When I first started TRT I was over weight by about 45 pounds. Fast forward 3 years later after a lot of hard work in the gym and also eating right I am in the best shape I have probably been my entire life. Not saying this to brag. This is more of a statement question. When I started the trt I needed to get put on an AI. My e2 was skyrocketing into the 50s. Now I don’t need to take an AU and if I do, even more old normal dose of .25 it bottoms me out for a good 2-3 weeks. And no it’s not guessing about bottoming out either. 6 weeks ago I took a normal dose of my AI the day of my injection. 3 days later did labs and found out my e2 was undectable. How come all of a sudden my body isn’t reacting well to the AI? Thanks for any responses!