I underwent coronary artery bypass graft surgery in 2016 due to hereditary low HDL. None of my doctors will prescribe daily Cialis because it prevents the use of nitroglycerin in the case of an emergency. I had to get cleared by my cardiologist before my endocrinologist would put me back on TRT. I was working out post-surgery with a 240 ng/dl total testosterone level. Luckily, my SHBG was only 22, so I had a free testosterone in the 8 ng/dl range (LabCorp numbers). My endocrinologist will only prescribe Androgel or Axiron (IM testosterone is off of the table and so are hCG and off-indication use of Clomid). I was on Androgel before the surgery. I am currently on generic Axiron. My total testosterone hovers around 400, and my free testosterone hovers in the 12s. These are next morning before daily application test results. My endocrinologist also handles my type 2 diabetes comorbidity. She is very good at managing this disease. I was referred to her seven years ago when my hbA1C went over 10, resulting in diabetic wasting, and she righted the ship (hbA1C readings are now in the fives). She also recognized that I was hypogondal when I hot flashed in her office during a regular visit; therefore, I am reluctant to find another endocrinologist who takes a more progressive approach to male health.