Cabergoline - Should I really take it? (pros vs. cons)


Active Member
So over the past few months I've been slightly irritated that my ability to orgasm has sort of disappeared (basically ever since I started the injections; I used to be on Androgel). My libido is high, and I can ejaculate just fine (no problems at all in the function department), but my enjoyment of it has gotten very mediocre. Nowadays it's more about relieving an urge, rather than enjoying a satisfying experience. Much like going to pee - yeah it feels good, but only because I relieved the need to pee, not because it feels amazing to pee. Get the difference?

My doc previously though that I may need to increase my DHT levels, so he added T-Prop (on top of my weekly T-Cyp) which has a higher conversion rate to DHT than T-Cyp alone. That increased my libido, but not my enjoyment.

So we are facing a new culprit - my prolactin levels, which are currently 19.5 ng/mL (range: 4.0 - 15.2 ng/mL). Granted, my prolactin levels have always been high (used to be 17 ng/mL prior to TRT, don't know why it increased since then but whatever).

He says that my current levels are not too high, so he's not too worried at this point, but it may be the reason I am not experiencing orgasmic sensations when ejaculating. So he suggested that I take half a pill of Cabergoline twice a week for the next six weeks, and report back to him on how I am feeling.

Here's the thing: each pill costs $27.50 - that's major expensive!!

Are there any other benefits to taking this pill other than increasing sexual enjoyment? I understand that it helps prevent/reduce gyno, which I am not sure whether I have or not, because I am slightly overweight, so maybe I have pseudo-gyno? No idea.

Spending close to $200 for a little over a month of more enjoyable masturbatory sessions (right now I don't have a girlfriend) sounds a little crazy to me. Are there any other benefits to this pill short or long term that may potentially deem it worthwhile despite the expensive investment?
Your prolactin is OK. A tiny uncontrolled study showed improved sexual function in men who use Cabergoline but I took it with no results. I think that unless your prolactin is over at least 50, you are lactating, and/or have been found to have a pituitary tumor, cabergoline has no place in TRT or ED.

Bringing your prolactin down too much can affect your immune function.

Gene loves cabergoline but he also takes a bunch of stuff so our experience is not the same.
I was waved away from cabergoine because of potential GI issues (I have well controlled colitis). That said, my doctor told me the few patients of her that have taken it have not been impressed. Still, she admits that it has a buzz in regard to libido and performance. She just hasn't seen it in the small group she is familiar with.
I think you and me experience the same lack of sensation, I call penile sensitivity. Getting to the orgasm is a chore! The sensation is dulled and it makes me take forever to cum, both alone and with my girl. Hell, I had to have her stop my sex act of choice, I just wasn't going to cum and I stopped fighting it. I take 5mg 2x day of Cialis, I think I have plenty of urge/libido, but the act is not satisfying.
I have tried cabergoline twice, but all it did was create constipation. Like Nelson says, I think you have to have very hi prolactin level to notice anything with it.
Bringing your prolactin down too much can affect your immune function.

But what about into the normal range? Right now it is higher than maximum normal. Are you saying that a few units of ng out of range is not all concerning? It may not be, but I just want to confirm.

Gene loves cabergoline but he also takes a bunch of stuff so our experience is not the same.

What is it that Gene loves about it? If that's not too personal to ask like this, then I'd love to know.

Also, how does one check if there is a pituitary tumor?? This is actually something that I'd be interested in checking, because pre-TRT my LH + FSH levels were approximately five times the maximum levels, only now (nearly two years after​ starting TRT) are they in normal ranges. Granted, I have primary hypogonadism, but should the LH + FSH levels have been that high? I've never actually checked for pituitary tumors. Should this be something I should do? Who checks these things? How expensive is it to check?

I think you and me experience the same lack of sensation, I call penile sensitivity. Getting to the orgasm is a chore! The sensation is dulled and it makes me take forever to cum, both alone and with my girl

Actually, I do not have any issue with ejaculations. Being in the right state of mind, I can ejaculate 4-5 times in the same day. I just feel like I am relieving pent up energy, the satisfaction being like you take off tight shoes. This is not how sex (with or without a partner) is supposed to be in my opinion...

And if cabergoline is not recommended in my specific case, does anyone have any suggestions for what can be done for fixing the lack of enjoyment of sex? There exists a philosophy that the less you ejaculate, the more you enjoy it when you do. According to that philosophy, this is especially true if you abstain from self-stimulation (meaning that you ejaculate only/primarily with a partner, as there is a huge difference in physiological and chemical responses). I don't know if these claims are accurate, or only accurate when it comes to indigenous testosterone production (rather than manually setting the levels via TRT)... Could this possibly be a related cause?
Also, just to clarify on what I wrote in that last paragraph in my previous post:

The difference between enjoying and simply relieving a base urge is like the difference between eating an amazing, thick juicy steak grilled to perfection to eating Ramen noodles. They'll both fill you up, but only one of them will you truly enjoy.

The second point at hand (hehe), has a lot to do with the findings from these people: who claim, based off of several recent studies, that over stimulation from porn (and masturbation) causes certain chemical changes in the brain akin to that of addicted individuals, as well possibly down-regulation of dopamine receptors, meaning that you enjoy things a lot less than you used to. I am not saying that they are right, or they are wrong. Just that this may be something we'd want to take into consideration as a possibility? (By the way, there are many other sources, online and offline, they are just one example.)

If their findings are medically relevant to me, meaning that I have manually down-regulated my own dopamine production, wouldn't that mean that taking a dopamine agonist, such as cabergoline, be extremely counter productive and just worsen the problem?
Also, how does one check if there is a pituitary tumor?? is is actually something that I'd be interested in checking, because pre-TRT my LH + FSH levels were approximately five times the maximum levels, only no​ starting TRT) are they in normal ranges.

An MRI will determine if there is a pituitary tumour.
For the past 3 years I have been taking .25 mg twice a week and I simply swear by the stuff!

My libido is totally insane 24 hours after taking it.

Orgasm intensity it through the preveriable roof even when I masturbate.

Dr. Eugene Shippen, thee anti aging pioneer and the real deal, often prescribes a low dose to his men when TRT alone doesn't increase libido or desire and he sees excellent results.

He feel middle aged men with mid to slightly elevated prolactin levels can have these negative effects and a very low dose like .25 mg twice weekly goes a long way to increase libido.

Not only does Caber lower prolactin levels but it's also a Dopamine agonist which goes to increase libido and orgasm intensity.

If you Doc write you a prescription for it your medicale insurance should cover it as mine does.

If you IM me I can point you to another place you can but it much much cheaper as well.

Like I said, it works wonders for me and will be part of my protocol for years to come!!!
BTW, that study on porn effecting ED was debunked in a recent study by researchers at University of Zagreb found no relationship between porn use and ED...None!
I take wellbutrin 300mg xl and my orgasm intensity went through the roof. First time ejaculating on this i swear my balls were being sucked through my urethra into her vagina! It was that good!

Prior to that orgasms wer mehhh as I aged. I still enjoyed them but werent thaaat intense.

It hasn't increased my libido but i attribute that to t/e imbalances due to me experimenting with different doses.

Right now I have been without T for a month and feel like a neutered dog. No sexual desire at all. My hardware works if stimulated but I dont get aroused at all.
BTW, that study on porn effecting ED was debunked in a recent study by researchers at University of Zagreb found no relationship between porn use and ED...None!

I was more referring to the fact that excessive self stimulation and constant porn viewing creates an "addictive" response in the brain, and that this behavior decreases the natural excitement when one is faced with natural stimuli, such as one real naked female in front of you vs. tons of naked women online. According to their claims (which is claimed to be based on research), the brain reacts chemically far stronger to the porn, which in turn causes you to gradually get less excited about things you should get very excited over, such as one naked female right in front of you (assuming that you are heterosexual) and you enjoy the experience a lot less, because it is less "stimulating" to the brain now that you conditioned your brain to much higher levels of stimulation on a regular basis.

I take wellbutrin 300mg xl and my orgasm intensity went through the roof. First time ejaculating on this i swear my balls were being sucked through my urethra into her vagina! It was that good!

According to what I've researched, Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant that is sometimes used for female sexual dysfunction. Was the reason you were prescribed this medication in order to treat sexual dysfunction, or was it for a different reason, and you just happened to have had your sexual experiences enhanced?? It seems a little risky to me to take an anti-depressant in order to improve sexual pleasure if my dopamine and serotonin levels are in check. Are you using this medication for any other purposes? If not, are you experiencing any negative side effects?
What's a good/cheap Caber source??

Hi all; I have read a lot about Caber. And I have read most all of Gene's posts. I was hoping someone can point me toward a good source to buy Caber in pill or liquid form. I'm hoping to buy as a research chemical - as I'm on a budget and can't afford the pharma grade stuff.

For the past 3 years I have been taking .25 mg twice a week and I simply swear by the stuff!

My libido is totally insane 24 hours after taking it.

Orgasm intensity it through the preveriable roof even when I masturbate.

Dr. Eugene Shippen, thee anti aging pioneer and the real deal, often prescribes a low dose to his men when TRT alone doesn't increase libido or desire and he sees excellent results.

He feel middle aged men with mid to slightly elevated prolactin levels can have these negative effects and a very low dose like .25 mg twice weekly goes a long way to increase libido.

Not only does Caber lower prolactin levels but it's also a Dopamine agonist which goes to increase libido and orgasm intensity.

If you Doc write you a prescription for it your medicale insurance should cover it as mine does.

If you IM me I can point you to another place you can but it much much cheaper as well.

Like I said, it works wonders for me and will be part of my protocol for years to come!!!
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Hi all; I have read a lot about Caber. And I have read most all of Gene's posts. I was hoping someone can point me toward a good source to buy Caber in pill or liquid form. I'm hoping to buy as a research chemical - as I'm on a budget and can't afford the pharma grade stuff.
These old thread that get brought back to the present always throw me.
I'll read thru all the post and just about the time I prepare a comment I notice the thread date (2015) and the OP isn't even around anymore.
I need to start checking dates before anything else.
I've tried caber a few times but never for more than a week at a time. Does it take longer to get the full effect? Haven't had really noticed anything from it. Iv'e read you don't want to smash your prolactin level as that can be bad for libido just like having it too high. Mine is in range so no real need for it from that perspective.
I don´t see why you couldn´t post comments on old thread. There are many very interesting old threads on this Forum.

I agree they can be interesting. I just get flustrated when I work on a answer to help the OP only realize the problem was over years ago. I'm not complaining
about the forums just my lack of attention to the thread dates.
I have tried it and it does help but at .25 it is a strong drug that will take the prolactin below the radar. I don't know if going lower dose would help. They are small pills and you can cut them into 4 but its almost dust if you do. I don't know if it's dose dependent on how low it will take your level. I asked about giving more days between doses and was told it don't work that way.

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