Clueless Doc


In January (on a Tuesady) I went to my PCM to get my meds refilled and while I was there my NP thought we should run some labs to get an updated baseline which for him means CBC, CMP and testosterone. Now, this guy is pretty clueless when it come to anything hormone replacement. Anyway, my results came back and my total testosterone was 2560 (range 264.0-916.0). When they called to give me the results his first reaction was I'm reducing your dosage which I told him that was a knee jerk reaction and that wasn't happening that something was off on the test, He agreed to retest in March. I only take 30mg on Mondays and Thursdays and 400IU HCG. I will admit I did on occasation bump it to 40mg, but that wasn't the norm, basically when at the bottom of the 1ml testosterone vial. I buy the HCG myself since he decided "In clear conscience I can't keep prescribing you HCG" his words even though my previous Dr that retired was prescribing HCG. And, yes I provided him litature and explained it myself to him the purpose of HCG for me.

I had blood drawn yesterday to retest. I intentially did not inject for 2 weeks. I wanted to see how low it would drop. I received the results this morning and my testosterone was 124 NG/dl. I expected a drop but did think it would drop that far. So my call this morning was we can increase your dosage if you feel we need to. I'm not going to increase my dosage. I feel fine with what I'm doing.

I am curious to what caused it to go so high, or maybe it was just a bad test. Back in 2016 when I started testosterone a different Dr office injected me with to much (2ml) so I know what that feels like. That caused me to be jittery, nervious and short tempered, I didn't have any symptoms at or before the January blood test.

The trials and tribulations of living in a small town and limited options of doctors. Hopefully your Doctor isn't as clueless as mine.

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