Can Clomid help me ? Need Advice


New Member
I'm 34 year male now. I was suffering from extreme fatigue and brain fog during the day and couldn't study and do day to day tasks. Went to the Gp and had my blood done. And here were the results

Testosterone 13.6 nmol/l 9.9-27.8 nmol/L
Fsh < 1 IU/L 1-12 IU/L
LH 1 IU/L 1-12 IU/L
Shbg 16 nmol/l 14-71 nmol/L
Prolactin 115 mIU/L 73-407 mIU/L
Oestradial 127 pmol/L 40-162 pmol/L
Progesterone 1 nmol/L 1nmol/L

He said everything looked fine to him and there is nothing to worry about and said it's just in my mind and put me on anti- depressants which I quit because they were not helping. All this was done 4 years ago I still feel the same. My recent testosterone results show 12 nmol/L that were done 2 months ago, but they are not willing to put me on trt. I've done some research and gone through some posts on this board and found some people here very knowledgeable and up to date with this stuff. Can anyone please help me with this coz I'm living a miserable life.
I feel like im a robot which is programmed to do a task but has no much power to execute the task.ive no onfidence in making decisions, at times totally undecisive. I Easily get tired and fatigued. I've no clue where I'm heading In my life I mean when you are young and you have a lots of dreams and want to do something in life but you have no energy to do any task. I've tried all the vitamins and supplements but none worked because after two days of the use I feel the same(tired all the time).
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You are secondary (very low LH and FSH). So yes clomid might work for you. Have you tested your fertility? With these LH and FSH levels you might be as well subfertile.
Clomid a lot of times doesn’t work well to improve low T symptoms. But might be worth a try. Other options are TRT with HCG (and maybe FSH if fertility is a concern) and HCG monotherary. You need to find a good doctor to discuss all your options.
Well our medical system here sucks. My Nhs Gp never bothered to further investigate to tell why and what exactly causing all this. I'm going through a miserable life, brain fog almost all the time. When you have no energy, your brain doesn't function properly, that's the case with me here. Do you think I can try clomid on my own, although it's a prescription drug but I can get it anyhow from somewhere. Does anyone know if tests show's I'm infertile. With the the below results could it be fixed ? Your kinday help would be really appreciated.

Are you in the USA? If yes you can try Defy Medical. They are a telemedicine clinic and are specialists in hormone modulation. Finding a good doctor is not easy. Most of us here have gone through a good handful of doctors before finding someone that knows about TRT. Dont feel discouraged. Self medicating is never a good option. I was in your position a few years ago and after a few bump roads I was able to find good care.
Depending on where you live other members here can help you find a good doctor. There are some threads about this. You can also try to find anti aging clinics near you.
The only way to know if you are infertile is a sperm analysis. But your extremely low LH and FSH are an indication you might be subfertile. Oddly enough you testosterone is within range despite the extremely low LH. You need both intertesticular testosterone and FSH to make swimmers. You might not be infertile but I would not be surprised if your sperm count is borderline low.
Thanks orrin for the interest. I'm not aware of what complete thyroid panel consists of but recently had a Ultravit blood tests done which includes the thyroid funciton. I'll post complete results following this post. Here are the results for the thyroid function.
THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE-------->1.23mIU/L ------------- 0.27---4.20
FREE THYROXINE ----------> 16.3pmol/L ------------ 12.00---22.00

Hope it helps.
If you wish to read up on thyroid:
Go here and look around and read first:
Then order her book.
BEST web site and book covering thyroid.
Book is so well written and documented it could be used as a medical School text on thyroid conditions.
After that you will find some good information here:
then you might want to get this book:
You can find on-line calculators to convert your reading to the ones in the references so you will be looking at apples and apples.
Hi everyone !
Here are the complete results from the recent test done like 2 months back.

Red Blood Cells
HAEMOGLOBIN (G/L)---------->144 g/L---------->130.00 -170.00
HCT ----------> 0.434 L/L---------->0.37 -0.50
RED CELL COUNT---------->4.92 x10^12/L ----------4.40 -5.80
MCV ---------->88fl----------80.00 -99.00
MCH---------->29.2pg----------26.00 -33.50
MCHC (G/L)---------->331g/L----------300.00 -350.00
RDW ---------->13.2% ----------11.50 -15.00
WhiteBlood Cells
WHITE CELL COUNT----------> 5.3x10^9/L ----------3.00 -10.00
NEUTROPHILS---------->3.06x10^9/L----------2.00 -7.50
LYMPHOCYTES---------->1.61x10^9/L----------1.20 -3.65
MONOCYTES---------->0.48x10^9/L----------0.20 -1.00
EOSINOPHILS---------->0.08x10^9/L----------0.00 -0.40
BASOPHILS---------->0.02x10^9/L----------0.00 -0.10
Clotting Status
PLATELET COUNT---------->272x10^9/L----------150.00 -400.00
MPV----------> 9.3fl----------7.00 -13.00
Inflammation Marker

CRP-HIGH SENSITIVITY----------> 0.2 mg/l----------0.00 -5.00

Kidney Function

SODIUM ----------> *147.1mmol/L ----------135.00 -145.00
UREA----------> 6.5mmol/L----------1.70 -8.30
CREATININE----------> 99umol/L ----------66.00 -112.00
Liver Function
ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ----------> 70IU/L----------40.00 -129.00
ASPARTATE TRANSFERASE---------->27.8IU/L---------- 0.00 -37.00
ALANINE TRANSFERASE---------->26.2IU/L----------10.00 -50.00
CK---------->*217IU/L----------38.00 -204.00
GAMMA GT---------->*8IU/L----------10.00 -71.00
BILIRUBIN---------->*27.9umol/L----------0.00 -20.00


PROTEIN ----------> 67.6 g/L----------63.00 -83.00
ALBUMIN ----------> 40.1 g/L----------34.00 -50.00
GLOBULIN ----------> 27.5g/L ----------19.00 -35.00
Bone HealthCALCIUM ----------> 2.45 mmol/L----------2.20 -2.60
CORRECTED CALCIUM ----------> 2.45 mmol/L----------2.20 -2.60
GoutURIC ACID ----------> 273 umol/L----------266.00 -474.00
DiabetesHBA1C (MMOL/MOL) ----------> 30.00---------mmol/mol 20.00 -42.00


Iron Status

IRON ----------> 12.09 umol/L----------10.60 -28.30
T.I.B.C ----------> 47.29 umol/L----------41.00 -77.00
TRANSFERRIN SATURATION ----------> 25.57 % ----------20.00 -55.00
FERRITIN ----------> 193 ug/L----------30.00 -400.00
Cholesterol Status
TRIGLYCERIDES ----------> 1.13mmol/L ---------- 0.00 -2.30
CHOLESTEROL ----------> 3.57mmol/L---------- 0.00 -4.99
HDL CHOLESTEROL----------> 1.07mmol/L---------- 0.90 -1.50
LDL CHOLESTEROL----------> 1.99mmol/L---------- 0.00 -3.00
NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL ----------> 2.5mmol/L---------- 0.00 -3.89
Heart Disease Risk
HDL % OF TOTAL 29.97 % 20.00 -100.00

Thyroid Function

THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE-------->1.23mIU/L ------------- 0.27---4.20
FREE THYROXINE ----------> 16.3pmol/L ------------ 12.00---22.00
Prostate Screen
PROSTATE SPECIFIC AG(TOTAL)---------->0.702ug/L----------0.00 -1.40
PROSTATE SPECIFIC AG(FREE)---------->0.337ug/L----------0.00 -0.90
FREE:TOTAL RATIO---------->0.48----------0.19 -1.00

TESTOSTERONE---------->12.5nmol/L----------7.60 -31.40



ACTIVE B12 ----------> 96.2pmol/L----------25.10-165.00
FOLATE (SERUM) ----------> 3.84 ug/L----------2.91 -50.0025
OH VITAMIN D ----------> 94.5 nmol/L ----------50.00 -200.00

Interpretation of results:Deficient <25Insufficient 25 -49Normal Range 50 -200Consider reducing dose >200

Thanks to all for helping !
I suggest doing a tele-medicine consult with one of the Functional Medicine doctors (e.g. Dr. Will Cole or someone in his general circle) who can help figure out what the root cause of your fatigue is before you over-invest in the idea that it is hormonal. I used clomid for a while and while it was generally beneficial for me, going low-carb was the thing that gave me the single biggest energy and mental clarity boost. Your issue could be hormonal so it is worth trying as long as you are in just-try-stuff mode (something I do also when necessary), but if your issue is an infection however, anything short of resolving the infection will be a band-aid over the real issue. P.D. Mangan also has a book on Fatigue that you might get.
I'm 34 year male now. I was suffering from extreme fatigue and brain fog during the day and couldn't study and do day to day tasks. Went to the Gp and had my blood done. And here were the results

Testosterone 13.6 nmol/l 9.9-27.8 nmol/L
Fsh < 1 IU/L 1-12 IU/L
LH 1 IU/L 1-12 IU/L
Shbg 16 nmol/l 14-71 nmol/L
Prolactin 115 mIU/L 73-407 mIU/L
Oestradial 127 pmol/L 40-162 pmol/L
Progesterone 1 nmol/L 1nmol/L

He said everything looked fine to him and there is nothing to worry about and said it's just in my mind and put me on anti- depressants which I quit because they were not helping. All this was done 4 years ago I still feel the same. My recent testosterone results show 12 nmol/L that were done 2 months ago, but they are not willing to put me on trt. I've done some research and gone through some posts on this board and found some people here very knowledgeable and up to date with this stuff. Can anyone please help me with this coz I'm living a miserable life.
I feel like im a robot which is programmed to do a task but has no much power to execute the task.ive no onfidence in making decisions, at times totally undecisive. I Easily get tired and fatigued. I've no clue where I'm heading In my life I mean when you are young and you have a lots of dreams and want to do something in life but you have no energy to do any task. I've tried all the vitamins and supplements but none worked because after two days of the use I feel the same(tired all the time).

Judging by the way you're feeling and the fact that you have very low LH, it would not surprise me if you have sleep apnea. Have you had a sleep study done to evaluated for sleep apnoea? I'd highly recommend it. It could make all the difference in the world.
I suggest doing a tele-medicine consult with one of the Functional Medicine doctors (e.g. Dr. Will Cole or someone in his general circle) who can help figure out what the root cause of your fatigue is before you over-invest in the idea that it is hormonal. I used clomid for a while and while it was generally beneficial for me, going low-carb was the thing that gave me the single biggest energy and mental clarity boost. Your issue could be hormonal so it is worth trying as long as you are in just-try-stuff mode (something I do also when necessary), but if your issue is an infection however, anything short of resolving the infection will be a band-aid over the real issue. P.D. Mangan also has a book on Fatigue that you might get.

Hey there !
I absolutely second your thoughts here. Your idea of change of diet seems valid to me as well. So far all my blood results show minor elevation in bilirubin and some hormonal ups and downs. But no doctor ever diagnosed anything thats causing extreme fatigue and brain fog.I've researched some local Gps specializing in functional medicine and will definately give it a go. But for now I've booked my appointment with a Gp specialist in hormones. Thanks for you valuable comments and mention.
If you wish to read up on thyroid:
Go here and look around and read first:
Then order her book.
BEST web site and book covering thyroid.
Book is so well written and documented it could be used as a medical School text on thyroid conditions.
After that you will find some good information here:
then you might want to get this book:
You can find on-line calculators to convert your reading to the ones in the references so you will be looking at apples and apples.

Hey orrin !
Thanks bud for such a valuable information. I've bookmarked those links for future reference, It certainly will help me. Your help is highly appreciated!
Judging by the way you're feeling and the fact that you have very low LH, it would not surprise me if you have sleep apnea. Have you had a sleep study done to evaluated for sleep apnoea? I'd highly recommend it. It could make all the difference in the world.
Hi there !
Thanks for your valuable comments. Well basically my night time sleeping pattern has never been effected, it's the same before I had these problems. So I think it's highly unlikely I have this. Thanks a lot for your time though.
Are you in the USA? If yes you can try Defy Medical. They are a telemedicine clinic and are specialists in hormone modulation. Finding a good doctor is not easy. Most of us here have gone through a good handful of doctors before finding someone that knows about TRT. Dont feel discouraged. Self medicating is never a good option. I was in your position a few years ago and after a few bump roads I was able to find good care.
Depending on where you live other members here can help you find a good doctor. There are some threads about this. You can also try to find anti aging clinics near you.

Hi !

No I'm in England. Happy to hear you found the right doctor. Yes i know sometimes Its a struggle to find a good doc. I would really appretiate someone whose in England and have a look at my thread and give some good info.

Cheers mate!

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