CJC Ipamorelin alternating with Tesamorelin / Ipamorelin


New Member
I hope I spelled that correctly. I started with CJC/Ipamorelin. 10mg. Now they want me to do 5Mg am and 5 pm. After 90 days I switch to Tesamoralin/Ipamorelin that stuff is strong. I feel a difference within 10 days. Im 55 Sorry I’m on a mans site but would really like your feed back on this. I have about -0- body fat.5’7” 130lb. And when I started this with the CJC Ipamorelin shot I never thought I could feel as fit as I did at that time. The Tesamoralin/Ipamorelin. My Dr told me to take a two. Week break after my last labs.

Would just like to know if anyone else is taking this shot and how it is going.....
I started the CJC Ipamorelin almost two years ago and it was incredible the results in just a few weeks. The owner of my compounding pharmacy told me I should alternate between that and Tesamoralin. Then NC regulations changed and they could no longer compound either peptide So I am not getting my prescriptions called into Wells Pharmacy for CJC/Ipamoralin. And South Lake Pharmacy for the Tesamoralin/Ipamorelin. Wells does not do the Tesamoralin compound. Would like to hear where your getting yours from and cost. If you do not mind sharing
I started taking CJC w/Ipamorelin about 3 weeks ago. The only thing I've noticed is water retention. I'm on testosterone therapy already and was hoping to see some fat burning from the CJC but nothing as of yet. I'm not fat but I wanted to get a little more cut. Hopefully it works.

Do you take yours daily Mon-Fri and take the weekends off? Or do you inject everyday 7 days a week?
The CJC/Ipamoralin I would take every night for the most part. When they switched to .5 am and .5 pm. I just switched to .7 every night. As the most effective use is when you sleep and no carbs 90 min before. I wake up every night anywhere from 1-3am. So thats when I take my shot. Every 90 days I have labs done and they include the growth hormone level. With ipamoralin mix. Labs usually 250-300. With the Tesamoralin the rate went higher. I do take one night off with Tesamoralin. Hope you have results soon!
10mg of Tesa/Ipam for 6 out of 7 nights. My cousins husband takes 100 units which is significantly more. Maybe woman do not need as much.
I take .1 ML of CJC w/IPA. I'm not sure of the mg dosage that it is though.

So you saw results in a few weeks? What were those results?
I take 300 units of the same.results for me are very similar to GH.they say to take it between 6 and 8pm for optimal effects.I would also take EOD.
Yes 1 unit is 10mg. I excercise daily. Miss a day here and there but typically I spend several hours working on cardio and walking up to a cell tower. Which is extremely steep the last mile. I power walk. I am fairly lean. My BMI is below the excellent for women on the chart. My legs and forearms were the first noticeable changes and I was shocked it made such a difference. Everyone is different but I think the level of exercise you add on to this routine is key
Yes 1 unit is 10mg. I excercise daily. Miss a day here and there but typically I spend several hours working on cardio and walking up to a cell tower. Which is extremely steep the last mile. I power walk. I am fairly lean. My BMI is below the excellent for women on the chart. My legs and forearms were the first noticeable changes and I was shocked it made such a difference. Everyone is different but I think the level of exercise you add on to this routine is key
The dosing is in the microgram range (mcg) not milligram. Generally reconstituted at about 2000 mcg/ml, 1 unit or 0.1 ml = 200 mcg. Something is not making sense here.
The dosing is in the microgram range (mcg) not milligram. Generally reconstituted at about 2000 mcg/ml, 1 unit or 0.1 ml = 200 mcg. Something is not making sense here.
That’s what I was thinking. No way people are taking 10mgs - the entire bottle would be that much.

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