25 Y/O Male blood work and suggested treatment options


New Member
I used AAS in the spring of 2016 finishing in mid to late April. I was 23 years old at the time. One month later i had my blood tested and,no surprise, found elevated liver enzymes. Over the last 3 years since then i have had my blood work checked periodically as a result. You will see that my values steadily (Although extremely slowly) improved. This is with the exception of Alkaline Phosphatase. Once i realized that enzyme can be a result of bone turnover from low T I started having my T tested. Turns out my test held steady at a low normal value. The two reasons this concerns me is
1. I would like to have children in the next 10 years, and
2. That my energy levels are rock bottom (along with other low T symptoms) and it has hindered me in my professional/personal life.

I treated myself in the spring of 2018 with tomoxiphen(clomid gave me pretty extreme side effects) with the goal of 1. trying to figure out if my testicals functioned, and
2. to see if i could "restart" my natural production. You will notice that test levels responded dramatically to the treatment, but in a later blood test (I'm still trying to get my hands on it) they returned to base line.

I saw an endocrinologist and was prescribed Clomid 25mg/day. 25 days on, 5 days off.
I do feel alot better. However, the fluctuations in sex drive, energy levels, and mood have been difficult to deal with. These are accompanied by the occasional sense of impending doom, which is something i have never felt before.

Im hesitant to use TRT for fear of destroying my ability to produce healthy sperm down the road. (IF i am currently producing healthy sperm) But am curious if TRT would have me feeling better than i do with the clomid.

1. do you think a "restart' is possible to restore my natural production.

2. Is clomid efficacious for a long term treatment of low T, and should i be on any ancillary drugs like anastrozole

3. Would TRT potentially hinder sperm production permanently

4. Do you think i am currently producing healthy sperm

Last thing, I am fully aware of the mistake i made in using those drugs and would prefer if the discussion could be focused on improving my current state.


At your age the chances of a re-start are pretty good to be honest and by looking at your lab work (you appear to be Secondary hypogonadal).
That dose of 25 mg/day is pretty high and has been known to cause issues.
Maybe discuss with your doc 12.5 per day.
Clomid and TRT - Jump starting Testosterone Production
There are options with TRT that will allow you to remain fertile (hcG, FSH, etc..).
You just need to make sure you are working with someone who knows what they're doing.
(FYI, if you hang around this forum long enough you'll soon realize most docs are subpar in this particular area, hormone treatment).
Sean Mosher is correct, most doctors (endocrinologist and urologist) are lacking in hormone replacement therapy and usually set the patient up for failure because they have little experience and don't know how to design a proper TRT protocol because there are no instruction for doctors to follow.

There's nothing written in the guidelines that is current and everything is outdated, so to are the TRT protocols and unless the doctor has a ton of clinical experienced you stand no chance at feeling good on TRT.

Most of the success stories are those who have gone private and all of the men having problems with treatment are suffering at the hands of inexperienced doctors who don't know what they are doing.
At your age the chances of a re-start are pretty good to be honest and by looking at your lab work (you appear to be Secondary hypogonadal).
That dose of 25 mg/day is pretty high and has been known to cause issues.
Maybe discuss with your doc 12.5 per day.
Clomid and TRT - Jump starting Testosterone Production
There are options with TRT that will allow you to remain fertile (hcG, FSH, etc..).
You just need to make sure you are working with someone who knows what they're doing.
(FYI, if you hang around this forum long enough you'll soon realize most docs are subpar in this particular area, hormone treatment).

Good article thanks for the post. Any info on a restart protocol?
How does one go about finding a knowledgable doc?
Sean Mosher is correct, most doctors (endocrinologist and urologist) are lacking in hormone replacement therapy and usually set the patient up for failure because they have little experience and don't know how to design a proper TRT protocol because there are no instruction for doctors to follow.

There's nothing written in the guidelines that is current and everything is outdated, so to are the TRT protocols and unless the doctor has a ton of clinical experienced you stand no chance at feeling good on TRT.

Most of the success stories are those who have gone private and all of the men having problems with treatment are suffering at the hands of inexperienced doctors who don't know what they are doing.
What do you mean going "private" would that be like a mens clinic?
Truthfully at my appointment i did not feel that my endo was very knowledgeable on this specific condition, so i am not supprised to hear this
Most of these TRT centers or TRT clinics are what we refer to as T-Mills who staff incompetent doctors who are no better than the endocrinologist and urologist who lack knowledge. TRT clinics care not about your health, but is selling as much drugs for profit as possible.

Anti-aging and sports medicine has been doing TRT for decades. A lot of members here are with Defy Medical, an anti-aging clinic who staffs doctors that have been doing TRT for quite awhile. It's a telemedicine service and it eliminates you having to play the doctor lottery.

The standards for getting treatment for an androgen deficiency through insurance is rigged against you, insurance doesn't want to pay out on your behalf and the standards are low for getting treatment.

Paying for it out of pocket raises the standards and level of care.
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Most of these TRT centers or TRT clinics are what we refer to as T-Mills who staff incompetent doctors who are no better than the endocrinologist and urologist who lack knowledge. TRT clinics care not about your health, but is selling as much drugs for profit as possible.

Anti-aging and sports medicine has been doing TRT for decades. A lot of members here are with Defy Medical, an anti-aging clinic who staffs doctors that have been doing TRT for quite awhile. It's a telemedicine service and it eliminates you having to play the doctor loretty.

The standards for getting treatment for an androgen deficiency through insurance is rigged against you, insurance doesn't want to pay out on your behalf and the standards are low for getting treatment.

Paying for it out of pocket raises the standards and level of care.
Good to know. The advertisments i had seen for those T-mills look like they are exactly what you are talking about. are their any other credible services that i should look in to?
Just want to wake this thread up.
1. Im hoping to find a restart protocol and insight on if it is likely or possible for me to reach a more normal production of T.
2. If there are any other credible services other than Defy Medical that i can look into. Just to get a guage on the market.
3. opinions on my current regemine of:
25mg clomid/day for 25 days. Then 5 days off. Repeat.
should i be on any ancilary medications?
4. More info on if i would have a better experience on TRT and is it possible to maintain my fertility while doing so.
You have the site sponsors, which include us (PrimeBody) and Defy.
You have Dr. Crisler, Dr. Kominarek, and guys like that who are among the top experts.
Where are you located?

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