BPC 157 - amazing healing results.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to share my recent experience running BPC 157 for the first time.

I have had a nagging, chronic Rotator cuff injury for the past five months or so. The injury has been persistent and has been increasing in pain and lack of mobility. Recently, it got so bad that I had to pretty much eliminate any type of “regular” weight lifting and reduce the weights for upper body exercises to sets of 20 with a light weight. Anything beyond that caused significant pain.

I was planning to see an orthopedist since it hasn’t healed - expecting some sort of tear.

As a last resort, I was Rx’d some BPC which arrived on Friday (4 days ago)

mixing and dosing were as follows:

4 MLs Bacteriostatic water mixed with 10 mg of BPC which yields 250 mcg per 1/10 of an ML (10 units). I have been dosing 20 units (500 mcgs once per day into the rear delt).

after 1 day, the shoulder felt better than it had in months. Today, 5 daily shots later, the pain is gone and my shoulder is back to 90%.

To test it out - I did incline bench close to my normal weight for 3 sets. Normally, doing even one set with 50lbs less weight would cause pain and instability later on. Didn’t happen this time.

another strange thing - I have had chronic patella tendinitis for years. Not debilitating, but always present. Even nandrolone never cured it. That pain was gone after the second day.

I am sold on this compound. Love it!!! I plan to run it every few months just to heal. I will keep it at once daily for about 3 weeks or so and then go off. I will also add some ibutamoren for some extra healing.
I wanted to share my recent experience running BPC 157 for the first time.

I have had a nagging, chronic Rotator cuff injury for the past five months or so. The injury has been persistent and has been increasing in pain and lack of mobility. Recently, it got so bad that I had to pretty much eliminate any type of “regular” weight lifting and reduce the weights for upper body exercises to sets of 20 with a light weight. Anything beyond that caused significant pain.

I was planning to see an orthopedist since it hasn’t healed - expecting some sort of tear.

As a last resort, I was Rx’d some BPC which arrived on Friday (4 days ago)

mixing and dosing were as follows:

4 MLs Bacteriostatic water mixed with 10 mg of BPC which yields 250 mcg per 1/10 of an ML (10 units). I have been dosing 20 units (500 mcgs once per day into the rear delt).

after 1 day, the shoulder felt better than it had in months. Today, 5 daily shots later, the pain is gone and my shoulder is back to 90%.

To test it out - I did incline bench close to my normal weight for 3 sets. Normally, doing even one set with 50lbs less weight would cause pain and instability later on. Didn’t happen this time.

another strange thing - I have had chronic patella tendinitis for years. Not debilitating, but always present. Even nandrolone never cured it. That pain was gone after the second day.

I am sold on this compound. Love it!!! I plan to run it every few months just to heal. I will keep it at once daily for about 3 weeks or so and then go off. I will also add some ibutamoren for some extra healing.
I’ve seen some posts in other forums about people taking BPC and months later being diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (I think 3 people). I have taken it before but after reading about these cases (which may be unrelated btw) I’m a tad scared to take bpc again.

it’s good that it is helping your injuries but it is still an experimental peptide and who knows…
Without being repaired, rotator cuff tears (which usually involve more than one muscle or the labrum) are not going to get better. Great you feel more comfortable but you should have a thorough exam and MRI. Also, getting the best surgeon to do a repair is absolutely essential. There is a difference. Been through it, seven years ago back to full function and weights without symptoms.
What you are describing, is an anti-inflammatory effect. An actual injury will not heal in 5 days. Hopefully this will last and there will be an actual healing effect.
Good point. I am wondering if it became chronic tendinitis and the BPC helped with the inflammation. If I had a tear I don’t think I’d be able to even lift over my head at all. I was able to do that before BPC but only with light weights. The shoulder hurt all the time. It’s seems very stable now that I don’t have pain across all planes of movement.
Without being repaired, rotator cuff tears (which usually involve more than one muscle or the labrum) are not going to get better. Great you feel more comfortable but you should have a thorough exam and MRI. Also, getting the best surgeon to do a repair is absolutely essential. There is a difference. Been through it, seven years ago back to full function and weights without symptoms

did you have surgery? What was the time frame to heal. I have had similar challenges with this shoulder for decades , typically from subluxations. This time it seems heavy KB pressing was the culprit. I have never had a nagging shoulder injury this long which hurt all the time especially in the back - Terris Minor area, as well as tendons on top of the joint. I’m assuming since I felt better so quickly that it may not have actually been a tear and may have been tendinitis and swelling. Feels amazing now. Just did some KB presses to test it out and had no issues at all. Nothing worked until I injected BPC.
Yes, I had rotator cuff repair (arthroscopically) and biceps tenodesis. It took about six weeks gradually getting back to normal basic use. Six months to do light to moderate exercises. It felt fine after a few weeks but I was really cautious and wanted good healing in there before I really started using it as before. Feels perfectly normal now better than the other side actually. Anyway, monitor it and if you're symptoms/discomfort don't return, you're probably good to go. If they return, definitely get that MRI based diagnosis.
Yes, I had rotator cuff repair (arthroscopically) and biceps tenodesis. It took about six weeks gradually getting back to normal basic use. Six months to do light to moderate exercises. It felt fine after a few weeks but I was really cautious and wanted good healing in there before I really started using it as before. Feels perfectly normal now better than the other side actually. Anyway, monitor it and if you're symptoms/discomfort don't return, you're probably good to go. If they return, definitely get that MRI based diagnosis.

Regarding tendonitis in most cases when one has been lifting weight for a long time (years) most in fact develop tendinosis as oppose to tendinitis (which they think they have) and when one develops tendinosis the tendons are much more prone to a tear as tendinosis is a degeneration of the tendons collagen from chronic overuse.

Too many get caught up in thinking that the use of nandrolone will heal damaged tendons.

Keep in mind that although nandrolone will relieve/improve joint pain/bone health in most.

It does not heal damaged tendons which in most cases is tendinosis (degeneration) from wear/tear, aging.

Nandrolone will just mask the symptoms due to increase lubrication of the joints, fluid retention, increased collagen.

Very rare one would use nandrolone short-term to cure such issues permanently as symptoms will eventually come back once it is stopped.

Unfortunately many jump on nandrolone thinking it will cure their issues and at the same time continue training heavy further beating up their joints/ligaments/tendons.

As we age one needs to train smarter as you will notice it is very common for most who have weight trained for years to end up with damaged joints/tendons from the repetitive wear/tear on the body.
And therein lies the tale of truth. I trained hard and heavy in my youth so I could look like Frank Zane and like most things it catches up with you in middle age. Felt my biceps tendon pop out of its groove turning a bolt one day and that was the final touch to the shoulder problem. If I could go back in time I'd do yoga instead. Probably wouldn't have caught much female attention then though. Hmmm.
I wanted to share my recent experience running BPC 157 for the first time.

I have had a nagging, chronic Rotator cuff injury for the past five months or so. The injury has been persistent and has been increasing in pain and lack of mobility. Recently, it got so bad that I had to pretty much eliminate any type of “regular” weight lifting and reduce the weights for upper body exercises to sets of 20 with a light weight. Anything beyond that caused significant pain.

I was planning to see an orthopedist since it hasn’t healed - expecting some sort of tear.

As a last resort, I was Rx’d some BPC which arrived on Friday (4 days ago)

mixing and dosing were as follows:

4 MLs Bacteriostatic water mixed with 10 mg of BPC which yields 250 mcg per 1/10 of an ML (10 units). I have been dosing 20 units (500 mcgs once per day into the rear delt).

after 1 day, the shoulder felt better than it had in months. Today, 5 daily shots later, the pain is gone and my shoulder is back to 90%.

To test it out - I did incline bench close to my normal weight for 3 sets. Normally, doing even one set with 50lbs less weight would cause pain and instability later on. Didn’t happen this time.

another strange thing - I have had chronic patella tendinitis for years. Not debilitating, but always present. Even nandrolone never cured it. That pain was gone after the second day.

I am sold on this compound. Love it!!! I plan to run it every few months just to heal. I will keep it at once daily for about 3 weeks or so and then go off. I will also add some ibutamoren for some extra healing.
Had two MRIs on left shoulder and diagnosis was degeneration or tendinosas. Try BPC 157 250mgc 2x daily in to shoulder for four weeks it did nothing for me but give me a strange side effect once my left leg shook uncontrollably 5 minutes after injection while lying down it only happened once but scared the piss out of me. Glad it’s working for you I’m now on 80 mg a week all good
Had two MRIs on left shoulder and diagnosis was degeneration or tendinosas. Tried BPC 157 250mgc 2x daily in to shoulder for four weeks it did nothing for me but give me a strange side effect once my left leg shook uncontrollably 5 minutes after injection while lying down it only happened once but scared the piss out of me. Glad it’s working for you I’m now on 80 mg Nandrolone a week all good
I’m 5 wks post op from rotator cuff surgery (complete tear and retraction). I just started running BP 157 about a week ago and I don’t feel less muscle soreness or stiffness yet. I’m not expecting miracles; just hoping it will help me heal faster. Anyone have experience good or bad with 157 post op? I ordered TB 500 and plan to run that, too. Any thoughts on that?
I'm in the peptide community and people there seem to do 1-2mg. Personally 500mcg has done well for me in tendonitis of the forearms. I inject directly into the area as sub q has not done much
Update. I have been continuing with my bpc protocol as described in my original post above. After any type of pressing movement, the shoulder does get sore for a day or so. However the constant nagging, chronic pain is gone and has never returned since starting bpc. I conclude that the substance did not “heal” my rotator cuff in the sense that it did not magically repair a torn muscle or tendon, but it did drastically reduce the associated inflammation and tendinitis that was plaguing me for months. I am at 80 percent recovered which I attribute to bpc bit not 100 percent.
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It will be interesting to see if the anti-inflammatory effect lasts if you stop injections for say a week, or it is temporary only on injection days.
It will be interesting to see if the anti-inflammatory effect lasts if you stop injections for say a week, or it is temporary only on injection days.
I will post back. I think I only have a few days left in the protocol. Based on where I was for the past few months and how quickly the BPC has given me relief, I would still highly recommend this product. I would also be curious how well it does with Covid shot reactions or something like the flu.
It is not a good idea to take anti-inflammatory after a COVID vaccination, unless the reaction is unbearable or severe. You want the immune system to react and build future immunity, not suppress it. There are studies already that people on strong immuno-suppressive drugs (for arthritis or organ transplantation) build weaker response to the COVID vaccines.
I'm on my second vial of BPC and the only benefit so far is my wallet is lighter :) I was really hoping it would help with my tennis elbow, clicky shoulder, or arthritic back...but no luck so far.
It is interesting how this works wonders for some and does nothing for others. I have wasted way too much money on this to try to fix some shoulder issues and I may have well been injecting saline in terms of effectiveness.

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