Are you using this protocol to remain fertile? How is your libido? Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your posts a lot and have learned a few things from your experiences.
Hi Nelson,
Regarding fertility, no, absolutely not my objective. My main objective now is is health well being in general. Libido is okay. I'm 60, not 16, so there are changes you can't fight, but things are working alright. I came to realize that you cannot chase forever the fountain of youth, that's too elusive, and I would spend the time I have left chasing a dream instead of enjoying what I have now.
I did get a glance at being 20 years old a couple of years ago when I first tried HCG at 2000 IU a week. For a month I was over the moon in every sense, overconfidence, libido, well-being, etc, etc, etc, but then, after 3 or 4 weeks, it disappeared never to return again. I was presented with two choices then: continue the chase with every new possible medical treatment, protocol and dosage, or focus on the net positive and try to enjoy what I have instead of missing what I want. So I made my peace and I'm enjoying what I have.
I do feel better in general, more confident, I'm sleeping better, I hope my next bloodwork is good, I don't have any major health problems other than BPH, I started working out again, so for the moment life's good.
Here are the full numbers to compare. HCG+EC produce a much better profile (more balanced in my opinion) so I intend to go back to it. I was trying to see if I could reduce dependency on medication, that's why I dropped HCG for 15 days. Notice that the "Optimal levels" are what I consider optimal levels for me and my goals. It is based on research, as solid science as possible, but also on what works for me and what I want.
Green means optimal (for me)
White means normal (accepted lab ranges)
Red means outside lab ranges
Note on estradiol, there's a mix of sensitive and not sensitive. Those in the 20s are sensitive, those in the 40 and 50s are not sensitive.