Clomid and HCG prescription; 21 years old


New Member
Hey guys,

I've read a good bit on this forum about clomid and hcg after recently being prescribed to it by my new pcp who also happens to be a hormone balancing doctor. Seeing all the protocols on here made me question hers. Perhaps it's different depending on the circumstances like age and how long I was on trt.

So I stopped producing growth hormone around 13 years old, endocrinologist got me on the HGH and did blood tests every year or so. Every year till I was 19, my testosterone was below 400 and smarty over there had the same response for me every time; "I think it's fixing to spike". Finally at 19, I complained that shit wasn't going to change, I'm 19 for ****s sake, so he prescribed me to androgel. After about a year on that, I found this hormonal doc, made her my pcp and she told me to get off trt asap. After about 2 months off it, Testosterone was 420ish. I'm 21 now, 420 seems a bit low eh? Now for her protocol and the part I'd appreciate some feedback on.

She has me on 30 days of 50mg clomid (EDIT: I started cutting the pills to 25mg last night on my 5th night after doing some research here due to side effects). She also has me doing 0.1 cc (100 IU) of hcg twice a week for 12 weeks and I started that at the same time as clomid (EDIT: I called after my first injection after doing some research on here and asked if I should do more than 100 IU twice a week, especially considering she prescribed me for 12,000 IU and her protocol will only have me using 2400 aka waste of money on my side. She said I can do 200 IU twice a week but no more than that because of something about it burning fat.) Doc said to take clomid any time of day so long as its the same time each day; I've been taking it just after dinner and take my HCG twice a week at the same time.

What do you guys think?

This excert I copied from another forum thread written by Dr. Saya also begs the question, will clomid even benefit me? Considering all the evidence seems to point at me having primary hypogonadism. "Anyone with a significant decrease in the NUMBER of leydig cells likely has a strong PRIMARY hypogonadism and wouldn't benefit much from Clomid therapy in the first place. Whereas someone with a SECONDARY hypogonadism, where the leydig cells weren't being stimulated enough and may have atrophied/down-regulated receptors, thus decreasing testosterone production, may benefit from Clomid through increasing LH stimulation of the leydig cells and regaining ACTIVITY (not necessarily number) of the leydigs."

My final concern is whether clomid has had any lasting effects for any of you or anyone you know? So far I felt shittier on the 50mg (arm and leg trembling pretty bad, face twitching, eyes had trouble focusing, feel like absolute shit when I do my daily swim in the morning - arms and legs are dead after 50 strokes and I usually go 28+ laps no problem) but still have some trembling/facial twitching and definitely still feel like shit when I exercise on the 25mg. So long as it all goes away after I finish the 30 days of clomid, I can bear through it but I've heard of some pharmaceutical side effects being permanent which has me a little freaked. I have barely any body fat I'll add because I've saw someone blame the lethargic side effect someone else was getting on bf.

Also, I'm sure you guys have heard of it but for those that haven't. I had a blood test with my urologist 3 weeks after stopping trt, and ate a good amount of sorghum in my smoothies every day of that 3 weeks. I also exercised a decent amount and my T was at 525. Not ideal for a 21 year old but still, sorghum is definitely beneficial. Before the 2nd blood test 2 months after trt that I mentioned above, I wasn't taking sorghum, exercised less, and was taking butea superba just to see if it made a difference.

Sorry for the long post, I appreciate it
I'm sure Dr Saya can answer this better. I think most use 12.5 and no HCG, I would think the Clomid would be better to try, then going straight to TRT because of your age.
I've been seeing a lot of 25mg and 12.5mg users on here. Yeah I certainly won't be going back on trt. If it were you, would you go with the popular protocol found on the forum in my position? Seems like my doc doesn't have much experience in this field which doesn't produce confidence in me. Can't find her protocol anywhere. I've also seen that a lot of the guys here taper off clomid and she has me cutting it off cold turkey after 30 days, hope that isn't an issue.
I've been seeing a lot of 25mg and 12.5mg users on here. Yeah I certainly won't be going back on trt. If it were you, would you go with the popular protocol found on the forum in my position? Seems like my doc doesn't have much experience in this field which doesn't produce confidence in me. Can't find her protocol anywhere. I've also seen that a lot of the guys here taper off clomid and she has me cutting it off cold turkey after 30 days, hope that isn't an issue.
I've never tried Clomid, changes in restart protocol are usually made through labs. There are some men that end up staying on Clomid. As you probably know, young men like you have the best success rate with Clomid.

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