Clomid/Arimidex test results


New Member
Age 40 6'2" 230lbs about 15% body fat.
First month of trt was 12.5mg of clomid everyday (ED). Test went up about 100, estrogen went up 12.

Doc then put me on clomid 25mg ED, .25 Arimidez every third day for past month. Here are my current labs after this last month's protocol. Estrogen went up 12 points even while on arimidex and testosterone rose just 17 points. Waiting on LH, lab missed it on script.

Total test: 485 ng/ml (250-1100)
Free test: 66.8 pg/ml (35-155)
Sensitive Estrogen: 40 pg/ml (< or = 29)

Thanks for any input.
How do you feel on that protocol? We get a fair number of guys on Clomid on the forum, but not too many, or perhaps even any that say they feel good or great on it.

Are you on a HPTA re-start or just trying to boost your natural T production?
Haven't felt any better or worse with either protocol. Doc just wanted to try to kickstart my own production before moving to testosterone. Because of my age he wanted to see how I would respond. He said he should have the answer after this last month. Doesn't look like I am responding well, in my opinion. So, I assume my testicles are not responding with increased production. Waiting on LH result, then he will probably schedule consult for next week.
Trying to get your natural production up first definitely makes sense. There are guys on here with more experience with HPTA re-starts and Clomid than myself so I am hoping they will chime in as well.
I have researched a lot on here and other places. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight as to why my estrogen rose almost same amount as testosterone, even though I was taking arimidex. Haven't been able to find anything online where this happened to someone else.
Your response to Clomid is not dramatic from what I see in your lab values. The real test will be when you get off Clomid to see if your TT remains at the level it is now (which is not even above 500 ng/dL).

You may be one of those men who will eventually end up on injections.
It was never my docs intention on taking me off clomid. He was planning on keeping me on it if it produced results. He didn't want me to do injections if I didn't have to. But it looks like it may go that way. Any idea why estrogen rose at a higher percentage compared to testosterone, even while taking arimidex.
That's what I was thinking. Makes sense. Thank you. Just wanted to get other opinions. We shall see what doc says at consult. I am surprised my testosterone didn't really improve.
I've been on the same protocol as you for 3months and although it has raised my total T levels several hundred points and my free T it also significantly raised my estrogen and SHBG which in turn cancels out my free T. What I've come to understand clomid has a large occurrence of increasing SHBG, which is probably why I haven't felt better on it but have been very moody. I'm ready to get on injectable test and move on. That is my exp. yours may be better.
Your testosterone response has been a lot better than mine, "several hundred". Mine has only gone up 117 in two months. Hopefully I will be offered injections next. As it seems I have primary hypogonadism based on my lack of response.
Tumbleweed, sometimes you can't wait until a Dr. "offers" to change things, you have to be your own advocate. Once you feel you've given your protocol ample time and feel it's not helping, try to push for another direction. Your blood work and how you feel will tell the tale.
I am fairly certain he will suggest injections now. He wasn't happy with last month's labs and my new labs are worse. But yes I will make sure my concerns are addressed.
It sounds as if you and your doctor have an open line of communication, but I urge you to prepare well for this discussion. Have your questions in hand and know what you want next in terms of a protocol. More importantly, know what you don't want. We're our own advocates. All the best.
That is a good protocol but that dose of Arimidex is on the high side of things so keep an eye on low E2 symptoms. Joint pain, ED that Viagra or Cialix won't help, low libido.
ERO: He did it because my E rose too much while taking just 25mg/day of clomid and .25 arimidex every third day. He believes I am sensitive to aromatization and so do I based on past experience. I will pay attention to sides and I can talk to him if I have concerns. Thanks.

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