crashed E2 or high E2...


hi all, i'm kinda new to all this and i've seen plenty of threads on this topic but i just cannot figure out what happened here.

i messed up my protocol and ran out of cream, i restarted about 20 days later already feeling pretty crappy. but over the week or so applying the cream things stared to improve.

now onto the question of E2. my last lab in August showed E2 at 32 (<29 normal range). which is a little high, but not horrible. my T-numbers were really low. 76 (110 being lowest "normal").

a week into my protocol i got a few pills of AI to take EOD, these were 1mg pills! when i first started TRT in May of this year I also took a few pills over the course of a about a month. Also starting with 1mg every other day. I didn't experience any symptoms back then and my E2 at that point was pretty much at the same place 33 (<29 normal range).

as of last week i took 2mg in total and not going to take any AI ever again. after i took that second pill 2 days apart from the first... that same day i got hit with nasty anxiety, insomnia and depression. barely hanging on by a thread. constantly on the verge of tears, no action downstairs, i.e. complete loss of erection... i'm not even trying.

my theory is that i crashed my E2 and since today is only 14th day of TRT cream i simply didn't build up enough reserves and the two mg of AI were enough to crash the number, which wasn't that high at all.

do you think this makes sense? is there anything i can do other than wait to recover? things are getting so bad that i'm sleeping a few hours at most and can barely walk at this point. any help / tips /advice would be much appreciated.
2mg is a monstrous dose, 1mg at a time is a monster dose, for TRT. based on what you wrote you started an AI because of a number on a piece of paper, you saw a number you thought was higher than you think it's supposed to be. Never an advisable strategy with Estrogen, for the most part. Absent negative symptoms you never use an AI and decrease E.
2mg is a monstrous dose, 1mg at a time is a monster dose, for TRT. based on what you wrote you started an AI because of a number on a piece of paper, you saw a number you thought was higher than you think it's supposed to be. Never an advisable strategy with Estrogen, for the most part. Absent negative symptoms you never use an AI and decrease E.

the thing is i had similar symptoms, but much much lighter. and when i first started TRT in May of this year we did a similar approach (although I don't understand how i could've handled that dose without a problem really). so the main reason i got AI again, was because of extra anxiety and depression .. but that was probably me still recovering from low T, rather than high E2.

sounds like i really f'd this one up. so since Monday i couldn't sleep or eat, throwing up .. just constant panic and depression. is there anything that can help?
tonight i woke up in cold sweat again... was about to dial 911. i hope this is not life threatening. i guess it's just after 4 days of insomnia, serious depression and anxiety i don't have much fight left in me. can't even walk to the bathroom, without feeling like i am about to faint.
It definitely sounds like you crashed your estradiol levels. It's easy to overdo AIs, I think there's a place for them in trt but need to be used with caution.
Did your doctor prescribe those high doses of AI or was that something that you decided to try on your own? If a doctor prescribed that AI protocol then you MUST find a new doctor.
Did your doctor prescribe those high doses of AI or was that something that you decided to try on your own? If a doctor prescribed that AI protocol then you MUST find a new doctor.

unfortunately it was prescribed by the doc. 1mg EOD mon-fri. that's what it says on the bottle. i took one on Friday and second one on Monday. that's when doo doo hit the fan.
i felt this shit creep up on me, like the flu. that's when i immediately started googling side effects of AI and realized that mistake with the dosage.

i did have pre-existing problem with anxiety/panic and that usually follows by depression/apathy... for me it's a very vicious cycle. so that was one of the reasons we thought that high E2 might need to be brought down. i did the same exact thing back in May and had zero side-effects. I think the difference was that my T-numbers went up, so I couldn't crash E2 as easily.

This time i had low T and almost immediately took AI. big mistake. i get it now. despite all this my doctor is really quite good. he did all the right tests, he explained a variety of protocols the only thing that isn't right is the AI dosage, which is very very unfortunate. I don't understand how he could be so clearly knowledgeable, yet get this one so wrong.

I'm thinking of calling Defy just to talk to someone, but what can they do realistically? is there anything that can get me out of this state of being? ... i keep thinking i have to go to the emergency room, but it's probably just going to be a waste of time and money.
This doctor is dangerous and doesn't have any clue what he/she is doing, you need to be working with someone who know what they are doing. I over-respond to .125 AI which is only a tenth of the dosage you took.

1mg AI EOD is insane!
stop AI ASAP

of course. i have stopped on Monday as soon as I felt all this s*it coming on... i am definitely not taking it anymore.
considering i only took 2 mg in total (2 days apart) how badly could it crash? i really thought that after 4 days i should see a little improvement, but it honestly feels like i'm sliding into a deeper depression.
from what i understand the half-life of Anastrazole is about 50 hours.. so most of it should be gone out of my system by now. it's bizarre that i am feeling this horrible. i guess it takes even longer for e2 to come back up.

my doc is planning to switch me to Testosterone cypionate from the current i am using. do you guys thing it's right move? i'm just really concerned about making major changes and having this all blow out of whack. i wasn't really all that stable before i started the treatment.
I suggest leaving this doctor as well.. most important now for you is to not make things worse..
meanwhile you can read other threads regarding crashed e2

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