Defy Shipping/Order Processing - Gotta be better


What is going on with @Defy shipping/order processing? Placed an order 8 days ago and still has not even shipped yet let alone delivered but I was invoiced already. Customer service/admin team - No real help anymore. I love Dr. Saya but maybe Defy getting too big too fast? What a terrible customer experience with administrative staff (Melia) not even interested in helping solve problems just full of excuses. I realize it could be an Empower pharmacy issue but still Defy is the face to the patient. No resolution or assistance. What a shame.

Anyone else having these issues?
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand how important it is for us to communicate effectively and provide updates on the status of your order.

As for your experience with Patient Services, it's unfortunate to hear that you haven't received the assistance you were hoping for and we can assure you that we will look into it.

When you have a moment, can you please email [email protected] and I can pull up your information and we will work toward an appropriate resolution.

Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and we appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve our services.
What is going on with @Defy shipping/order processing? Placed an order 8 days ago and still has not even shipped yet let alone delivered but I was invoiced already. Customer service/admin team - No real help anymore. I love Dr. Saya but maybe Defy getting too big too fast? What a terrible customer experience with administrative staff (Melia) not even interested in helping solve problems just full of excuses. I realize it could be an Empower pharmacy issue but still Defy is the face to the patient. No resolution or assistance. What a shame.

Anyone else having these issues?

Been with Defy 6 years. I've learned to order about a month in advance because of the time it takes to fulfill orders.

And yes, Saya is a gem, but dealing with support staff can be hit or miss.
What is going on with @Defy shipping/order processing? Placed an order 8 days ago and still has not even shipped yet let alone delivered but I was invoiced already. Customer service/admin team - No real help anymore. I love Dr. Saya but maybe Defy getting too big too fast? What a terrible customer experience with administrative staff (Melia) not even interested in helping solve problems just full of excuses. I realize it could be an Empower pharmacy issue but still Defy is the face to the patient. No resolution or assistance. What a shame.

Anyone else having these issues?
Been my experience lately too. I've got a post on here someplace about mysterious charges in my cart and the frustration and aggravation trying to get somebody to deal with that. I finally did get it cleared up (if their website truly is fixed as they claim), but I was completely taken aback with their cavalier attitude - they adjusted the charges, but nobody seemed remotely concerned that there were charges they could see that I couldn't and that the arithmetic for the items in the cart did not match the cart's total.

Also, while I know it's not strictly Defy, I ran into a new problem ordering BAC water through their website. I use a lot of peptides, so I go through a lot of BAC water, and I normally order a half-dozen of those 30ml bottles on a semi-regular basis. My order last month resulted in a call from Defy/Tiffany, on behalf of the pharmacy (I don't remember which one) wanting to know why I was ordering so much BAC water...the same kind of order that shows up multiple times in my order history. I explained why, and she took that explanation back to said pharmacy.

However, it would appear somebody's conscience has gotten the better of them and said pharmacy has decided to sacrifice profits in order to engage in the heretofore largely ignored nationwide epidemic of BAC water abuse. Tiffany called back to let me know that said pharmacy will no longer "...sell BAC water by itself...".

I indicated I didn't have a pharmacy preference for BAC water and asked if she could switch my order to the other pharmacy. Again, I don't remember which was which. Tiffany was out in front of me on this, trying to do the right customer service thing, and had already checked. The other pharmacy would sell BAC water alone, but they had eliminated the 30ml bottles and only sold 10ml bottles now, although they kept the same price...effectively tripling the price. I applaud them - that should markedly cut into rampant BAC water addiction. Tiffany inquired if I still wanted my order (at triple the price), and I declined. I asked her if there was any way Defy might engage the pharmacies to roll back these changes, which netted me a negative response.

All joking aside, I realize it's not Defy selling those supplies, but they are providing a largely captured and very profitable customer base to Empower and Hallandale, and it feels like Defy could step up on our behalf and exert some influence in these situations - "Take care of our patients or we'll find somebody else...".

Even after all that, a month later Defy's website still shows 30ml BAC bottles available from both pharmacies. Don't get me started on website problems...

As others have stated, I really like Dr. Saya, but all the other issues are starting to overwhelm that.
Been with Defy 6 years. I've learned to order about a month in advance because of the time it takes to fulfill orders.

And yes, Saya is a gem, but dealing with support staff can be hit or miss.
I’ve never had any issues before and absolutely love the service that Defy provides, but my recent order has seen issues(as well as my wife who just placed her first order a few weeks ago). How do you manage to order early?

I received a reminder email on the 14th of March letting me know my prescription was ready to be reordered. Filled my cart and checked out, only to have them follow up the next day and say I couldn’t place my order until March 26th. No worries, I just cleared the cart and waited to reorder. Placed my order in the 27th, was charged on the 28th, and still no word on shipment. My wife had similar delays and even had issues setting up her spot.(scheduled it only to have them follow up to let her know the spot wasn’t available twice).

I’ve been with Defy long enough to give them the benefit of the doubt, and absolutely love what they did to resolve issues with the changes to HCG supplies. That alone is worth a lot to me and makes me a loyal customer for now. But for anyone who is experiencing these types of issues as their first impression of Defy is not going to be impressed and I’m sure they will lose a substantial amount of patients if these things continue for an extended period of time.
Seems like everyone has become spoiled.

We need to be reminded - Defy is providing service and access that just a few years back was not even imaginable. To get your doc to prescribe Oxandrolone, Nandrolone, etc. etc. from the pharmacy? Hello? Did everyone forget just a few short years ago this was not even a thought?

I'd gladly wait 2-3 weeks for my order to come from a legit pharmacy instead of some underground operation.

Defy - I'm a patient and yes this poster DOES have a point, shipping has slowed down. Regardless, we're all thankful to have access to safe care and also a safe approach to bettering our life quality.
I get the UPS notification. Constantly updating where my products are. So I never have any issues or concerns. Actually I have testosterone being delivered today at the UPS store. That's where I have my UPS deliveries sent to.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your feedback helps us to improve our processes and provide better service to our patients. To address these concerns, we kindly request that you send an email to [email protected] so that we may reply to each issue individually and with the patient's privacy as a top priority. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
I've never had an issue with Defy that I couldn't work out over the phone, and with their expanded customer service hours they made it even more convenient.

Certain issues that I've experienced, but were all worked out.
I've had the email stating "Your medication is ready to be refilled" issue several times. This has been due to ambiguity of the message (e.g., The message was really for Oxandrolone but never stated that in the message, but I tried to order Testosterone which wasn't due for another couple weeks.).

My Cart - I've had issues several times with My Shopping Cart, but once I figured out what was going on it was easy to fix. Whenever I have a consult, they take whatever I'm able to be prescribed and prefill my cart with those items. Then I get the phone call or message asking me if I need any assistance, which I may not be home for. I just have to review my shopping cart, remove the items I don't want, and add the ones I do. It's a minor hassle.

Not being able to order meds that I know I'm allowed to order - There were some changes recently to how Defy controls what you can select to put in your cart, which I'm sure is necessary to keep regulators happy. Some meds weren't registered as being allowed, even though they were in my consult notes. I just made a phone call each time, and within 15 minutes the whole issue was resolved, to include my order being processed while I was on the phone.

Processing Time - It seems like there may be a few more days of "limbo" where Defy is working on the order before I get the message that it's being processed by the pharmacy, but I haven't experienced anything bad enough to get mad about. To be honest I've had far more issues/frustrations related to prescription refills with my family doctor, insurance company, and mainstream pharmacy, than I've ever had with Defy.

Ordering BAC water for peptides - This one is pretty clear. BAC water is only supposed to be provided in quantities sufficient to reconstitute the meds we are being prescribed at the time. It's an invalid argument to think Empower is going to provide a bunch of 30mL BAC water containers so they can be used to inject research peptides that are illegal to inject or that were bought from an oversees pharmacy without a prescription. The DEA and Big Pharma have their sights set on running companies like Defy and Empower out of business, and they are just looking for an excuse. We should do everything we can to help Defy not give them one.
I have no issue with Defy and am very thankful for the service that they've provided me over the past 5 years. I'd be screwed without them. The few minor issues I've had pale in comparison to the problems I've experienced with mainstream healthcare. For example I was getting HCG through my endo and my insurance decided to stop covering it. It took a year of fighting and I had to get off testosterone to prove I was hypogonadal for a second time in order for my insurance to cover it again. In the mean time I was able to make one phone call to Defy and they added it to my prescriptions so I could order it through them.

If there's one thing I've learned since starting TRT it's that you need to build a safety stock and expect setbacks. Whether it's shipping or processing delays, shortages, insurance issues, etc. there will always be something that comes up and throws a wrench in our protocols.

Always refill early if possible, use a little less medication once in a while and never waste anything. Calendar reminders are a great way to ensure you're never late for a refill. You'll have a nice buffer in no time.
I've never had an issue with Defy that I couldn't work out over the phone, and with their expanded customer service hours they made it even more convenient.

Certain issues that I've experienced, but were all worked out.
I've had the email stating "Your medication is ready to be refilled" issue several times. This has been due to ambiguity of the message (e.g., The message was really for Oxandrolone but never stated that in the message, but I tried to order Testosterone which wasn't due for another couple weeks.).

My Cart - I've had issues several times with My Shopping Cart, but once I figured out what was going on it was easy to fix. Whenever I have a consult, they take whatever I'm able to be prescribed and prefill my cart with those items. Then I get the phone call or message asking me if I need any assistance, which I may not be home for. I just have to review my shopping cart, remove the items I don't want, and add the ones I do. It's a minor hassle.

Not being able to order meds that I know I'm allowed to order - There were some changes recently to how Defy controls what you can select to put in your cart, which I'm sure is necessary to keep regulators happy. Some meds weren't registered as being allowed, even though they were in my consult notes. I just made a phone call each time, and within 15 minutes the whole issue was resolved, to include my order being processed while I was on the phone.

Processing Time - It seems like there may be a few more days of "limbo" where Defy is working on the order before I get the message that it's being processed by the pharmacy, but I haven't experienced anything bad enough to get mad about. To be honest I've had far more issues/frustrations related to prescription refills with my family doctor, insurance company, and mainstream pharmacy, than I've ever had with Defy.

Ordering BAC water for peptides - This one is pretty clear. BAC water is only supposed to be provided in quantities sufficient to reconstitute the meds we are being prescribed at the time. It's an invalid argument to think Empower is going to provide a bunch of 30mL BAC water containers so they can be used to inject research peptides that are illegal to inject or that were bought from an oversees pharmacy without a prescription. The DEA and Big Pharma have their sights set on running companies like Defy and Empower out of business, and they are just looking for an excuse. We should do everything we can to help Defy not give them one.
"BAC water is only supposed to be provided in quantities sufficient to reconstitute the meds we are being prescribed at the time." Show me where this is specified. I've done this many times without so much as a question, both through Defy and from other online pharmacies. I think we should be holding Defy to their previously high(er) standards, not making excuses for them.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your feedback helps us to improve our processes and provide better service to our patients. To address these concerns, we kindly request that you send an email to [email protected] so that we may reply to each issue individually and with the patient's privacy as a top priority. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
if the DEA implements the "soft ban" on telemedicine what will the new method look like at Defy?
Found this thread after a quick search, and at east I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one. Ordered my meds 11 days ago and still "processing".

I guess it's a lesson learned and I need to order much earlier.
What is going on with @Defy shipping/order processing? Placed an order 8 days ago and still has not even shipped yet let alone delivered but I was invoiced already. Customer service/admin team - No real help anymore. I love Dr. Saya but maybe Defy getting too big too fast? What a terrible customer experience with administrative staff (Melia) not even interested in helping solve problems just full of excuses. I realize it could be an Empower pharmacy issue but still Defy is the face to the patient. No resolution or assistance. What a shame.

Anyone else having these issues?
I agree the processing and shipping times have gotten ridiculously long. It's not just with Empower because my Semaglutide order from Hallandale is delayed as well. While I'd hate to order from random Peptide bros I'm leaning that way both for speed and price.
Ok guys. I'm now in the group of people waiting on who knows what for empower to get their crap together.

Can we just call Defy, get our money back, have them call in a prescription to a local pharmacy, use our insurance and get our testosterone that way?
Ok guys. I'm now in the group of people waiting on who knows what for empower to get their crap together.

Can we just call Defy, get our money back, have them call in a prescription to a local pharmacy, use our insurance and get our testosterone that way?
That's what I do. They charge a $30 admin fee to call prescriptions in to local pharmacies, but that's per call, ie, if you have three prescriptions called in to the same pharmacy at the same time, it's $30 total. Three scripts to different pharmacies or at different times, it would be $90. My health insurance covered my Test, so it ended up being $15 per vial. If your insurance doesn't, check GoodRx - they were nearly as good as my health insurance in my area at my pharmacies.
I always pay for the fastest shipping/processing so I assumed this wouldn't affect me but my last order has been well over 4-5 days estimate. I thought maybe Monday was Easter observed so it didn't count as a business day but it's not. Monday was a business day. I ran out of 1 of my meds. The label was finally created today.
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