Defy Patients: Happy With Compounding Pharmacy?


Quick Question for Current Defy Patients:

On my journey of TRT, I have tried Pfizer's Depo Testosterone cypionate, Perrigo's generic test cyp, and recently test cyp from a local compounding pharmacy. I felt great on the first 2. The compounded testosterone not so much. It just felt weaker and not as effective. I'm strongly considering switching to Defy, and I know they use compounding pharmacies. Anyone currently with Defy ever taken Depo or Perrigo testosterone? Do you feel any different taking Defy's compounded testosterone? I'm hoping my local compounding pharmacy is just crap, and the one's Defy uses are much more reputable. Thanks
Quick Question for Current Defy Patients:

On my journey of TRT, I have tried Pfizer's Depo Testosterone cypionate, Perrigo's generic test cyp, and recently test cyp from a local compounding pharmacy. I felt great on the first 2. The compounded testosterone not so much. It just felt weaker and not as effective. I'm strongly considering switching to Defy, and I know they use compounding pharmacies. Anyone currently with Defy ever taken Depo or Perrigo testosterone? Do you feel any different taking Defy's compounded testosterone? I'm hoping my local compounding pharmacy is just crap, and the one's Defy uses are much more reputable. Thanks

Were all your doses the same? Labs the same? Protocol the same? If there was any variable, then subjective response is not comparable.

A lot of the time when people claim a drug isn't as effective, due to brand or something changing, it's entirely due to the person. I'm not saying it's your fault, but think of all the variables that go into how you feel on any given day, weather, work, stress, and how you slept, but generally people ignore these variables and attribute changes to a medication.
How did the different brands of testosterone "feel weaker" from one another? That's not an attack, it's an honest question. I raise it because, as johndoesmith remarked, variations in daily routine are such that it would be a challenge for most of us to draw such a conclusion.
Thanks for the input guys. I have a local GP who is my age(36), and fairly open to whatever TRT protocol I want to run. My testosterone is covered by my insurance so it's fairly cheap. I just get the feeling that he doesn't know much about TRT other than the basics. I'm intrigued by the expertise and positive reviews of Dr Saya/Defy. I'm just on the fence about what to do. On one hand I have a friendly local doctor prescribing testosterone covered by insurance who doesn't know much about TRT. So, in essence, I would be leading the way on protocol changes. On the other hand, I have the option of Defy with expert care yet it would probably be more expensive and long distance through telemedicine. Decisions...decisions...
Thanks for the input guys. I have a local GP who is my age(36), and fairly open to whatever TRT protocol I want to run. My testosterone is covered by my insurance so it's fairly cheap. I just get the feeling that he doesn't know much about TRT other than the basics. I'm intrigued by the expertise and positive reviews of Dr Saya/Defy. I'm just on the fence about what to do. On one hand I have a friendly local doctor prescribing testosterone covered by insurance who doesn't know much about TRT. So, in essence, I would be leading the way on protocol changes. On the other hand, I have the option of Defy with expert care yet it would probably be more expensive and long distance through telemedicine. Decisions...decisions...

Or, you consult with Dr. Saya or Defy while receiving treatment through your local physician.

I would highly highly recommend not guiding your own protocol, not to be rude, but if you have misconceptions that brand of testosterone is causing you to feel better or worse, while not considering all the other things that may be contributing, you are not ready to self-direct.

Plus, there's a reason that doctors still go to doctors, it's about objectivity, being a third party who isn't emotionally impacted by the lab results, and asking an expert like Dr. Saya, Dr. Calkins, or Melissa who've seen thousands of cases what they think.

Plus, I know how low test guys can be sometimes, when something goes wrong this primal feeling of panic sets in, and at that point all rationality goes out the window. You're in caveman mode, and interpreting complex hormonal systems is just not feasible. You want to talk to someone else.
Thanks for the input guys. I have a local GP who is my age(36), and fairly open to whatever TRT protocol I want to run. My testosterone is covered by my insurance so it's fairly cheap. I just get the feeling that he doesn't know much about TRT other than the basics. I'm intrigued by the expertise and positive reviews of Dr Saya/Defy. I'm just on the fence about what to do. On one hand I have a friendly local doctor prescribing testosterone covered by insurance who doesn't know much about TRT. So, in essence, I would be leading the way on protocol changes. On the other hand, I have the option of Defy with expert care yet it would probably be more expensive and long distance through telemedicine. Decisions...decisions... want Defy-level advice that others have paid for because your doctor, who is fairly open to "whatever TRT protocol" you want run, doesn't really know much about androgen management, is a nice guy, and costs you very little, will follow your lead.

Few would maintain their cars in this fashion, relying on advice that third parties provided that had been gleaned from their more qualified technicians/mechanics. But our own health and well being we nickel and dime. I'd urge you to rethink your approach for your long-term health. want Defy-level advice that others have paid for because your doctor, who is fairly open to "whatever TRT protocol" you want run, doesn't really know much about androgen management, is a nice guy, and costs you very little, will follow your lead.

Few would maintain their cars in this fashion, relying on advice that third parties provided that had been gleaned from their more qualified technicians/mechanics. But our own health and well being we nickel and dime. I'd urge you to rethink your approach for your long-term health.

I definitely never thought of it that way, at the time when I was considering defy, I had a $700 car repair and never once considered to do the work myself.

When it came to a $250 consult? I did consider going rogue.
I've used many compounders via Defy, and much prefer Empower...they're amazing. A good second would be APS. But never Hallandale. Go for Empower, they're just the best all around and they're even better now that they're in their new facility. Can't go wrong with them.
All I can get is Hallandale, APS can't ship injectables to missouri at this time, I haven't asked about Empower for myself. But my only gripe is that I don't experience that the vials are being overfilled as they claim in order to account for any loss. I use the U100 insulin syringe that has little to no deadspace and I still only get exactly the number of doses that I'm supposed too. They claim it's overfilled by as much as 1mL but that's not my experience but i get what I pay for so I have no room to gripe.
All I can get is Hallandale, APS can't ship injectables to missouri at this time, I haven't asked about Empower for myself. But my only gripe is that I don't experience that the vials are being overfilled as they claim in order to account for any loss. I use the U100 insulin syringe that has little to no deadspace and I still only get exactly the number of doses that I'm supposed too. They claim it's overfilled by as much as 1mL but that's not my experience but i get what I pay for so I have no room to gripe.

Definitely ask for Empower. That's one reason I don't like Hallandale...I've tracked bottles from them and always ended up with fewer injections per bottle than even the pharmacist there agreed I should be getting. So now I ALWAYS request Empower. I'm tracking theirs too and so far I'm getting what I should out of them.
Ill do that I had been asking for APS but they stopped shipping to Missouri, and I'd swear Defy replied that Hallandale was my only option. Hallandales Cyp is also harder to inject (seems thicker to me). Right now I'm tracking a vial and I'm looking at getting just the 5mL of injections out of it. Ive tracked Hallandale before and not gotten the "overfil" that they claim.
I don't like how Hallandale's vials are different in that you have to pry up a metal tab instead of just popping off a plastic cap. Every time I went to wipe the top with with an alcohol pad, I was just waiting for it to cut my finger. I've requested that everything come from Empower now. They are licensed in all 50 states. And after seeing their facility in person there is nowhere else I'd rather have my medications come from.
I'm with Defy and I get my T from Empower and my HCG from Hallandale. The reason I get HCG from them instead of Empower is I like that they give two bottles divided 5000 and 6000. Empower gives one bottle only. The fresher the better and If I am traveling I'd rather take one unsealed bottle with me.

I concur: Hallandale test cyp is most definitely thicker. The time to draw it up is significantly longer in my 29 gauge insulin needle. Empower flows much quicker. It takes me about 45 seconds for drawing Empower versus over 2 minutes for Hallandale.

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