Cialis in Liquid or Troches


Hey guys,

I became interested in Cialis after reading that it dilates blood vessels. I don't have ED, but dilating your blood vessels means increased blood flow to organs, muscles, joints etc. This should help a person in many ways, correct? recovery from hard workouts? minor injuries?
I bought the liquid version to try. I'm finding this hard to use because it causes such a bad leg pain. It feels like the pain I get when I have the flu. I can walk or run but having this pain is unpleasant.
Has anyone else experienced this?
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Hey guys,

I became interested in Cialis after reading that it dilates blood vessels. I don't have ED, but dilating your blood vessels means increased blood flow to organs, muscles, joints etc. This should help a person in many ways, correct? recovery from hard workouts? minor injuries?
I bought the liquid version to try. I'm finding this hard to use because it causes such a bad leg pain. It feels like the pain I get when I have the flu. I can walk or run but having this pain is unpleasant.
Has anyone else experienced this?

Cramping is a common side-effect of Cialis. It usually abates over time. How much are you taking? You're doing this for a nitric oxide boost? Are you familiar with the stack that Gene has posted here?
Cramping is a common side-effect of Cialis. It usually abates over time. How much are you taking? You're doing this for a nitric oxide boost? Are you familiar with the stack that Gene has posted here?

I would just squeeze whatever I could get into the dropper. There's no markings on the dropper. The vial says 30mg/ml
I just tried now with a syringe and drew about 7.5mg. I must have been getting over 30mgs with the dropper.
I didn't know that Cialis boosts nitric oxide but it sounds to me that they both do the same thing. Genes stack looks too expensive.
Cialis as an anti aging drug has many many health benefits for men.

It is FDA approved for ED and BPH as is formulated for daily long term use.

It inhibits the PDE5 enzyme that increases as we age, like many things, and can/will suppress nitric Oxide production meaning the we don't get the kind of vasiodialation like we did in youth.

This means we get blood, oxygen and nutrients into parts of the brain and tissues where the blood vessels get smaller and tighter.

Read my thread here on Gene's NO Stack; it's all there.

The Benefits of Long Term Cialis Use

Cialis (tadalafil) is powerful.. What makes Cialis unique among the erectile dysfunction drugs is its long half life. Thirty six hours after taking Cialis, a guy will still have about a quarter of what he took circulating in his blood stream. This means that guys can take this every other day and get themselves back in bad almost full time. Plus, many guys like the fact that they don't have to anticipate their love-making sessions - who can predict a woman, eh?

However, it turns out the benefits of long term, steady use of Cialis extend way beyond just simple bedroom convenience. (For some of the scary issues with long term Cialis use, see my link on The Dangers of Cialis for more information.)

Below are listed 9 Long Term Cialis Benefits. Again, keep in mind that Cialis and other PDE5 Inhibitors affect other PDE enzyme systems, which explains the frequent stomach, vision, head and hearing issues, something you can read about in my link on Issues with PDThe Benefits of Long Term Cialis Use

Cialis (tadalafil) is powerful.. What makes Cialis unique among the erectile dysfunction drugs is its long half life. Thirty six hours after taking Cialis, a guy will still have about a quarter of what he took circulating in his blood stream. This means that guys can take this every other day and get themselves back in bad almost full time. Plus, many guys like the fact that they don't have to anticipate their love-making sessions - who can predict a woman, eh?E5 Inhibitors. I am still taking Cialis but hope to get off of it some day. However, I have gotten my dosage as low as possible: 2 mg per day.

1. Blood Flow Increases. Duh! Cialis increases blood flow - that's what erections are all about, eh? - but this can have important health benefits throughout the body as lack of circulation can effect many tissues including those in the brain. One four-week study of males (average age of 54) found that Cialis use induced profound and highly desireable cardiovascular and endothelial changes, including increases in the all-important FMD (Flow Mediated Dilation).

2. Restoration of Normal Erectile Dysfunction. One study showed that about 40% of men with E.D. were actually completely "healed" through daily Cialis use. The dosages were fairly high however: 5 mg. I should point out, though, that we did have forum member who successfully quit it altogether, something I discuss here: How I Stopped Taking Cialis.

3. Inflammation Reduction. Researchers also noted a "robust", i.e. very significant drop in both C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule (VCAM) counts. This is important because plaque buildup in the arteries is largely due to an inflammatory process where leukocytes (white blood cells) adhere to and "attack" arterial walls.

Cialis attacks this plaque-building process in several ways, lowering both CRP, the systemic (body-wide) inflammation marker that is so intimately correlated with arterioscloerosis, and VCAM, which is a protein that helps white blood cells adhere to arterial walls and causes plaque buildup. In other words, Cialis usage seems to directly improve two important markers of cardiovascular disease. So users may get both short term benefits in the bedroom and long term health results to go with it, although that has not been proven.

4. Testeosterone and the T/E Ratio. Don't forget that long term Cialis use has been shown to significantly improve the all-important testosterone to estrogen ratio by an average of 24%. A one year study of males with an average age of 54 showed an increase in testosterone of 5.5% and a decrease in estrogen of 15%. These are significant numbers and show the power of getting "back in the sack". Remember that the 24% increase means you have significantly more testosterone molecules floating around versus estrogen, almost always a good thing for us guys.

5. High Blood Pressure and Hypertension. Cialis has also been shown to lower high blood pressure. Although it does not dramatically lower blood pressure, it will help most guys struggling with hypertension.

6. Improved Relationships. One study found that, for guys with erectile dysfunction, a significant percentage had improved partner relationships after taking Cialis, suggesting, of course, that sex really does matter.

7. The Benefits of Sex. In my link on How Sex Is Good For You, I document many benefits of making love. Cialis likely increases many, if not all, of these benefits. By the way, Viagra has many studies showing that it decreases the refractory period. This is the time post-ejaculation that it takes for guys to recover before they can become erect. Cialis likely has this same benefit.

8. Antidepressant Action. In some Cialis may actually act as an antidepressant.

9. Enlarged Prostate. Many urologists will give Cialis to improve enlarged prostate symptoms. In fact, it is one of the few pharmaceutical solutions that has a good track record and is now FDA approved for the such.
thanks a lot Gene, Cialis should probably be added to a multivitamin.
I cant find your link on the dangers of Cialis, I found this article though.

Of course the more you know factor here is that Mr Meyer(?) of Peak Testosterone is anti PDE5's so obviously he writes articles that they're dangerous. He's anti many pharmaceuticals and really just regurgitates what he reads some where else that suits his view point(s). That's all fine but you have to know where he's coming from.
most of the overseas originating brands like Ceebus or Tadacip(?) I think I've experienced and read it from other men that it appears to be weak. For instance I stopped cutting them in quarters (20>5mg) and just take the 20mg. But I've since moved on to and have better success using research chem liquids. Easier to buy and easier to get, quicker delivery times, etc etc.
Of course the more you know factor here is that Mr Meyer(?) of Peak Testosterone is anti PDE5's so obviously he writes articles that they're dangerous. He's anti many pharmaceuticals and really just regurgitates what he reads some where else that suits his view point(s). That's all fine but you have to know where he's coming from.

Vince Carter,

It's probably not fair to paint Peak T as anti-PDE5 or anti-Cialis. According to his posts he takes Cialis himself and often suggests it for others when appropriate. But he advocates management of the overall NO metabolism and inhibition of PDE5 is only one part of that. The "dangers of Cialis" page is for information because, like so many other things we enjoy and depend on, it's not without risk. He's got an article on the dangers of testosterone supplementation, too, but he's certainly not anti-T.
Gene have u ever used ceebis 20mg cialis? I heard its under dosed....I want to cut them down to use everyday. Any cialis u recommend ?

I don't purchase my Tadalafil overseas anymore; I have found the peptide research sites to be the best option for many reasons; it's cheap, it works and no worries about Customs.
For those guys that have it within their budget, I highly recommend Tadalafil troches from any compounding pharmacy here in the states. I know they're a bit on the expensive side, but they are so convenient.

I quarter the 25mg troches, and stick one under my tongue every evening. I actually look forward to it. The newest batch I received from Tri-Coast Pharmacy are watermelon flavored...and they work awesome! I know this isn't an option for everyone, but I thought I'd throw it out there. also makes great troches. I like the Levitra ones since they give me no side effects.

You can have your doctor fax the prescription to (832) 678-4419 for either Cialis or Levitra as:

Vardenafil troche 20 mg, # 30, 3 refills

Tadalafil troche 20 mg, #30, 3 refills

Dissolve one troche under the tongue or between the cheek and gums

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