I too endured night sweats like this a few years ago, my sweats turned out to be a diverticulitis infection that almost claimed my life due to going sepsis. I would awake in a puddle of sweat almost nightly, despite room temperature. Then after months of night sweats, I “thought” I developed the Flu due to severe body aches, diarrhea, severe stomach cramps/pain, chills, fever, etc…..I was bed ridden and pumping myself with TheraFlu and rest all while enduring waves of chest pain.
After 48 hours of these symptoms, I drove myself to the hospital to discover I was hours/less than a day away from checking out of this world due to diverticulitis endured sepsis……2 weeks in the hospital with IV antibiotic cocktails around the clock, I was released. Took me about a year to get the lower GI system normal and I occasionally have discomfort and flair ups, but my doctor told me that night sweats are a huge indication that something is not right within your body.
Your sweats may truly be related to room temperatures and/or your personal physiology, however I just wanted to share my thoughts and encourage you to seek medical advice if this persists…….especially if the sweats are not something you have always dealt with in the past.
Cheers and Best Wishes!
Doug (AKA-FullAuto)