Can Oral Glutathione Supplements Work?

I have been taking glutathione (for about a year) and saw the difference on my face. there were always a lot of freckles, and in the warmer months, generally trash. drank in powder form, orally. dissolved 4-5 grams of glutathione in a glass of NOT warm water, drank mainly before or before training (used as a source of amino acids and an assistant in building collagen)
I have been taking glutathione (for about a year) and saw the difference on my face. there were always a lot of freckles, and in the warmer months, generally trash. drank in powder form, orally. dissolved 4-5 grams of glutathione in a glass of NOT warm water, drank mainly before or before training (used as a source of amino acids and an assistant in building collagen)
why i should avoid hot water?
why i should avoid hot water?
thanks for your question)

Warm water destroys the bonds in amino acids and they become useless. And another note about glutathione. better a lower dose at first because it causes diarrhea. don't repeat my mistakes (oops)
by trial and error, I realized that it is better to take immediately packaged supplements. for example, I buy amines right away in capsules with the required dosage, I swallow the capsule or pour the contents into the water and drink a "cocktail", so I know for sure that I have not accidentally exceeded the dose and I will not have embarrassing situations.
I usually order supplements at [edited by moderator] with a dosage of 2mg and take 2 capsules (exactly 4mg comes out, exactly as I need)
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thanks for your question)

Warm water destroys the bonds in amino acids and they become useless. And another note about glutathione. better a lower dose at first because it causes diarrhea. don't repeat my mistakes (oops)
by trial and error, I realized that it is better to take immediately packaged supplements. for example, I buy amines right away in capsules with the required dosage, I swallow the capsule or pour the contents into the water and drink a "cocktail", so I know for sure that I have not accidentally exceeded the dose and I will not have embarrassing situations.
I usually order supplements at ... with a dosage of 2mg and take 2 capsules (exactly 4mg comes out, exactly as I need)
The online store that sells "bloommy" glutathione is an overpriced garbage: it contains mainly anti-inflammatory herbs like (ginger) and an insignificant amount of 3000mcg = 3mg glutatione, which will have zero effect by itself.

At similar prices, one can buy real L-Glutathione with 250 - 500mg per capsule that works to suppress skin inflammation/redness very well.
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The online store that sells "bloommy" glutathione is an overpriced garbage: it contains mainly anti-inflammatory herbs like (ginger) and an insignificant amount of 3000mcg = 3mg glutatione, which will have zero effect by itself.

At similar prices, one can buy real L-Glutathione with 250 - 500mg per capsule that works to suppress skin inflammation/redness very well.
thanks for the advice! by the way, ginger and cinnamon are good for the liver (its cleansing). dermatologists often say to drink this mix when prescribing various pills (such as Accutane), they do not have the best effect on the liver and this cocktail supports regenerative functions
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Thanks everyone for the data/info. Glutathione alls into the category of a lot of other supplements for me: as a vegan I eat a ton of leafy greens and other whole plant foods and suspect I already get very ample and potent anti-oxidants, therefor I don't think I need it. I also don't drink alcohol. Isn't this something that essentially helps make up for all the big meat eaters that don't touch vegetables, or is it that many need a huge boost when binge drinking? Maybe I'm fooling myself and it would still help me. Any super healthy eaters still felt major benefits from Glutathione?
I don't have a strong opinion on whether you need glutathione supplements on a steady-state basis, but when your body is actively fighting off an infection there are things it can benefit from in much higher amounts than you could possibly eat, Vitamin C being the classic example. There are also liposomal formulations that radically help absorption that are not found in nature as far as I know. Glutathione is apparently particularly important for the lungs and for fighting off lung infections (pneumonia can be fatal for a person who otherwise appears healthy) and if it is like Vitamin C, it is essential to supplement when you have such an illness, so the basic answer is you need supplements on hand. Vitamin D is another example where you almost certainly need supplements unless you live on the equator. Also, some antioxidants like Vitamin C are used for other things by the body besides being antioxidants and the same could be true for glutathione. I take glutathione especially when I feel a cold/flu coming on, but I take a lot of other things too so I can't say what does what, but I certainly don't want to be low on it and I have never heard of any harm from reasonable dosages.
K. I just posted on another thread that I don't really notice any difference from my Glutathione, but then again my whole family is sick and I'm not even though I'm in close proximity to all 3 that are sick. Maybe it's the Glutathione.

And forgive the repasted questions: 1. I'm unconvinced subq wouldn't be fine. Also, 2. it's cloudy--is that right? Just want to make sure I've got good stuff. And 3. it burns on injection (not that bad)--is that normal?
And forgive the repasted questions: 1. I'm unconvinced subq wouldn't be fine. Also, 2. it's cloudy--is that right? Just want to make sure I've got good stuff. And 3. it burns on injection (not that bad)--is that normal?
Where did you get your injectable glutathione?
Peptide sciences. Only thing I can think of is that It said to reconstitate with three ML, and I only did one initially, but it was thick so I added two more a few days later. I can’t imagine not reconstituting fully would cause an issue… Thanks
You only want glutantione when you are dealing with lots of toxins. For example a lot of people from the 70s and 80s before the eco wave and environmental regulations or from countries like Iran are lead poisoned for life. It accumulates in the bones from where it has a half-life of 30 years. Amalgam fillings are also bad, in some people 100 and 1000 times the amounts of mercury have been released than what safety studies reference to be supposedly true about those fillings. Aluminum has the same poisonous effect as mercury, but it is not as potent and nowhere near as easily absorbed from food.

Glutanthione also helps against alcohol hangover, though, I find that loading your body with vitamin C beforehand (like a heaped teaspoon every 2 hours) works just as well as NAC (=glutanthione source) but without the side-effects.

I personally believe from experience that NAC can weaken certain types of tissues in the body, such as found in cartilages or spinal discs, maybe by making the fluids within them less viscous or something, but also blood vessels especially or mostly so if combined with alcohol. NAC does inhibit coagulation at smal aneurysm sites, which could theoretically unusually promote intercranial aneurysm formation/rupture if taken every day for a lifetime, but that's just a theory. I mean I know NAC is a pretty safe supplement, but when you are in a situation where something fails in your body, like a herniated disc or unusual headaches, then maybe like me you notice it seems to have a bad effect on it on the very long run which would usually go totally unnoticed or not be a problem had not something been weakened that was unusually sensitive to further damage.
I just saw a fairly recent youtube by Will Brink that says undenatured whey protein is the best way to raise your glutanthione. More efficient than even NAC. I've been using the LEF brand. It's certainly more expensive than other brands but good quality and apparently you can trust the denaturing process more than other brands.
I just saw a fairly recent youtube by Will Brink that says undenatured whey protein is the best way to raise your glutanthione. More efficient than even NAC. I've been using the LEF brand. It's certainly more expensive than other brands but good quality and apparently you can trust the denaturing process more than other brands.
Can u link the whey protein ur referring to? Can’t find it for some reason. The brand is LEF?
You should think carefully before consuming undenaturated whey protein - it is not sterilized/pasteurized by heat. Allegedly they remove bacteria through filtration but how effective that is, and what about viruses?

Anyone had experience with this (Shots, inhaler, orals)?

I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Gordon and they had discussed glutathione supplementation mainly to avoid hangovers, I myself am interested in overall liver health.

Ive only read about its clinical applications and how some individuals have overdosed during skin whitening procedures.

Thanks for your insight.
So what are you asking about your liver? I can say it is OK to use Test Gel and Shots. My Liver Dr is Jeff Weinstein MD director of the Methodist Liver Institute in Dallas. He is a Multi Hall Of Fame Super Doctor. When two Dr.s told me I had 3 years to live I fired both and started with Dr. Weinstein 17 years ago and my liver may be better now than it was 17 years ago. I've had Liver cancer 3 times and colon cancer once. I hold the record for beating Cancer 4 times. I'm 79 and Run 3-4 times 35 min each time a wk and lift weights 3-4 times a wk I ride my bike for 45 min at least 3-4 times per wk. I use gel 2 pumps now but have used Cypionate also for 3-4 years. Test from 17- 1300. 17 is a Bummer. LOL Keep your ass ACTIVE

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