Wow! Everything you ever wanted to know. I'm an ADC fan. I suggest you find one of these that works for you and stick with them. You are going to be having more sex, hopefully, when the cost is lower, so convenient suppliers makes it easier.
For sex, nothing is better than sildenafil for me. It's not always as convenient as tadalafil, so low dose daily cialis keeps you ready and 50 viagra when you can and your sex life will be optimized. There is also a lot of health benefits from low dose daily cialis. Besides prostate health, low dose has given me lower body fat and increased vascularity that I haven't had in years.I've read that it lowers estrogen, but have no way of knowing if this is true for me. I read about these benefits here from some of the more experienced members and have found it to be true.
Jay Campbell, author of The Definitive Testosterone Therapy Manual, stated last week on his podcast he is working on a book about the health benefits of daily cialis, low dose. Should be interesting.