Clomid to Testosterone TRT


Active Member
Today my doc gave me 400mg cypionate injection at his office. He told me to come back after one month to see, how I hold it in my blood. i wanted to split into 100mg/week but he said that's how he starts first. He also told me to continue taking Anastrozole.
Your doctor is quite incompetent and you would do well to run from this doctor, we know exactly how this is going to play out. Your doctor has no clue what he's doing, you need to find a doctor that specializes in TRT and not one that's only good at writing prescriptions.

A clinical study came in 2005 your doctor would do well to read it. 200mg every 2 weeks shows very poor results in everyone, let alone once monthly. The hormone you're injecting has a half life of 10-12 days, so by day 20 it will be out of your system long before your next injection.

The name of the game is to keep levels in the therapeutic ranges at all times and not just for the first week. This protocol will likely drive hematocrit into the stratosphere causing more harm than good, then your doctor will force you to quit TRT and you'll be right back where you started.

Hormone profiles after intramuscular injection of 200mg testosterone enanthate every 2 weeks in patients with hypogonadism
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Today my doc gave me 400mg cypionate injection at his office. He told me to come back after one month to see, how I hold it in my blood. i wanted to split into 100mg/week but he said that's how he starts first. He also told me to continue taking Anastrozole.

He just neutered you!

Find a new doctor ASAP.....absolutely horrible he should not be treating men for low t.

You have been on this forum since Sept. 2018.....why would you let this happen?

He just injected you with a whopping 400mg dose of testosterone let alone prescribed the use of an aromatase inhibitor and than told you to be on your way.....come see me in a month.....unreal to say the least.
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As Shstemlord points out, it has been known for at least 15 years that the sort of protocol you have been introduced to is a ticket to hormone hell.

A dose of 400mg weekly and an AI. Come back in a month.

Don't go back. Please find another doctor.
I will ask him next time if he will let me inject myself and split the dose in 100mg/week. if he does not agree I will find another doctor. I agree that's horrible protocol.
Today my doc gave me 400mg cypionate injection at his office. He told me to come back after one month to see, how I hold it in my blood. i wanted to split into 100mg/week but he said that's how he starts first. He also told me to continue taking Anastrozole.

So we went from this thread to one of your more recent posts in another members thread ReliableRX where you stated in your post:


does anybody know any reliable anabolic steriod website? Like provirion, masteron or Clomid? for body building purpose !!! would have the nerve to ask such rubbish clearly knowing that this is a men's health/trt forum let alone the rules which have been set out by Nelson?

You have been on here since August 23/2018.....have some class let alone respect for Nelson, Mods and all the members of Excel.

Blatant disrespect on your part I would say!
Currently I am on Cypionate 100mg/week. This is my second week. Also taking Anastrozole.But I have not seen any improvement yet. my energy level improved but libido, sleep quality, mood and over all feeling well have not improved.

My SHBH was is 19 nmol/L and 14 nmol/L before taking Clomid or Cypionate.

I don't know if adding HCG will help me to improve my other symptom or not.
Currently I am on Cypionate 100mg/week. This is my second week. Also taking Anastrozole.But I have not seen any improvement yet. my energy level improved but libido, sleep quality, mood and over all feeling well have not improved.

My SHBH was is 19 nmol/L and 14 nmol/L before taking Clomid or Cypionate.

I don't know if adding HCG will help me to improve my other symptom or not.

With that SHBG, you’re most likely not going to feel any benefits when injecting once per week. I would imagine you would need to do daily, or EOD injections to feel the benefits of TRT.
With that SHBG, you’re most likely not going to feel any benefits when injecting once per week. I would imagine you would need to do daily, or EOD injections to feel the benefits of TRT.
Instead of doing EOD injection, can I just up the dose to 140mg twice a week?
Instead of doing EOD injection, can I just up the dose to 140mg twice a week?

Unfortunately that probably won’t do anything in your case. Increasing injection frequency is really the only option. You can probably do EOD injections though, if you don’t want to inject daily.
Unfortunately that probably won’t do anything in your case. Increasing injection frequency is really the only option. You can probably do EOD injections though, if you don’t want to inject daily.

what about if I switch to daily Androgel, would that help? Currently I am using 23g 1" 3cc syringe needle to draw .5 cc weekly. Even .5cc seems very small amount in the syringe. I don't know how I am going to draw so little amount cc if I decide to inject EOD !

what size needle and syringe good to inject EOD? I don't think I can do with my current syringe.
So as far as the syringes go, you just need to get a 27-28 gauge 1/2” 1cc needle. I use a 27 gauge myself, and it draws up very quickly, and injects into the muscle just as easily.

Not sure about androgel. I’m pretty sure that stuff is junk though. You can definitely do a testosterone cream, and apply it daily. Many men are using testosterone cream with great success lately.

HCG can help with penis sensitive in some guys. It’s not that common though. Most guys notice no difference on HCG. But there have definitely been a few that reported it increased things sexually for them.

I would still try increasing your injection frequency, before adding in HCG. Insulin needles are legal to buy. Just grab some off the internet. They’re cheap as hell too. Stabbing urself with a 23 gauge 1” needle is what guys were doing 10 years ago. Luckily we know better now. I definitely wouldn’t be injecting EOD if I had to stab myself with a harpoon like that lol. But inject EOD with a 27 gauge, 0.5”, 1cc insulin syringe into my quads. I literally don’t feel it. And no pain at the injection site afterwards. I could easily inject everyday if I needed to.
what about if I switch to daily Androgel, would that help? Currently I am using 23g 1" 3cc syringe needle to draw .5 cc weekly. Even .5cc seems very small amount in the syringe. I don't know how I am going to draw so little amount cc if I decide to inject EOD !

what size needle and syringe good to inject EOD? I don't think I can do with my current syringe.

A 23 gauge syringe is unnecessary, I use 29 gauge insulin syringes in the shoulders and quads and is painless. No wonder you're putting up such resistance to switching to an EOD or ED protocol, I would be as well if I was using 23 gauge syringes.

As a matter of fact, I've been in your shoes, I started out using 18 gauge syringes.

Androgel is a terrible idea, you will find it impossible to elevate levels above low normal. Even if by some miracle you hit high normal Total T, your very low SHBG would work against you, you wouldn't hold onto those levels for more than a few hours out of the day.
I think I use easy touch. They work great. 28 gauge should be perfect. My testosterone cyp from Empower draws up very nicely with my 27 gauge syringes. I tried using my 29 gauge syringes that I use for HCG, and it just drew up way too slow for my liking. So 28 gauge should be about perfect.

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