No I don't worry about it. The leftover amount (if any) is tiny in the BD syringes that I use.For guys that do very small daily doses, do you consider the amount wasted in the needle? I’m currently taking a break and have been on Natesto for a little over a week. Not sure if I’m gonna stick with it or go back to a smaller, daily dose than I was on before. If I were to do 6 to 8 mg, the amount of actual testosterone will be less than that plus wastage.
I know there is some information on wastage and insulin needles around here somewhere. I’ll go ahead and look it up, but just wondering if any of you guys microdosing take this into consideration when calculating how much you are actually injecting?
Daily SUBQers: 5 stars for BD Ultra-Fine Insulin Syringe - 31G 3/10cc 5/16"
Like many on here, I started with harpoon needles from my general physician and then graduated (mercifully) to 29 gauge x 1/2 fixed insulin needles for shallow IM thanks to the advice of this forum. A year ago I moved on to low dose daily SUBQ and began using 31 gauge x 5/16. For insulin...

Some say not to squeeze the plunger when finishing injection because it creates suction on the injection site. I do generally try to avoid that and as a result, there is sometimes a drop left over, but its nothing in the scheme of things.
I'm on 7mg Cyp/Prop blend these days using Cat's 4:3 ratio (Cyp 4mg / Prop 3mg)