Clomid dosage - secondary hypogonadism.


New Member
Age 40.
My clomid dosage is 50mg ED .
I'm taking it last 10days.

Before treatment I had LowT - 430ng/dl and Lh - 2,5 mlU/ml, E2 - 18pg/ml

I started clomid teraphy because of low energy, no libido at all, bad mood, ED.

Blood test after 8 days with clomid :

Testosterone - 790 ng/dl
Lh - 3,7 mlU/ml
E2 - 33 pg/ml

I don't have good doctor in my country.
I think my doc gave me too high dose of clomid (50mg ED) for 3 months.
What dosage will be right for me, 25mg ED ?

After my testosterone boost to 790, I feel better.
Still no libido, but more energy and I feel more comfortable inside my body, less depression.
Just little bit sexual feeling, but still no libido.

From my previous treatment expirience (HCG 8 years ago) I now that I feel normal someware around 700ng/dl, but I'm not sure is it 650 or 750 or more.

I have good diet (gluten, lactoza free), no stress, some exercise.
My medical history tells me that may pituitary gland doesn't give me enough Lh without reason.
I have artretic inflamention ( now remission), I got Low T and infalamention in the same time.
I don't think that I can recover from this shit, always when I stop HRT my T -level go down to 400 ng/dl .

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I started on Clomid 50 mg EOD. My T levels went way up but libido crashed. I cut back to 25 mg EOD, and I feel great now!!!!! I am not taking an AI. I need to do new blood tests to see my numbers, but I feel so good I have not had a sense of urgency. You might want to look at lowering your dose to 25 mg EOD. I’m not sure if it is better to drop immediately or to lower it more slowly, but either way fry getting it to 25 mg EOD and see how you feel.
Thanks for all answers.
I'm on the fifth day 25mg ED.
I feel that my T level is going down, after next five days I will get another blood test.
No libido before, no libido now.
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After 2 weeks on clomid 25mg ED, my T-level increase to 1075ng/dl.
I didn't expect so high level.
It's realy too much, again.

Now I should start lower dose, mayby 25mg EOD or 12,5 mg EOD/ED.

Witch dose will be better ?
My target is about 700 ng/dl.
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I had 5 days break, no clomid at all.
Then I took 12,5mg EOD last two weeks.

Yestreday I felt that my T-level is too high again.
In next week I will make lab tests.
Probably my T will be higher than 800 ng/dl.

What to do next ?

Take 6 mg EOD ?
or 12,5 mg every third day ?

Is here any person with so small dosage ?
You should really have free T tested to get a better picture. Free T is where most of the T "effects" are felt, so w/out that # you don't really know what your total T is really telling you.
Just to remember, a 1000´s level of testosterone "clomid enhanced" feels different from a 1000´s level of testosterone increased by TRT .
I hate to bump a thread from back in June, but can you or anyone else expound on this more

Thanks in advance
My understanding is clomid blocks E2 at the hypothalamus/pituitary level. The brain goes I have no E2, that means I have no T", and so it secretes LH/FSH to stimulate the testicles to produce more T. As long as a man isn't primary and he creating ample LH/FSH from the clomid stimulation, his T (and resulting E2) will rise. The brain still doesn't "see" the E2 because the clomid continues to block it, so the body keeps stimulating with LH/FSH.
Just to remember, a 1000´s level of testosterone "clomid enhanced" feels different from a 1000´s level of testosterone increased by TRT .

Doesn't make any sense to me... total testosterone is the whole number but to my understanding, free testosterone is where the feel good effect, libido, sexual drive and good mood lies
Doesn't make any sense to me... total testosterone is the whole number but to my understanding, free testosterone is where the feel good effect, libido, sexual drive and good mood lies
Various reasons Clomid may feel quite different: it can raise SHBG, preventing free T from getting sufficiently high; the zuclomiphene isomer is estrogenic, which can cause symptoms; consistently elevated LH can efficiently stimulate intratesticular estradiol production; the zuclomiphene isomer has an exceptionally long half, possibly a month, making for very long adjustment periods; higher doses can produce less total testosterone than lower doses.
Various reasons Clomid may feel quite different: it can raise SHBG, preventing free T from getting sufficiently high; the zuclomiphene isomer is estrogenic, which can cause symptoms; consistently elevated LH can efficiently stimulate intratesticular estradiol production; the zuclomiphene isomer has an exceptionally long half, possibly a month, making for very long adjustment periods; higher doses can produce less total testosterone than lower doses.

I agree with this logic. I just tapered off my clomid dosage and ceased last Friday. The only benefits ive gotten from this is my morning erections has returned consistently. Deep sleep is good. Mood and sharpness has increased but my libido, sexual drive and vigor is not present much after my 12 week clomid cycle. I suspect its the zuclomiphine effect, high estrogen and shbg.... my blood test willbe tomorrow and will post the results soon

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