Ya same. I’m already sold as well, but just want people to eat whichever way makes them happy/ they think is the optimal diet for health and longevity. Not trying to convert anyone.
Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I think I plan on eventually going full carnivore at some point. The high fat intake isn’t a problem at all. That’s where u get most of ur calories from. If u don’t eat enough fat, u may be in too big of a calorie deficit, which is good for fat loss, but eventually won’t be good for feeling ur best. Protein, especially from red meat, has a high thermic effect. Ur roughly only getting 60-70% of the calories u think ur consuming of protein, because 30-40% of those calories are being used up to just digest all that red meat. Saturated fat is healthy for u, so no need to worry at all about the high fat content of whatever meat he eating. Again, it’s necessary if ur doing full carnivore. If ur doing 100% carnivore, it would be very difficult to get enough calories from lean meat sources, and not ideal health wise. U want roughly a 1:1 ratio of protein to fat. More protein and less fat maybe if ur goals are more geared towards building lean muscle tissue.
The reason I’m not currently doing full carnivore is that I’m still trying to build more muscle. 100% carnivore doesn’t seem to be an optimal way to put on a decent amount of muscle. It seems like it’s more for maintaining a really healthy amount of lean muscle tissue, and losing fat, while maintaining all that lean muscle tissue. I’ve heard that u can still build muscle, by just eating in a calorie surplus, but I haven’t seen too many examples of this. So not sure how easy it is to build muscle on full carnivore. Plus, I think it would probably get a little expensive.
Speaking of expenses, it can get a little expensive. What I’ve learned to do is every week, I check about 5-6 different local grocery stores and butcher shops for their weekly flyers, that have all their sale items. I’ll check the meats on sale for each one of them, and then plan out my shopping for the week. If there’s some really good deals on some meats that I really enjoy, I’ll stock up and buy a ton and then deep freeze it. I literally don’t purchase any meat that isn’t on sale anymore. I’ll wait for meat that’s usually 9.99/lb to go on sale for around 5.99/lb.
So right now I’m just trying to eat as close to carnivore as I can, to be as healthy as I can, and just add in about 150g of carbs per day, consisting of organic white rice mostly, 1-2tbs of honey per day (to add some sweetness, plus it’s healthy benefits, and it also has digestive enzymes to help digest food), and a little bit of fruit, mostly watermelon and apples. Am eating some select fruits to try and get some more vitamin c and potassium in my diet. I actually just ordered some acerola cherry powder, so vitamin C will be covered now. Still gonna eat some select fruits for the potassium. But only certain fruits. On top of eating a low oxalates diet, I also follow a low histamine diet, so not all fruits are on the menu.
So that’s what I’m currently eating for the most part. And I would highly recommend eating a good amount of egg yolks per day. I eat 4-5 raw egg yolks each day. If the whites of the eggs don’t bother either u or ur wife, I would just eat whole eggs instead. Just make sure to cook the whites, and try to eat the yolks as raw as possible. Feel free to DM me if u want to talk about the carnivore diet further. Been researching it like crazy lately. It’s so fascinating to me the things we’re constantly learning about human nutrition.