Current TRT Protocol 85mg E6D, thyroid?

Ok. Thank you all for your response. It is a big help. If I only wanted to inject HCG 2x a week, is it best to inject with the t on the same days? In other words 250 HCG plus 50 mg t every 3.5 days. Or something like 50mg sat am, 50 mg Tues pm, Thur 250. Fri 250?

Also I just started HCG injections and I get a metallic taste in mouth for several hours on those days. Is this ok?

Thanks again.
Ok. Thank you all for your response. It is a big help. If I only wanted to inject HCG 2x a week, is it best to inject with the t on the same days? In other words 250 HCG plus 50 mg t every 3.5 days. Or something like 50mg sat am, 50 mg Tues pm, Thur 250. Fri 250?

Also I just started HCG injections and I get a metallic taste in mouth for several hours on those days. Is this ok?

Thanks again.
if your not going to put the hcg and test in the same syringe, the typical protocol on 2x/weekly regimen would be hcg 24 hours before each test shot.
So it looks like starting HCG has put my e2 over the top. Couldnt even sleep last night. Orgasm produced whiter than usual semen and clumpy, very low volume. heart race. Bloat, though I was already getting bloat without HCG (my e2 was already high normal at 34). 34 was when I was basically injecting weekly.

Is it better to introduce an AI or dont do HCG (250 iu 2x a week day before T injection)? I may end up needing AI without HCG anyway. BTW am now doing 50mg T 2x a week.

I did go for labs today to confirm high e2. I took my HCG shot Monday and worst day was yesterday (Tuesday).

Thanks for your time.
So it looks like starting HCG has put my e2 over the top. Couldnt even sleep last night. Orgasm produced whiter than usual semen and clumpy, very low volume. heart race. Bloat, though I was already getting bloat without HCG (my e2 was already high normal at 34). 34 was when I was basically injecting weekly.

Is it better to introduce an AI or dont do HCG (250 iu 2x a week day before T injection)? I may end up needing AI without HCG anyway. BTW am now doing 50mg T 2x a week.

I did go for labs today to confirm high e2. I took my HCG shot Monday and worst day was yesterday (Tuesday).

Thanks for your time.

HCG has drastically increased my semen volume. Obviously everyone is different but 250iu x2 is barely going to keep things going down there. If you have been doing T for a while without HCG then after just a few doses I wonder if anything is even starting to "wake up" down there.
Which Day when e2 is highest

I looked around but can't seem to find the answer. I want to draw labs the day e2 would be the highest. Which day? I inject only t E3.5 and take dex on day of infection.
I looked around but can't seem to find the answer. I want to draw labs the day e2 would be the highest. Which day? I inject only t E3.5 and take dex on day of infection.
E follows T - an absolute rule. Test all your lab values when you are in your trough in regard to testosterone; when your testosterone is at trough your estradiol is unlikely to have begun its descent. It's a reliable way to see the entire picture.
With regards to your thyroid numbers, I would suggest reading Ksman's thyroid stickies over at Tnation. He usually suggests taking oral body temps twice a day. First one immediately upon waking, and one in the afternoon without eating drinking, or talking for 30 minutes.

He also routinely suggests iodine deficiency could be the cause of sub clinical hypothyroidism, and I have been supplementing iodine for a few months low in low doses. I'm hoping to re-test in a couple of months to see if it has made any difference.

What units were used for your rt3 numbers?
Thanks. I am on that thread as well.
I actually tried 50-60 mg iodine for about 7 days.
There are some days I get to 98.6 some not.
My recent free t3 was 3.3 which is good but tsh still 2.66. I think it's related to still not having stable hormone levels.

Rt3 Ng/dl
Okay, my TSH is the same at 2.6, but ft4 is 1.34 and ft3 is 4.0 for me. I have yet to test rt3 but I will soon.

I agree I think it has something to do with the lack of stability. I need to do a few more hours of research myself. Did you test your TSH during the iodine supplementation or shortly afterwards? I've seen some guys post labs when supplementing and their TSH goes way up temporarily. If you did not experience this, perhaps absorption was an issue with the supplement you took?
I will attach my updated chart for those tracking. the 2/21 draw was after HCG and 50 mg T. I have since eliminated the HCG, only did 4 injections, it just made my e2 symptoms go to high. So now its 50 mg e3.5 and .25 dex with injections. I started the dex after the 2/21 draw and feel so much better.
Will draw blood in 2 weeks to see if I need to adjust dex dose. It appears i have bad symptoms with my e2 over 30, may need to be in the low 20s.

As far as i know I grew up with iodide salt, My mom always used it. I would need to go look at my other thread to see when I did the IR. But i dont think it did anything. I personally think that on the other forum, they push for iodine replacement way to much.
On my next draw I will also do Reverse t3, only did that once. IMG_2081.webp
Okay, my TSH is the same at 2.6, but ft4 is 1.34 and ft3 is 4.0 for me. I have yet to test rt3 but I will soon.

I agree I think it has something to do with the lack of stability. I need to do a few more hours of research myself. Did you test your TSH during the iodine supplementation or shortly afterwards? I've seen some guys post labs when supplementing and their TSH goes way up temporarily. If you did not experience this, perhaps absorption was an issue with the supplement you took?

Just FYI if I read you correctly there but RT3 can't be run as a standalone test, has to be run with the whole Thyroid panel.
Well I managed to crash my e2. Actually took .5 arimidex this morning right before I saw the labs. :rage:
Here are my numbers in 50 mg subq injection 2x a week = 100 a week. .25 ai at time of injection except this morning I took .50
Took labs morning of injection on 3/13.

TT 669 (264-916)
Bioavailable t 27% (9-46)
Direct T 15 (6.8-21.5)
Calculated 14.6 ng/dL = 2.18 %
E2 sensitive 8.8 (8-35)
Shbg 27.8
Albumin 5.1
TSH 3.4
free t4 1.02 (.82-1.77)
Free t3 3.3 (2-4.4)
Reverse t3 10.6 (9.2-24.1)
Plan - stop ai for 4 weeks and see my labs again to see if e2 goes back up to the low 30s where I dont feel good. Then maybe I need to microdose an ai?? But maybe it will maintain in the 20,s. Or do I lower t dose in 4 weeks if e2 in the 30s?

Its funny wife said yesterday my breasts were gone. Must be the low e2. When I look in the mirror huge difference in my boobs. Flat. Looks good. It seems like I def need e2 in the low 20s.

Thyroid I am utterly confused. my free t3 is very good , rt3 not a problem. So why tsh high? Thank you all

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