Back story, Vince. My urologist started me at 200 mg, weekly, eight weeks ago, and I suggested 30 mg, daily. I'm apparently an aromatase machine. Quickly, I gained 13 pounds and my weight is already too high for me. Pre T was 155 and 6 years ago, 137. I wasn't physically feeling good injecting 30 mg every day due to bloat, so I figured 22 mg, daily, would give me 154 mg, weekly. He was okay with that. The following are my recent labs, run through LabCorp.
TT - >1500 ng/dL
Free T - 50.0 pg/mL (6.6-18.1)
DHT - 91 ng/dL (30-85)
E2 - 60 (He was busy and didn't use the extra sensitive code. But I believe it's significantly elevated.)
PSA 3.2 ng/mL
Hemoglobin - 13.8 g/dL (13.0-17.7)
Hematocrit - 42.3 (37.5-51.0)
As for how I'm functioning, sexually, after being on injections for a couple of weeks, when I'd snuggle with my wife, I was getting waves of erections, some strong, some half staff, but I didn't feel confident to try sex and its been dry spell of a decade due to ED, compounded by my untreatable bipolar illness, sleep problems and unrelated problems between my wife and me. I am experiencing nocturnal erections two or three nights per week, sometimes several per night. Desire is most definitely improved and she and I spend more time hugging and kissing. I also notice women when I'm out and about. Both my urologist and primary concur that it could take months to see more consistent erectile function.
We're going back to Florida for the winter and I've found a urologist who prescribes TRT to monitor me and fine tune the protocol if need be. I'm certainly open to using a PDE-5 inhibitor but given my poor track record with side effects from most psych meds, I would prefer to wait and see if time, alone, will bring about improvements in erectile function. My experiment with intranasal DHEA is to assess whether it will aid in getting my erections back.
I follow your posts and you seem to be doing good with your dosing and ancillaries. Success stories give me hope that I can eventually resume being sexually confident and functional.