I have tested every protocol and every ester during the last 5 years.
I get the best results with daily Sustanon hands down (10mg/day). Libido, energy, drive....
How often have we read of people here on the forum feeling great when switching from long to short ester and vice versa. Just for the results to fade within 2-3 days.
It's the mix of short and long esters in my opinion.
I get very strong DHT conversion on Propionate and Phenylpropionate. Too strong. My Estradiol goes very low, skin gets dry, a bit joint pain and there is too much fluctuation during the day. Still as a solo solution I prefer Prop over longer ester or even cream.
When I take long ester solo I get very strong estradiol conversion that outweighs many of the TRT benefits. I would have to take AI which is an nightmare by itself. I think one needs to balance estradiol via ester / injection fequency and dosing, not via AI.
Let's enter Sustanon, the short ester with high DHT conversion seem to balance the higher estradiol conversion from the longer ester. At the same time the fluctuation with daily injections is not too high.
Here's the kicker: When I do the normal once a week Sustanon protocol or even EOD and I get less optimal results. I most certainly need the daily Prop. Remember that Prop has a half-life of 0.8 days, when doing small injections it's probably even lower at 0.4-0.5 days. Means on day two the Prop is all gone, some Phenylprop is left but the longer ester are now dominant.
Will it work for everybody? Most certainly not, there seems to be a high variance how individuals react to certain ester. Though I think we should look more into Sustanon, its a bit neglected here on the forum.