
Please dissect and advise me...this is a seemingly sudden spike in LDL, backed by tests in Jan and Feb 2018, I repeated the test in Feb because the results are atypical for me. No tests the two years prior though Chol has not been an issue before, I'm looking for previous tests though they would be old. No family Cholesterol issues or back ground.

My gut reaction was the switch from Anastrozole .25mg EOD to Exemestane 12.5mg EOD.

Second guess was lab error. In this Feb 18 set my TT came back at over 1400, in a very deep trough on just 16mg of Enanthate.

I'm not seeing in my diet, little red meat, more chicken or pork than beef, no dairy, butter is limited and has olive oil as an ingredient. Otherwise I use EVOO over vegetable oil, Eggs in the morning but that is only 2 eggs 3-4 days per week, and I've actually started working with only egg whites (just because). I can't seem to locate it in my diet and I'm now starting to look more closely at nutritional labels.

Jan 18
Total Chol 194 (<200)
HDL Chol 33 (>40)
Trig 103 (<150)
LDL Chol 139 (<100)

Feb 18
Total Chol 194
HDL 39
Trig 101
LDL 135

16mg/D Cyp
12.5mg Exemestane EOD
200-250iu HCG once per week
I do not smoke, not overweight, exercise 4 days per week though my cardio probably subterranean, walk the long way at work though. Not Diabetic. Diet needs more fiber though.
The 3 attachments show my how my numbers have shotup overtime:

May 2019
Total Chol 181
HDL 36
Trig 154
LDL 118


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i know there's opinion that varies namely inflammation over cholesterol so Ive paid good attention to that in this little dilemma of what's going on here and how worried should I really be.
I'm having a lipoprotein metabolism profile run before I panic over my own numbers. You might consider doing the same, Vince, as the standard lipids profile needs to be broken down further. By itself, I don't think it tells much.
Hello Vince Carter, I'm a new member and this is my first post. I have a family history of heart disease and also struggle with my LDL particles, since I started my low carb high-fat diet my other numbers like HDL and triglycerides have been excellent. Today I looked up dr. Tara Dall, I sent her a request for consultation. You may also want to consider her.

Best of luck Abe.
Vince, Id drop the AI and do mico dose EOD shots of say 20-25mgs test...this actually dropped my E2 a hell of alot actually needed to up my test to create more E wheras on 2x wk shots of 50mg my estrodial was a big issue and I was a bloated hot mess! Now for the heart..sunflower lecithin is an absolute must along with MK7 and D3 combo , also a naturally derived VitC like Camu camu or aceroa cherry , magnesium, hawthorn and high allicin garlic. This is a powerhouse for the heart, arteries and cholesterol. I am using this protocol to reverse my 40% plaque buildup in my LAD artery ! Limit carbs to 100 grs a day no more and you will live to 100 with all of the above. This is exactly what I have started 2 weeks ago after my heart CT with contrast. I have a terrble family heart history and always had a shitty HLH/HDL ratio. Read up on the supps I mentioned as they are incredible ;)
Vince, Id drop the AI and do mico dose EOD shots of say 20-25mgs test...this actually dropped my E2 a hell of alot actually needed to up my test to create more E wheras on 2x wk shots of 50mg my estrodial was a big issue and I was a bloated hot mess! Now for the heart..sunflower lecithin is an absolute must along with MK7 and D3 combo , also a naturally derived VitC like Camu camu or aceroa cherry , magnesium, hawthorn and high allicin garlic. This is a powerhouse for the heart, arteries and cholesterol. I am using this protocol to reverse my 40% plaque buildup in my LAD artery ! Limit carbs to 100 grs a day no more and you will live to 100 with all of the above. This is exactly what I have started 2 weeks ago after my heart CT with contrast. I have a terrble family heart history and always had a shitty HLH/HDL ratio. Read up on the supps I mentioned as they are incredible ;)
What was your calcium CT score.
Send him a PM to discuss his problems
A really good buddy of mine, got a CT score 5 years ago, it was only around 50. Very low, I told him he should still see it an lipidology, he didn't. When did got his next CT score, 5 years later, it was over 500 and then he was freaking out. His brother, who owns his own painting business and is in excellent shape, just got a triple bypass. Scary stuff.

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