Cooper Pharma purity


New Member
Hi all,
First off I want to say that I have loved this forum, Nelson and the mods have been very friendly and helpful with my questions so far. In this post I am inquiring about Alldaychemist and the purity of their products. I have seen studies online stating that tadalafil laced with diabetes meds can cause coma (The dangers of sexual enhancement supplements and counterfeit drugs to “treat” erectile dysfunction), so I'm a bit weary of any overseas pharmacy. I'm even more weary as the previous order of Ceebis I recieved from ADC (which i believe worked well, although I'm taking it for a pump rather than a boner as im 22) shipped out of singapore, one of the two countries mentioned in the study to have laced these two drugs together.
I am young and dont want to put something potentially harmful in my body, but at the same time am willing to hear from those on this forum whether or not they trust ADC or not. I have achieved amazing pumps with very low doses of brand viagra in the past, and have been able to pack on twice the amount of muscle i would have been able to without it. Obviously cant afford brand name viagra being a college student however. I'm hoping that someone out there has done purity testing on ADC's products, specifically their Ceebis. Anectodal reports of its efficacy with orders placed in the past few months would also be great.
Appreciate all responses though,
First off, at 22 you should not be taking pde5 for a pump. No need to and it is obviously causing you some angst. Stop it! As far as the purity, I only order meds from Cooper and have for 3 years. I use Ceebis and Manly, their Cialis and viagra generics. Works as good as the brand name.

At your age, you should be focused on your training and diet. You should get as big and strong as you can and be patient. It will take about 10 years of diligent training to get there. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, and compound movements should be your staple diet. Eat clean, get rest, avoid too much alcohol, pot , and other substances, including PEDs. Going on TRT should not be a concern until at least 40, and even better 50. Performance enhancement is just that, enhancement of something you have built. Many, like myself, worked out years before flipping the enhancement card. It was 49 years for me.

I started in 1967 working out. Dabbled in prohormones in my mid 50s and got on TRT at 62. I can’t think of anyone who was working out with me in the 60s and 70s that is still at it, most are no more in shape that the guys that never touched a weight. Just so you believe me, my avatar picture was taken on my 65th birthday this year. Steady hard workouts based on your stage of life- lift like a maniac till 40, choose your spots till you 50s, continue from there while working around the inevitable injures, dings, and dents you will have and flip the PED card somewhere in the 50 stage. When you do, don’t go overboard. Start 100 mg of testosterone and continue to work.

As far as a pde5, don’t worry when you need that-and you probably will for sex- then take that. Develop sexual relationships that are healthy and use Cialis and Viagra to enhance.someday you’ll be in your 60s and 70s having sex 3 times a week while your current training partners are on statin drugs with fat wives.

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