I'll try to keep this short. My endo watched my E levels climb and climb and would not do anything about it. Right or wrong, I was convinced that my TRT experience in 2004 as well as this time was not completely successful because I am a high converter. I switched to a clinic to manage my TRT and got Arimidex and HCG. Because of challenges getting blood drawn to get my hematocrit down, the window for this first set of blood work stretched out way too long. My E levels (not sure if the sensitive test) went from way too high based on lab ranges to now off the charts below. The clinic guy acknowledged this and we talked about changing the dose. Major contrast with primary and endo. I think my history does justify managing E, the approach has just been too aggressive for too long. The good news, if there is any, is that I don't think I notice any impact positive or negative to the fluctuation but would still like to find the sweet spot to see if I feel a difference.