Can Enclomiphene replace HCG in PCT?


New Member
My body does not tolerate HCG well at all. Nipples get sensitive, I bloat like a pufferfish, and overall just feel terrible. I used to be on TRT and blast and cruise for about 10 years, then came off all of it altogether. I did no PCT, just quit cold turkey and my levels returned to normal within about 6 months. That was two years ago, and I am preparing to run a mild test (150) npp (300mg/week split into 3 doses) cycle for 10 weeks.

My questions,
1) can enclomiphene be used during the cycle to maintain my body's natural production of testosterone instead of the test at 150mg per week, and if so at what dosage and when should I begin and discontinue relative to my cycle.

2) Most PCT protocol include waiting two weeks after the cycle and then running hcg for 2 weeks and then either tamoxifen or clomiphene or both. Can I use endoclomiphene as a substitute for hcg, or can in include this in my pct at all....and if so, how?

Also, when you guys post the studies....I don't always understand them. So if you guys can you reply in simple terms so that I can comprehend it would be much appreciated! Thankyou in advance for any and all help.
Here's my take.

Question 1) Almost certainly not. The enclomiphene would be to stimulate LH, however the combination of Test (Highly suppressive) and NPP (Almost as suppressive) would almost certainly out-weigh the enclomiphene. HCG is used because it is similar to LH so your body does not have to produce it.

Question 2) You can include it, but per the above it is not a substitute for HCG.

It sounds like you recover fairly well, but it's up to you whether to take the risk.

An option to consider is to start by just using a low dose (e.g. 25mg twice per week) of clomid or enclomiphene, which should boost your natural production, and if you tolerate that well, get bloods drawn, and then add in very short-acting compounds (e.g. oxandrolone) several times per week, and do bloods again. You won't get the same results as you would from your cycle, but you would not have to worry about a restart either.
Mr. Guided_by_Voices, I appreciate your answer. For a cycle like the one I described, what is my best protocol for PCT that does not involve HCG?

HCG, in even the smallest amount, gives me really bad estrogen symptoms that neither anastrozole or exemestane can relieve.
I don't know what the best would be. You might look into including Kisspeptin however I don't know whether that would over-ride the suppression to produce LH. You may just have to go with clomid and/or enclomiphene alone. You didn't say which ester of Test you were going to use but a shorter ester such as Test prop would be out of your system faster and likely allow your LH to return faster.
That is a good point..test is test cypionate. If I were to run enclomiphene alone, I am assuming I would begin 2 weeks after my last test much do you recommend I take and for how long?
That is a good point..test is test cypionate. If I were to run enclomiphene alone, I am assuming I would begin 2 weeks after my last test much do you recommend I take and for how long?
I don't know. Your question shows the problem with the whole PCT concept. It is very imprecise and is different from person to person. I think there are some other threads here including one from Nelson that give some guidelines, but some people do well on Clomid/Enclomphene and some have severe issues. If you're in a good place now I would think long and hard before disrupting it.

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