Clomid to testosterone replacement therapy



Long story short and probably in a single sentence, diagnosed with hypogonadism type two in 2014. Been on Clomid since then.

I've made the jump today from Clomid to testosterone replacement therapy. The decision has just been the cumulation of four years of research culminating to this moment.
I need to know if some of what I'm feeling today is normal or not.

When I went in this morning I felt great before the injection because I was on Clomid and my levels were in the upper 500s. FreeT was about 1.4% from the blood draw about two weeks ago. No AI. I felt an incredible piece about starting testosterone this morning. I even did the injection myself under their guidance. (Had to "man up"). After the injection for the first 2 to 3 hours I felt fine. I even felt a sense of relief and calm. Sort of an accomplishment feeling like I had finally made the leap towards a better life. Then, " what the fuck have I done" has creeped into my mind along with just a slew of compounded worries and fears. I've had fears about testosterone before but it has never given me this kind of reaction before. Like literally at this very moment of writing this thread I am sitting in my car at least 2000 feet away from the house outside the neighborhood on a back road because I can't handle the stress and I don't want to bring that stress around my kids. It's seriously a crippling stress. That's why am wondering if this is all related to the immediate cessation in transference to testosterone from Clomid

Here's my question, when transitioning directly from Clomid to testosterone is there a weird adjustment sensation where I start feeling the effects of Low T? What I'm feeling right now is anxiety paranoia, sort of a shitting myself scared feeling, sort of a "what have I done" in relation to shutting down my own natural process that clomid was able to raise. I just started today, injection was 6.5 hours ago. Is testosterone suppressing Clomid's residual actions from the pill I took last night? Is there like a weird antagonistic opposites battle going on in my body?

Is this common? Does this kind of feeling happen with most people when they go from Clomid to testosterone after being on Clomid for so long?

Also experiencing some mild sweating. Not sure what that's about.

Please help. Please please please help
It’s probably just a jump in estrogen. You’ll be fine. Stopping clomid and starting T may require a bit of an adjustment period to get used to.

When I first started trt (having been on clomid in the past) I got very nervous/anxious driving to vacation...which is kinda ridiculous but it happened. An ai .125mg helped me in the short term.

What is your T dose? Smaller more frequent doses will also help this issue
I was supposed to start 150 a week but he wants me to do 200 weekly first. I do 2 shots a week. Monday morning and Thursday evening. Will likely go to every other day eventually. Still acclimating to the painless 31g 6mm syringe. I hade needle fobia and that was actually the easiest part lol. Not on a Ai anymore. While on Clomid I actually stopped AI this past December and actually started feeling way better.
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Yes estrogen spike does sound more accurate to it. I'm not feeling it right now so that must've been what it was. Also I don't know if this is in my head or not. I am 39 and noticing some strange hesitancy with urinating. The flow seems normal maybe slightly slightly less so but it's hard to tell. I don't know if that's on my head after just one shot 24 hours ago or not.
I think your dose is too high. The good starting dose is 100mg of testosterone once a week, even better is 50 mg twice a week. It's a lot easier to start low, then to start high.
I think your dose is too high. The good starting dose is 100mg of testosterone once a week, even better is 50 mg twice a week. It's a lot easier to start low, then to start high.

Im using a 1ml 31g syringe. Im filling up 50units twice a week. Is that 100mg twice a week? Im bad with the math.


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Sure, it could be from the shot of T, but... Do you have ANY history of anxiety prior to this?

I have had such anxieties, and some such worries have been due to hypervigilance/rumination rather than actual physiologic issues.

Try going for a walk, exercising, watching a movie, whatever to get your mind on something else.

And I agree with Vince 200/week is potential trouble. Though many guys do well on higher dosing, it is also the cause of a lot of subsequent problems.

In my own case in retrospect I wish I has started at closer to 75/week dosed EOD and worked up from there if needed. As things occurred for me, after transdermal was not working well, starting on 150/week caused high HCT and E2 which subsequently I had to reduce dosage and went through withdrawl Hell. I am now down to 77mg/week and doing very well.
Yeah im going down to 150 weekly. Have to calculate that for 2 shots unit wise. I hate math. Doc didnt give the ok but who cares. Its going down, not up. Fuck it. Plus its thr second shot so, whatever.

Nah my anxiety has always been teathered to estrogen or low T. During clomid for 4 years i only really had it when i was on an AI
So help me out here please, im on 100 units weekly. If i want to go down to 150mg weekly then i need to bring the weekly unit dose down by 1/4. That woule be about 37.5 units for 2 shots a week right?
So help me out here please, im on 100 units weekly. If i want to go down to 150mg weekly then i need to bring the weekly unit dose down by 1/4. That woule be about 37.5 units for 2 shots a week right?
Yes your math is right, that would equal 75 mg or 150 mg per week. I was thinking because of your anxiety, you should try 50mg twice a week or 100 once per week.
I know for me anytime I had a drastic change in my regimen that I started getting anxiety and symptoms of depression. It would last a day or so, but I still got them. It's probably related to estrogen since I also have a lot of body fat. I had anxiety anyway, but the change just made it more pronounced and bothersome. This is normal, it should level out in a few days though.
Strange question, Had my first shot this past Monday. Next shot is tomorrow morning. From the first shot I'm in countering very very very very very minimal redness and discomfort. It doesn't hurt it's just sort of a mild or very lightly mild soreness. Is that avoidable? Or is that something that goes away over time as I inject? I'm not sure if I injected wrong or what. It's sort of a red bruised coloration with the diameter of a quarter. $.25 coin.
How old are you? Why did you make the switch and how did you feel on clomid (physically and mentally)?

Thats a hard one. It was all over the place. At the start in 2014, was great for 2 weeks then estrogen issues, mood, all the nagatives. Even lost a job during that time (told boss to f#%k off) thatll do it. Lol.
Once i added AI, mood stabalized but still happened at times. T wouldnt budge past 568 though. When i ditched AI thia past december i felt much better. I still have other issues that clomid couldnt fix though. Anemia was the biggest. Clomid did nothing for physique. No gains in the gym or motivation. Spent close to 4 years reading about TRT though.
On clomid i felt greatest on 50mg daily. But i also had terrible mood issues. Easily angered.

Im 39
Hey guys, been a week now, second shot in my twice weekly regimen was yesterday. No estrogen spikes on that one in the same time period. Though after the first shot monday i did get super boners monday and tuesday really really easy. Tgat hasnt happened again though after the second shot. Not sure why. I can still get hard, its hust not as fast as last time.

Any thoughts
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Hey guys, been a week now, second shot in my twice weekly regimen was yesterday. No estrogen spikes on that one in the same time period. Though after the first shot monday i did get super boners monday and tuesday really really easy. Tgat hasnt happened again though after the second shot. Not sure why. I can still get hard, its hust not as fast as last time.

Any thoughts
Your body is just adjusting. When I started T shots it was like fireworks were going off in my head for the first week or two, tons of random boners. I think it has to do with a surge of neurotransmitters, since T stimulates production of them and your body isn't used to it.
Your body is just adjusting. When I started T shots it was like fireworks were going off in my head for the first week or two, tons of random boners. I think it has to do with a surge of neurotransmitters, since T stimulates production of them and your body isn't used to it.

Yeah its been spreading out more this week. Less isolated on one rythem post shot. Feels amazing. Very interesting also is i get this "calm" feeling on shot say after the shot in the morning. Its surreal. Almost ambien like but with no drowsiness. Road rage vanishes. Its insane.

Still getting overly aggressive and aggravated at little things. Dumb things. E2 might be too high. Really hoping my PSA is not over 1.0 at week 6. Pre TRT it was 0.4
So, according to the litterature of possitives associated with TRT, i should be loosing fat. Now, im not taking that as ill loose fat with a shitty eating habbit.
Im eating VERY clean. High protien, veg, zero refined carbs, zero sugar. Caleries around 2000. Im not counting. Im just monitoring what goes in.

Im doing xardio 40 min, high rep low weights training for 30 min.
And in 2 weeks ive gained weight. Why would the needle move up? As far as i can tell, im not bloated. What the frack??

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