which may cause additional sides
Nelson has blood tests comparing scrotal application to shoulder and chest application. The shoulder and chest application absorbed significantly better. I thought scrotal was the best too until I saw that.
Interesting seeing this, I have used Pregnenolone cream on forearm, and applying it now on scrotum for the past few weeks, and I believe it works less than before, I just tested my P yesterday, curious to compare labs
I use 100mg now

Notice anything good or bad going to that dose? And do u use it upon waking or before bed? I’ve heard preg can increase cortisol, due to what it can convert into downstream, and I’ve also heard it can decrease cortisol. Do u have any thoughts on which seems to be true. Or at least true for u?
Notice anything good or bad going to that dose? And do u use it upon waking or before bed? I’ve heard preg can increase cortisol, due to what it can convert into downstream, and I’ve also heard it can decrease cortisol. Do u have any thoughts on which seems to be true. Or at least true for u?
compared to forearm application I notice less increased color perception, less energy, less calmness/well being feeling, and less brain function but I noticed I have less anxiety and I don't get as sleepy after lunch, I believe. I have to say I started to use regularly a CPAP machine, about same time I started the scrotal cream, perhaps the less anxiety and drop in energy after lunch comes from using the CPAP machine, and I absorb less Pregnenolone with the cream on scrotum. Lab results are almost ready to compare levels between the two different application sites. My Progesterone result is ready, and again it is at .1, so even scrotal application, like the forearm, did not do anything to increase it. I'm considering maybe to add a Progesterone cream at night, since many had good result on improving sleep quality with it
Interesting seeing this, I have used Pregnenolone cream on forearm, and applying it now on scrotum for the past few weeks, and I believe it works less than before, I just tested my P yesterday, curious to compare labs
@Gman86 just got my Scrotal Pregnenolone labs back, Pregnenolone is at 36ng/dl, compared to 60 ng/dl forearm application, forearm application was twice per day, scrotal once per day, always total of 100mg, Progesterone always low in both trials.
@Gman86 just got my Scrotal Pregnenolone labs back, Pregnenolone is at 36ng/dl, compared to 60 ng/dl forearm application, forearm application was twice per day, scrotal once per day, always total of 100mg, Progesterone always low in both trials.

Thanks for the update. So progesterone didn’t budge at all on topical preg huh? I wonder why that is. Do u think that topical preg just doesn’t convert into prog for some reason? Or maybe all pregnenolone forms don’t convert into prog, and when people talking about how it does, it’s all theoretical? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone’s labs showing an increase in prog levels while using preg. I know Nelson’s labs also showed that the preg he was taking didn’t budge his prog level at all either. He was on oral preg. Someone said it was due to the specific oral form he was on tho. What’s ur thoughts?
@Gman86 just got my Scrotal Pregnenolone labs back, Pregnenolone is at 36ng/dl, compared to 60 ng/dl forearm application, forearm application was twice per day, scrotal once per day, always total of 100mg, Progesterone always low in both trials.

Do u feel any different with the lower preg level while applying it to ur scrotum?
Thanks for the update. So progesterone didn’t budge at all on topical preg huh? I wonder why that is. Do u think that topical preg just doesn’t convert into prog for some reason? Or maybe all pregnenolone forms don’t convert into prog, and when people talking about how it does, it’s all theoretical? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone’s labs showing an increase in prog levels while using preg. I know Nelson’s labs also showed that the preg he was taking didn’t budge his prog level at all either. He was on oral preg. Someone said it was due to the specific oral form he was on tho. What’s ur thoughts?

I was the one mentioning that when Pregnenolone by pass the first pass in the liver does not convert into Progesterone. Cream obviously by pass the first pass in the liver, when I take oral Micronized Pregnenolone my Progesterone always goes from .1 to .7 (LabCorp).
Any chance you could share the link to Nelson discussing that? I'm quite interested.

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