Bloods back...E2 down....but....

You got screwed. If I could run a TT of 594 on my own and didn't have any symptoms of low T I can't imagine starting TRT. Six hundred is an average TT for a guy in his 40's. I had a TT of 400 but I had multiple symptoms.

I'd start the PCT restart right away - but not with the doctor that prescribed you TRT with the levels you had. That high SHBG may present a bit of a challenge though.

Ones TT is only part of the overall picture and FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive benefits.

His pre-trt is sub-par @ 10.0 (range 6.8-21.5 pg/ml) and to top it off the direct assay was used which tends to overestimate.

Sure he may not have been experiencing all the low t symptoms but you stated he got screwed which is not the case as he is in good hands with Defy run by Dr. Saya and they are well aware of how to treat patients let alone have tons of experience dealing with men suffering from low t.

You make it sound as if it was a big mistake when in fact he was obviously feeling some symptoms and had blood work done.....although his TT may look descent.....his FT is sub-par.

Highly doubt Defy twisted his arm and made him start as I would say it was a mutual decision between doctor and patient.
You got screwed. If I could run a TT of 594 on my own and didn't have any symptoms of low T I can't imagine starting TRT. Six hundred is an average TT for a guy in his 40's. I had a TT of 400 but I had multiple symptoms.

I'd start the PCT restart right away - but not with the doctor that prescribed you TRT with the levels you had. That high SHBG may present a bit of a challenge though.

Even on his most recent labs from new protocol 50 mg/week M/W/F (150 mg/week) his TT is 1137 ng/dL and his FT is 21.4 which is right at the top end of the reference range (range 6.8 -21.5 pg/ml) but again the direct assay was used which tends to overestimate and due to his high SHBG he may very well need to run a higher TT in order to bring his FT up more.

If we use the calculated Free T method (Vermulen) when using his TT 1137 ng/dL and his SHBG 66.6 nmol/L his FT is only 1.56% and his BT is only 36.5%.

Most men need FT 2-3% of TT to experience benefits.

If anything bringing up his FT may be needed but e2 will need to be managed which may be easier said than done in his case.
So....had me consult and the Dr thinks that my DHT might be low which is causing my flat feeling and sexual issues.

He suggested adding cream to my protocol. I declined. So he upped my dose of T from 50mg to 60mg M-W-F and if I start experiencing high E symptoms then switch to EOD injections.

I pretty much told him this is my last go and if things don’t improve that I would be pulling the plug.

I asked about a PCT and he said with my high SHBG that it will be a cold turkey situation as clomid raises SHBG and mine is already very high.
He said to add a little HCG if I needed a little boost to get my over any ruff patch.
That’s amazing. Idk why they test for some shit and not others. Hell you can get dht and pregnenolone combo blood test for $120 at life extension. Or dht only for $50

I guess they’re trying to save on cost but I’d rather have info to feel better rather than save a buck.
Yeah...I can’t take an AI. I took just three .125mg doses over a week and a half and it damn near killed me...full blown panic attack, heart palpitations, trouble breathing, etc.

I have not touched it since and will not ever again.

The whole idea of switching to the M-W-F protocol was to lower my E...which it did....from 70+ down to what it is now.

I will decide what I am going to do after my consult with the Defy doc next week.
I took two of the same in a week with the same result. Took me about a month to chance it again. Now I open the capsule and empty 3/4 of the powder. Much better:)

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