Since you bought the blend, you're somewhat limited to dosage options. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there are different schools of thought as to how to dose each peptide individually. As to the blend however, what are your goals? Health span improvement, muscle gain, better sleep and skin? Your dose will depend on those questions.
I personally dose twice a day due to food intake timing and just the overall pain in the ass of poking myself 3 times a day. Before bed and first thing in the AM for me. Some do a noon dose, but that is when I eat. I'm after more of the health span benefits, but do like the extra bump for my workouts. No food for an hour before injection and an hour after, this is mainly concerning carbs, but I just feel it's more effective fasted. There are different opinions on this as well.
If you are looking mainly at the potential effects on muscle development, you should ask
My dosage when doing the blend is 200-300 mcgs