Clomid and BW Update


New Member
Hello all,

Just an update on my Clomid therapy and a question. I’ve been on 15mg Clomid everyday for 6 weeks.

Prior to starting on Clomid, I’ve had low test symptoms for years: fatigue, very slow gains at the gym, difficulty keeping weight down even though I workout regularly and eat healthy, low libido, and most importantly serious ED issues. My labs showed me middle range of normal for total & free test, high end of normal for Estradiol Sensitive.

Last month Doctor started me on Clomid 15mg / DIM 200mg everyday. After a couple of weeks I started to feel much better. More energy, increase in libido, and erections like I haven’t had since I was a teenager! My labs don’t reflect how good I feel. My Total test slightly better, but worse everywhere else. Most importantly I feel better!

Latest labs:
Total Test: 891 (348-1197). Prior therapy I was 596 (240-871)
Free Test: 9.6 (6.8-21.5). This dropped, I was closer to 13 pre therapy.
Estradiol Sensitive: 53.4 (8-35). Increase from 32.8
SHBG: In the 80s. Very high and didn’t get tested pre therapy.
TSH: 2.870 (0.450-4.5)
Triiodothyronine, Free, Serum: 2.7 (2.0-4.4)

Had a consult with my doctor yesterday and he is continuing me on the daily Clomid and adding .25mg of Anastrozole EOD. I understand the theory that this will lower my Estradiol and SHBG, raising my Free Test, but the dose just seems high to me. From what I have been reading, it seems everyone suggests starting lower. What do you guys think? I’ve had no high estrogen symptoms and feel great.
Thanks for the quick replies!

So what's the main reason people shy away from A!? Threat of lowering estrogen too much? Side effects?

Aslo, any thoughts on my TSH and Triiodothyronine?
I know that my doctor and I work to avoid an AI for a number of reasons. One can crash E2 very easily; it certainly will bounce back, but it can take a long time. It is another drug to.monitor, another variable to deal with in what can be a challenging environment.
Your E2 is elevated. If you trust your doctor, take the AI. High E2 regardless of how high your testosterone is can have bad effects on one's health.

Some practitioners believe it is only the T/E ratio which is significant, and therefore, as long as E only “appropriately” rises with elevations in T, all is well. However, the absolute concentration of E is of concern, too, especially in light of new information pointing to elevated estrogen as cause, or adjunctively encouraging, several serious disease processes, including numerous cancers, as well as significant potential for induction of sexual dysfunction (no matter the accompanying androgen load). Therefore T/E ratio is only useful for describing the cause of symptoms, not as a treatment goal.
eddydb, good to hear this is working for you. I've been on for the same regimen also and after 6 weeks I'm starting to feel pretty good, just had my blood test and waiting on results.
eddydb, good to hear this is working for you. I've been on for the same regimen also and after 6 weeks I'm starting to feel pretty good, just had my blood test and waiting on results.

I remember we started about the same time. What BW did you get done? It will be interesting to see your results.
I know that my doctor and I work to avoid an AI for a number of reasons. One can crash E2 very easily; it certainly will bounce back, but it can take a long time. It is another drug to.monitor, another variable to deal with in what can be a challenging environment.

What are the symptoms of E2 crashing? I will be on the lookout for them.
eddy, did you start the AI ? if so do you feel any different. I got my new BW and my TT went from 230 to 922 but my SHBG also shot up as did my estradiol and hemacrit which is why I think I still don't feel great.
eddy, did you start the AI ? if so do you feel any different. I got my new BW and my TT went from 230 to 922 but my SHBG also shot up as did my estradiol and hemacrit which is why I think I still don't feel great.

I just asked how you were feeling on another post. Yes, started the AI today so too early to tell if I will feel anything different. But, I'm still feeling a lot better than before Clomid.

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