Change in T Ranges: How To Handle Insurance?

Good idea to stock up, but impracticable. I called my pharmacy (CVS) this morning to renew my regular Rx. The normal renewal date is next Wednesday; CVS will allow a refill no more than 3 days before the 30-day period, so I can't pick it up until tomorrow. That's OK. I have enough for my Monday injection. I asked the reason for the restriction: because it's a controlled substance, they are allowed to renew no more than 3 days early. I don't know whether that's an internal CVS restriction or whether it's from the DEA. But that seems to negate the ability to get a 60- or 90- day prescription. Besides, that merely kicks the can down the road.
...Besides, that merely kicks the can down the road.
Tomtom are you experiencing any stress from your dealings with American "health care"? Any increase in blood pressure or other symptoms like sleep disturbance, weight change? Anyhow I'm glad you are beginning to reach the healthy conclusion that they need you but you don't need them.
Not really experiencing any stress. My prostate cancer treatment was stressful in and of itself, but I think that's the nature of having cancer. The people that I dealt with were superb as was the care I got. My Medicare Advantage plan took care of most of the bills, including 3 T suppression shots (billed at $1,400 each but discounted to almost nothing), 42 radiation treatments for which I haven't received a bill, etc. T suppression was no fun--have you ever had hot flashes??? I have a few other, non-cancer-related procedures, but they, too, were remarkably stress-free. All my doctoring is done at a mid-size, independent hospital in Chicago. Their motto is "Science changes, compassion does not". I believe it. My neighbor lady is 80 years old and is dealing with breast cancer for the first time in her life. She is at the same hospital (thanks to me), and she always comments how kind and considerate everyone is to her.

So No, I have no complaints with the American health care system (as long as I can get my T!). Part of the story is that, from the outset, I made it clear that I regard my health care as a partnership--they must keep me informed and they must explain things to me and answer my questions. They have done that. I'm also pretty good about researching stuff on my own. In my former life, I was a lawyer, and I'm fairly meticulous about my dealings and fairly vocal about things that aren't what I think they should be; that probably helps.
Thanks for that detailed response Tom. For now you will get your medicine and simply pay cash for it. As long as you continue to receive an Rx. I'm glad to hear that you are receiving competent compassionate care via Medicare and your local health care team. For decades that is exactly what I experienced from Medicare. The widely publicized concern is that Medicare and Medicaid are being bankrupted by "over use" and that we must now ration health insurance coverage, not the truth which is racketeering by Big Pharma, Corporate Insurers and most health care providers is are the financial rapists quickly bringing care to its knees.

For instance, in my case and many others, they successfully lobbied to evade coverage which was their responsibility to policy holders like myself. Insurers got a law passed that private insurance is "payer of last resort". They then refused to pay and dumped all those with expensive chronic conditions on the backs of taxpayers via Medicare. The leeches in Big Pharma and those in "health care" then raped the system blind. Look, providers have billed taxpayers millions for me over the course of several decades for "managing my condition". Hogwash. The specialist bill $400 a visit and do nothing more than renew Rx. They left me on outdated dangerous regimens that damaged my liver and kidneys all while ignoring single digit serum OH-25-D and "treating"that with Rx Greed D2 ergocalciferol. I arrived on these pages near death suffering needlessly from metabolic syndrome, severe bone loss and much more. No one seems to notice where all that money goes while the yield is wore-than-third-world care and patient outcomes. Its a story told over and over here.

Believe me when I tell you the breakdown I'm currently seeing in California will quickly spread across the nation. We need to save our health care by ending blood lust racketeering. Yes, Medicare does a better job of trimming their take which is exactly why your evil monkey in DC refuses to allow a discussion of Singe Payer Medicare for All. And why Medicare Medicaid as we know it may simply cease to exist. As good as it is Medicare does nothing on the QC side. You may be getting compassionate care. If it is not efficient though it will break down. All those nice people are going to stop being so nice once the excessive cash flow comes to a screeching halt. Jim Kunstler has written much about the racketeering cover-up and the complicity of corporate media.****-nation/paler-shade-gray/****-nation/rain-dance/****-nation/racket-of-rackets/

Have a back-up plan.
A Dr that prescribes "extra" of a controlled drug isn't going to have his medical license for very long

They have MUCH more discretion than what you indicate here. If the doc wants to up his dose because he believes it's the best choice absolutely nothing would happen. It would have to be chronic and ridiculous to get anybody in trouble.
Not really an issue with me. The doc and I reduced my monthly dose from 400 mg to 375 mg because of an elevated hematocrit (55.5). I donated a pint of blood and that, together with the reduced dosage of T, brought my hematocrit down to 50.9.

Incidentally, in order to iron out the usual peaks and valleys, I inject every third day, 37.5 mg each, for 10 injections a month.
My doc has been prescribing me 2.5mL's a month of 200mg's cypionate for over three years now, and he does it for all of his patients and nothing has every happened to him. Every month I get a 10mL vial and have been for the past three years.

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