Bloodwork Analysis

Hi guys

I just got a second round of bloods done. First was ordered by my pcp for total t (341).

Second was ordered by a urology group (free and total T, fsh, lh, and cbc).

imgur.c om/a/MH42z

I'm 30 years old. Got tested because my libido is not where I want it to be. Fatigued all the time. Hard to put on muscle..

I was prescribed 25mg of Clomid ED (which I'm not sure if I should take just yet? Is that an ok amount? I've read about EOD at that dose) along with cialis (5mg) every day. I see the main T guy in two weeks. He supposedly treats the patient and their symptoms not just the numbers. So we'll see what happens.

Just curious on your thoughts regarding my numbers.

Thanks guys.
We welcome you to EM, but until you have five posts you can't attach. We're sorry, but spammers are a constant problem. Can you transcribe your results, with ranges? We hope you'll bear with us.
We welcome you to EM, but until you have five posts you can't attach. We're sorry, but spammers are a constant problem. Can you transcribe your results, with ranges? We hope you'll bear with us.

No problem. Thought I could be slick by spacing the. Com in my OP lol.

Free t: 14.6
Ref range: 4.85 - 19.0

Total T: 441 ng/dl
Red range: 240-950

Cbc....way too.much to transcripe on mobile but it's all good.

Prolactin: 9.090
Ref range: 4.000-15.200

FSH: 2.9
Ref range: 1.5 - 12.5 miu/ml

LH: 2.7
Ref range: 1.7 - 8.6 miu/ml

Hoping to get estradiol, a1c and shbg for additional labs.


Ps. Also I had thyroid checked and that was fine.
Any insights into why you have low testosterone, drugs or meds.

I've had my T tested when I was 19 or 20 for similar symptoms and I clocked in for total t at around the same (440). Was told I am normal and that was really the end of that. Just accepted it.

At the time I first got that blood test I was on no meds and never did drugs.

Today the only thing I take is zyrtec for allergies. I also have a medical marijuana card due to stomach issues. And just a quick note: i never smoked when I first got my T checked when I was younger.

(Just mentioning because I know folks say it can reduce T).

But that's it. I used to take prilosec at the height of my stomach issues (had an ulcer at one point and now I have something called eosinophilic esophagitis...which is a lousy esophageal disease caused by allergies).

Other than that that's it. No other issues that I'm aware of. And I am on no other meds (aside from Dayquil a few days ago) and I take no other drugs. Not even caffeine. Just weed so I can have an appetite (the ulcer I had was for a LONG time. Went undiagnosed until I got really sick in my mid twenties). My stomach was shot for a long time. So this has helped so much. And I highly doubt it's suppressing my T because like I said I had similar symptoms when I was 10 years younger and i only tried weed once in high school.

is 440 low in your opinion for a 30 years old male? The research I've been doing makes me feel like it is. I see charts where men in there 60s have higher average T (in the 600s).

People on other boards are saying my numbers are fine and it's probably shbg that's off..(which I believe will be tested next).
How are you sleeping? Is apnea a possibility? It's been noted that many men deal with undiagnosed apnea and it can hammer androgens.

I actually got a test for apnea once. Had to do a sleep study. I thought I had it but it turned out to be a laryngo spasm (which was having to do with my ulcer and my eosinophilic esophagitis at the time).

Haven't had one of those spasms in a long time (they were super infrequent) and I do not and have never snored in my life (and my wife can back me on that).

So I really have no idea :/ wish they ran the shbg with everything else..ugh.
You can pull your own labs, at a very reasonable cost, at Many of us rely on them for testing when we want a result, not when the doctor or insurer decides it's necessary. All blood work through LabCorp and results in your email in a few days.
You can pull your own labs, at a very reasonable cost, at Many of us rely on them for testing when we want a result, not when the doctor or insurer decides it's necessary. All blood work through LabCorp and results in your email in a few days.

If you're not satisfied with them, you try Defy Medical. That's who I finally decided to go through after talking to many doctors in Wisconsin.

Awesome. Thanks guys. I'll be sure to keep this thread updated.

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