Cynical Men Die Faster of Cardiovascular Disease

Nelson Vergel

High levels of cynical distrust partly predict premature mortality in middle-aged to ageing men.

Šmigelskas K, et al. J Behav Med. 2017.

Šmigelskas K1, Joffė R2, Jonynienė J2, Julkunen J3, Kauhanen J4.
Author information
1Department of Health Psychology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania. [email protected].
2Department of Health Psychology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania.
3Institute of Behavioral Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
4Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.
J Behav Med. 2017 Feb 10. doi: 10.1007/s10865-017-9834-2. [Epub ahead of print]


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cynical distrust on mortality in middle-aged and aging men. The analysis is based on Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease study, follow-up from 1984 to 2011. Sample consisted of 2682 men, aged 42-61 years at baseline. Data on mortality was provided by the National Death Registry, causes of death were classified by the National Center of Statistics of Finland. Cynical distrust was measured at baseline using Cynical Distrust Scale. Survival analyses were conducted using Cox regression models. In crude estimates after 28 years of follow-up, high cynical distrust was associated with 1.5-1.7 higher hazards for earlier death compared to low cynical distrust. Adjusted for conventional risk factors, high cynical distrust was significantly associated regarding CVD-free men and CVD mortality, while non-CVD mortality in study sample was consistently but not significantly associated. The risk effects were more expressed after 12-20 years rather than in earlier or later follow-up. To conclude, high cynical distrust associates with increased risk of CVD mortality in CVD-free men. The associations with non-CVD mortality are weaker and not reach statistical significance.
My low T brain fog is extra thick today. Why am I reading this as people who have developed a cynical distrust did it by choice. I say this because I am pretty sure I have cynical distrust and it was not a choice and takes extreme self control with self talk to fight it every day.

IMO, Anyone with compassion for his fellow man and who has witnessed enough hardships, personal and on others in 50 or 60 years of life will develop some level of cynicism what is the alternative? narcissism
Registered cynic here

As the famous psychologist said "Pessimists usually have a more accurate take on reality but optimists live longer"

Studies tend confirm that. Improving/changing your outlook on things damn near impossible for most and those that do, it's a constant battle that takes work.
Temperament is something that none of us sit down and design, or so I've come to believe after 59 years. I am rarely cynical, but deserve no credit or condemnation for that. I can't explain it, as I've had my share of grief and loss. I certainly agree that making any significant change is challenging, terribly so.

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