Change injection frequency or not?


Well-Known Member
I know that the only real answer is "try it and see how it works". So I guess given that we already know that is the answer to my question, I'm more looking for opinions or what you would do if you were in my shoes.

My current protocol is 120mg/week T. Cyp. as 60mg E3.5D (Mon AM/Thur PM). TT at peak is 14xx, and TT at trough is 8xx (both 264-916). So roughly 600 ng/dl difference between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon. FT at peak 35 and at trough 24 (both 8.7-25.1). SHBG in low 20s last few times it was tested. E2 at trough upper 40s (8-35).

I am mostly happy with this protocol. It's the first one that feels like it's working for me since beginning TRT. However, it was suggested by my doc that I might feel even better keeping my current dose and splitting it into 40mg M W F. I was told that this might lower my somewhat high E2 and that although I feel good on current protocol, I might feel even better with the more stable levels and lower E2 of the M W F protocol.

I'm good with giving it a shot I guess, but hey it's summer and I don't want to be on a roller coaster again with the new injection frequency for the next 2 months as things stabilize. I was thinking maybe the transition wouldn't be that bad though since weekly dose isn't changing. What do you guys think?
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What's your Free T at? With your SHBG ~20 I wouldn't consider your TT levels, only the FT. If I was going to manipulate things for E control it would be a Cyp reduction based on the FT, not spreading out the shots which I think is entirely oversold on this forum.
Hi SIW, I'm on 40mg M W F coming down from 150. I'm loving it so far. My shgb is 24.2
I still have to take my AI .25/wk
No full bloods yet will be waiting on the Defy TRT checkup blood test call. I just drew blood this moring for T peak, ferritin and HCT.
If you have a good protocol that's working for you, I would be hesitant to change it. There's nothing wrong with trying different things but would it really make that much of a difference?
If you have a good protocol that's working for you, I would be hesitant to change it. There's nothing wrong with trying different things but would it really make that much of a difference?

Gotta tell ya, Vince, those were my thoughts exactly. But I figured I'd run it by you all first.
The only grief I have with M/W/F is and your SHBG is a little bit better, but if your SHBG is <15 you can feel a return to a low T status on Sunday night where you're trying to get back to your next shot on Mon AM. Its a long spot between shots and I would rather see if you went to more shots do an EOD schedule than M/W/F. But as Vince says its hard to mess with something that is working for you but you can always return to this protocol if you find it's not better or it get's hard to stay compliant with more shots.
If you do it ,

Monday 7am
Wednesday 3pm
Friday 11pm

Its evenly spaced out, Its what I do. I'm never craving for my Monday shot lol.

Could be difficult/bothersome depending on ones weekly work schedule.

Say on days you work 7-3 pm and you leave and it takes you a 1/2-1 hr drive to get to work.....on Mon injection would be done before leaving, Wed after you get home, Fri no issue unless you are beat and dead tired and want to crash early than you are injecting before 11 pm.

Afternoons better be getting up early for your morning injection at 7 am (many may sleep in longer as they are up later) from working noons, Wed before leave for work, Friday after you get home.

Straight nights I will not even get into.

Would rather stick to every 3.5 days (am/pm) , EOD or daily using the same injection time.
I agree, just putting it out there as a option if it fits his or others lifestyle.

I'm sometimes off by a couple a hours on the wed and Friday shot. Personally feel it doesn't effect anything.
If you have a good protocol that's working for you, I would be hesitant to change it. There's nothing wrong with trying different things but would it really make that much of a difference?

Got to agree with Vince. It's pretty easy to fall into the trap of keeping up with the Jones here. It seems more guys on this forum are doing multiple times per week. I thought of dong it myself at times. Seems you are like me in that you feel that, if I feel good now, maybe I can feel even better. More changes and adjustments=more that can go wrong. I have decided to keep it simple and to try to use my workouts to create the progress I want, not the drug. My estrogen on paper is close to the upper range, but I am not symptomatic so I let it go.

Use your workouts to improve and get what you are seeking.

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