Can you Have 1000 ng/dL Natural Testosterone Level ?

Rhino 2.0

Hi there everybody, I was wandering if its rare for a guy to be in the 1,000 pg/ml range naturally without being on trt or some type of test booster? Im 25 and my testosterone has always been in the 500-700 range naturally and I am trying to boost it the 1,000 range naturally but its just not happening. Do most naturals usually have testosterone levels in the 500-700 range naturally or are they usually a little higher?
Natural testosterone ranges vary by age. If you're steadily posting 500-700 as your natural level you are not going to naturally increase it to the 1000 mark.
Hi there everybody, I was wandering if its rare for a guy to be in the 1,000 pg/ml range naturally without being on trt or some type of test booster? Im 25 and my testosterone has always been in the 500-700 range naturally and I am trying to boost it the 1,000 range naturally but its just not happening. Do most naturals usually have testosterone levels in the 500-700 range naturally or are they usually a little higher?

According to this study on average, the mean and median for total testosterone concentrations were 723.8 and 698.7 ng/dl, and men that fell in higher-end (top) of the 97.5th percentile were 1000+ (1196.6 ng/dl) and men that fell in the lower end (bottom) were 348.3 ng/dl. I would say a large majority of healthy men's testosterone levels fall in the 600-800 ng/dl range on average. Also when looking at the natural diurnal rhythm of a young healthy male's testosterone levels they peak (highest point) in the early morning around 8 am and hit nadir (lowest point) around 8 pm. It is not common for most young healthy males to have total testosterone concentrations of 1000+.
Hi there everybody, I was wandering if its rare for a guy to be in the 1,000 pg/ml range naturally without being on trt or some type of test booster? Im 25 and my testosterone has always been in the 500-700 range naturally and I am trying to boost it the 1,000 range naturally but its just not happening. Do most naturals usually have testosterone levels in the 500-700 range naturally or are they usually a little higher?

If you're concerned about numbers, the internet is a bad place. If you're not having symptoms and maintain a respectable testosterone level just enjoy life man. Don't get caught up in the numberitis that plagues the internet.

Numberitis is a serious disease that is contagious.
If you're concerned about numbers, the internet is a bad place. If you're not having symptoms and maintain a respectable testosterone level just enjoy life man. Don't get caught up in the numberitis that plagues the internet.

Numberitis is a serious disease that is contagious.

Completely agree!
Your levels are excellent. A lot of guys with high total T levels have only average free T levels. In order for the body to increase free T, it increases total T. I have a friend who is 50 years old and his T levels are about 700. He is in great shape but his Free T is mid to low mid range. When my total T is 508, my free T is higher than his.
do NOT get consumed with blood work and numbers, you are much too young to be concerned with that. Enjoy your life and do not search the net regarding T level ranges.
also men walking around with total T levels at 900 for someone that is natural is very rare.
more than a few urologists and endo's told me that.
Hi there everybody, I was wandering if its rare for a guy to be in the 1,000 pg/ml range naturally without being on trt or some type of test booster? Im 25 and my testosterone has always been in the 500-700 range naturally and I am trying to boost it the 1,000 range naturally but its just not happening. Do most naturals usually have testosterone levels in the 500-700 range naturally or are they usually a little higher?

Best I can put is your levels in the 700s are good and from reading some of your past posts you seem to be really concerned with building muscle which is understandable as many of us that train want to strive for improvements in our physique and get stronger but honestly if you were able to increase your total t numbers from 700-1000 (which would not happen naturally) it would not make a drastic difference in muscle/strength gains as ones testosterone levels need to be well in the supra-physiological range steady-state 24/7 to really start to see increases in muscle/strength gains and regarding trt sure having ones levels in the upper end (high/normal) of the physiological range (lets say 1000 for example) one would definitely notice improvements in body composition (muscle/strength gain) when implementing a proper training/nutrition protocol but even than it would not be significant gains in muscle/strength as I have stated before ones levels need to be well into supra-physiological range to really start to see improvements in muscle/strength gains that is why some people choose to use/abuse testosterone/AAS in high doses to attain supra-physiological levels of testosterone steady-state 24/7 whether blasting/cruising, cycling, or staying on long term. Unless you truly had low to low/normal testosterone levels with a low or low/normal free T or in some cases, descent total t but very high SHBG and low free tTand of course experiencing low T symptoms then trt is not even worth looking at. Nothing upsets me more when I hear of younger men with decent testosterone levels that complain of minor issues and are looking to gain muscle in the gym and seem to think that pursuing trt is going to make a big difference when in reality they basically just shut down their natural endogenous production (hpta) and had natural T levels which were in a healthy range, to begin with, and think that boosting T numbers to the upper end of the physiological range is going to all of a sudden cure all their problems. One's genetics play a critical role in how much muscle one can attain and diet/training/lifestyle are 3 key factors in improving body composition changes whether gaining muscle/losing body fat. If only trt doses which raise someone's testosterone levels to the mid/normal or high/normal physiological range were all that was needed to build a great physique then no one would ever use/abuse testosterone/AAS.
The problem with me is that my SHBG is kind of on the higher end of normal. I had it tested twice and levels were 40 and 47 the second time. Range was from 10-50. But then again its still in normal range. This puts my free testosterone at a low normal or mid low normal level and I know free testosterone is what really counts when it comes to testosterone's effect on the body. Then again I don't feel bad or like I have low testosterone but I do have trouble gaining strength and putting on lean muscle in the gym. But like you guys said earlier it could be due to genetics or diet. The funny thing is I took an estrogen blocker called arimistane which is a metabolite of DHEA that is suppose to block estrogen and work similar to arimidex. After I took just once on the first day my strength and pump in the gym went up big time and I could tell. It was not just in my head at all either I could really feel a difference. My estrogen level is normal though so I don't know why that product helped me so much.
The problem with me is that my SHBG is kind of on the higher end of normal. I had it tested twice and levels were 40 and 47 the second time. Range was from 10-50. But then again its still in normal range. This puts my free testosterone at a low normal or mid low normal level and I know free testosterone is what really counts when it comes to testosterone's effect on the body. Then again I don't feel bad or like I have low testosterone but I do have trouble gaining strength and putting on lean muscle in the gym. But like you guys said earlier it could be due to genetics or diet. The funny thing is I took an estrogen blocker called arimistane which is a metabolite of DHEA that is suppose to block estrogen and work similar to arimidex. After I took just once on the first day my strength and pump in the gym went up big time and I could tell. It was not just in my head at all either I could really feel a difference. My estrogen level is normal though so I don't know why that product helped me so much.

Be careful with that supplement. It isnt just a inhibitor, what it does is permanent. Meaning it will permanently bind to the aromatase enzyme, and low E2 sucks!

Arimistane (Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione) is a metabolite of 7-Keto DHEA, which does not convert into testosterone or estrogen. In fact, just like the drug Aromasin, arimistane is actually a suicide aromatase inhibitor (AI), so it will permanently bind to the aromatase enzyme and prevent any estrogen rebound.
I do know men in their 20s with levels around 900 plus and a 64 year old buddy of mine that level is over 1000. It shows how different are natural levels can be.
The problem with me is that my SHBG is kind of on the higher end of normal. I had it tested twice and levels were 40 and 47 the second time. Range was from 10-50. But then again its still in normal range. This puts my free testosterone at a low normal or mid low normal level and I know free testosterone is what really counts when it comes to testosterone's effect on the body. Then again I don't feel bad or like I have low testosterone but I do have trouble gaining strength and putting on lean muscle in the gym. But like you guys said earlier it could be due to genetics or diet. The funny thing is I took an estrogen blocker called arimistane which is a metabolite of DHEA that is suppose to block estrogen and work similar to arimidex. After I took just once on the first day my strength and pump in the gym went up big time and I could tell. It was not just in my head at all either I could really feel a difference. My estrogen level is normal though so I don't know why that product helped me so much.

E2 has no effect on muscle gain, so reducing it will not increase muscle gain.

You've simply felt the effects of placebo, that by taking a drug that does what you want, your goal was achieved. Except to anyone that understands hormones it doesn't make sense, because high E2 doesn't prevent muscle gain.

Be careful with that supplement. It isnt just a inhibitor, what it does is permanent. Meaning it will permanently bind to the aromatase enzyme, and low E2 sucks!

Arimistane (Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione) is a metabolite of 7-Keto DHEA, which does not convert into testosterone or estrogen. In fact, just like the drug Aromasin, arimistane is actually a suicide aromatase inhibitor (AI), so it will permanently bind to the aromatase enzyme and prevent any estrogen rebound.

Wow, I didn't know that. I've done about 3 cycles of 600mg's of testosterone for 12 weeks each and I used Aromasin (12.5mg's every day for 12 weeks during the cycles) and it worked very well but I didn't know that it was permanent.

I was under the impression that aromatase returned after a while. I don't have any low estrogen side effects but I do notice that I usually walk around with my T levels in the 1300's and I don't have any estrogen sides.
Wow, I didn't know that. I've done about 3 cycles of 600mg's of testosterone for 12 weeks each and I used Aromasin (12.5mg's every day for 12 weeks during the cycles) and it worked very well but I didn't know that it was permanent.

I was under the impression that aromatase returned after a while. I don't have any low estrogen side effects but I do notice that I usually walk around with my T levels in the 1300's and I don't have any estrogen sides.

He was specifically referencing the supplement mentioned above I believe, not aromasin.
Wow, I didn't know that. I've done about 3 cycles of 600mg's of testosterone for 12 weeks each and I used Aromasin (12.5mg's every day for 12 weeks during the cycles) and it worked very well but I didn't know that it was permanent.

I was under the impression that aromatase returned after a while. I don't have any low estrogen side effects but I do notice that I usually walk around with my T levels in the 1300's and I don't have any estrogen sides.

It's not normal to be walking around with total the levels around 1300s; hence, I am assuming that these levels are when you are on cycle. If my assumptions are correct then your testosterone supply is either diluted or there's something wrong with you. Exogeneous t 600mg/week should put you in excess of 2500s! Total t.
It's not normal to be walking around with total the levels around 1300s; hence, I am assuming that these levels are when you are on cycle. If my assumptions are correct then your testosterone supply is either diluted or there's something wrong with you. Exogeneous t 600mg/week should put you in excess of 2500s! Total t.

Nah, the 1300 is 4 pumps of Androgel with 500iu's of HCG 3x's a week. I've been at 1300 for the past couple of years and my blood work comes back fine, no HCT or E2 issues so as long as I don't have those, my doc and I are fine with it.

on cycle I was in the 3500's and up
Nah, the 1300 is 4 pumps of Androgel with 500iu’s of HCG 3x’s a week. I’ve been at 1300 for the past couple of years and my blood work comes back fine, no HCT or E2 issues so as long as I don’t have those, my doc and I are fine with it.

on cycle I was in the 3500’s and up

haha, that makes sense! :cool:
Estrogen may play a very important role in the promotion of an anabolic state by affecting glucose utilization in muscle tissue. This occurs via an altering of the level of available glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme directly tied to the use of glucose for muscle tissue growth and recuperation

Estrogen and GH/IGF-1

Estrogen may also play an important role in the production of growth hormone and IGF-1. IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) is an anabolic hormone released in the liver and various peripheral tissues via the stimulus of growth hormone (See Drug Profiles: Growth Hormone). IGF-1 is responsible for the anabolic activity of growth hormone such as increased nitrogen retention/protein synthesis and cell hyperplasia (proliferation).

Estrogen and the Androgen Receptor

It has also been demonstrated that estrogen can increase the concentration of androgen receptors in certain tissues. This was shown in studies with rats, which looked at the effects of estrogen on cellular androgen receptors in animals that underwent orchiectomy (removal of testes, often done to diminish endogenous androgen production). According to the study, administration of estrogen resulted in a striking 480% increase in methyltrienolone (a potent oral androgen often used to reference receptor binding in studies) binding in the levator ani muscle

Estrogen and Fatigue

“Steroid Fatigue” is a common catchphrase these days, and refers to another important function of estrogen in both the male and female body, namely its ability to promote wakefulness and a mentally alert state. Given the common availability of potent third-generation aromatase inhibitors, bodybuilders today are (at times) noticing more extreme estrogen suppression than they had in the past. Often associated with this suppression is fatigue. Under such conditions, the athlete, though on a productive cycle of drugs, may not be able to maximize his or her gains due to an inability to train at full vigor. This effect is sometimes also dubbed “steroid lethargy.” The reason is that estrogen plays an important supporting role in the activity of serotonin. Serotonin is one of the body’s principle neurotransmitters, vital to mental alertness and the sleep/wake cycle

...if (high estrogen) problems have not presented themselves, the added estrogen due to a cycle of testosterone or Dianabol, for example, might indeed be aiding in the buildup of muscle mass, or keeping you energetic.

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