[BW] Possible Graves Disease 09-24-209


Active Member
Hey guys,

Been a while since I last checked in. Short story, I ceased all TRT/HRT treatment on November 2018. Prior to stopping I slowly tapered off Testosterone Cypionate at that time was a test. Parallel to the taper, I was taking 350iu HCG 3x/week for a month, then transitioned to Clomid 25md EOD for a couple of months which ended in November 2018. I believe I “PCT” very gradually coming off TRT. The decision to come off testosterone at the time is that I am 30yr and still young, but right on the edge in which natural production may not be optimal.

Going forward from November 2018 To present date I have been struggling with frequent urination, dry eyes, knee pain and a strange high feeling (kind of buzzed or light headed) which are episodic. These symptoms have been getting better, but I struggle time to time And I actually am starting to feel a lot better. During this stretch I have had Blood work done several times with normal Thyroid readings but with elevated TPO antibodies only at first. Testosterone has slowly been increasing from each test and LH & FSH has as well, but at a snails pace.

I am reaching out to the community because my Endocrinologist wants me to take a Thyroid uptake year which I agree strongly, and also to take Methimazole, which is basically an AI but for the Thyroid which I am skeptical about but will have to take if I have Grave’s disease

1. My question Is... can having such low testosterone for a long period of time cause an autoimmune response attacking my Thyroid? Which is starting to clearly be seen in my blood work.

2. Would it be better to take Testosterone again and see if this resolves my autoimmune response and Thyroid values?

3. Should I take the Methimazole in conjunction with TRT but I was thinking a shorter eater this time. I did not like Cypionate.

** My free testosterone and SHBG values are obviously skewed due to the Hyperthyroid state. I believe once my elevated thyroid stabilize those values will too. In the past I have never had issues there.

Thank you!


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My wife had Graves disease. And it was definitely treated very poorly. They destroyed her thyroid, with radioactive iodine. Then they just treated her with T4 and got her TSH in a good range. Left her a total mess. She did end up dying from cancer, which had nothing to do with her thyroid.

I think it's better to treat Graves disease with Meds and not destroy it. Graves which you know is a immune disease, I believe is caused by "grains". If you have one auto immune disease, there's a good chance you will be getting another one. My advice to you is give up grains, find the best thyroid doctor you can and get treated properly. Read as much as you can and self educate yourself. If I were you I would get my thyroid in a good place, then consider going back on trt. Hopefully with a better thyroid you won't need trt.
My wife had Graves disease. And it was definitely treated very poorly. They destroyed her thyroid, with radioactive iodine. Then they just treated her with T4 and got her TSH and a good level. Left her a total mess. She did end up dying from cancer, which had nothing to do with her thyroid.

I think it's better to treat Graves disease with Meds and not destroy it. Graves which you know is a immune disease, I believe is caused by "grains". If you have one auto immune disease, there's a good chance you will getting another one. My advice to you is give up grains, find the best thyroid doctor you can and get treated properly. Read as much as you can and self educate yourself. If I were you I would get my thyroid in a good place, then consider going back on trt. Hopefully with a better thyroid you won't need trt.

Sorry for your loss, and I remember you posting this earlier. Last thing I want to do is destroy my thyroid. And to be honest I rather treat the autoimmune issue rather than suppress my thyroid. But going down that route makes me think the risk is greater than the reward. The types of medications available to do that may be more harmful. I guess I will have to commit to a gluten free diet.

The million dollar question is... did abusing testosterone in my past lead me to an autoimmune disease? Or the very high testosterone to very low testosterone combine with the misuse of AI’s create an autoimmune disease. I used to be very healthy and very strong, and now I am a complete mess with possible Grave’s.
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Great read thank you, and from my vague research so far the best approach is to suppress the thyroid by using a medication like Methimazole, and in time the autoimmune response may go into remission. From my understanding there is nothing wrong with my Thyroid, but the underlying cause is the autoimmune attack causing my thyroid to produce more hormone.

does anyone else on this forum have Grave’s?
... I am assuming I am the only active member here who has Grave’s disease. Doing a search with the word “Grave” brought up only a few hits...

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