Blood work and incompetent Doctor

Any Free testosterone level at time of 363 total testosterone test? Or LH / FSH levels with that one?

Minox regimen? Are you still taking that? It could explain hair loss.
The hairloss they are reffering to is just shedding where the old hair falls out to make room for new growth. I went through this before all of my hair grew back.

Now I've lost all of my body hair, public and have a patchy beard. I can deal with all that but what is killing me is the low libido and sexual interest.

No i havent used minox in a few months.
And if I had to guess (it's all it is, a guess), I'd say you're partial primary; possibly one of your testicles (or both) is/are under-performing. Although, not optimal, you do have endogenous testosterone in the mid 400's, and your HPTA is obviously responding with signalling for more production. FSH is signalling even higher, which is also a marker that something isn't cooking right in the sertoli's, so IMO it would be good if a physician really covered the bases in that region of your body.

Thanks for your in depth response. Should I go with another urologist or an endo? I've kind of lost hope as it seems most of them just want to collect the co-pay and have you in and our of their office in a hurry
Thanks for your in depth response. Should I go with another urologist or an endo? I've kind of lost hope as it seems most of them just want to collect the co-pay and have you in and our of their office in a hurry

Earlier in this thread it was suggested that Defy Medical is well qualified to deal with the issues you present with. I am not a Defy patient, but many of our members are. Their expertise in matters hormonal is exceptional. Drs. Justin Saya and John Crisler post here at Excelmale. Search for their contributions here to get a sense of their approach.
Thanks for your in depth response. Should I go with another urologist or an endo? I've kind of lost hope as it seems most of them just want to collect the co-pay and have you in and our of their office in a hurry

It's kind of a Yes and a No ... Yes, no doubt the best ticket IMO is you need to get with a GOOD physician, one who can really get a comprehensive diagnosis completed for your situation. The problem being is the word, "good", which for some reason these Endos and Urologists keep getting bad press with this area of practice.

Some of my first experiences in 2009 were with an Endo, who honestly knew less than some first time members here who spent 2 hours reading stickies here! I'm not kidding, he completely denied that estrogen would ever convert from exogenous test medication.

Not sure what part of the country you're in? Yes, the team at Defy Medical is A+, but I think for your particular situation you might need get deeper with urology exams, x-rays, etc., first before getting too deep into just jumping on a TRT regiment. 1) You could call Jasen Bruce at Defy, and see if they have a reference on anyone nearby you. 2) Look through the A4M directory , possibly a physician/clinic will also specialize in this area, and he/she can help you get it figured out.

Again, all of this is just my .02 ... With Mid 400's total serum, I might expect to see LH in mid 3's, low 4's. Your LH IMO is just high enough to say "hmmm", and then the FSH result just adds more question marks (??). Have you by chance had a sperm test? It's the one time you will look forward to lab day, LOL!!
It's kind of a Yes and a No ... Yes, no doubt the best ticket IMO is you need to get with a GOOD physician, one who can really get a comprehensive diagnosis completed for your situation. The problem being is the word, "good", which for some reason these Endos and Urologists keep getting bad press with this area of practice.

Some of my first experiences in 2009 were with an Endo, who honestly knew less than some first time members here who spent 2 hours reading stickies here! I'm not kidding, he completely denied that estrogen would ever convert from exogenous test medication.

Not sure what part of the country you're in? Yes, the team at Defy Medical is A+, but I think for your particular situation you might need get deeper with urology exams, x-rays, etc., first before getting too deep into just jumping on a TRT regiment. 1) You could call Jasen Bruce at Defy, and see if they have a reference on anyone nearby you. 2) Look through the A4M directory , possibly a physician/clinic will also specialize in this area, and he/she can help you get it figured out.

Again, all of this is just my .02 ... With Mid 400's total serum, I might expect to see LH in mid 3's, low 4's. Your LH IMO is just high enough to say "hmmm", and then the FSH result just adds more question marks (??). Have you by chance had a sperm test? It's the one time you will look forward to lab day, LOL!!
I'm in new jersey/newyork. and no i haven't had a sperm test or a testicle scan/xray( what does this involve?) im kind of shy about showing my testicles...especially if the technician is a lady....I had to ask my urologist for a testicle xray but after being let down about his breadth of knowledge i just walked out of his office without getting it. He probably wouldn't know what he was looking at. I havent had a sperm test he said it was high but not to worry about it maybe im sterile?
I'm in new jersey/newyork. and no i haven't had a sperm test or a testicle scan/xray( what does this involve?) im kind of shy about showing my testicles...especially if the technician is a lady....I had to ask my urologist for a testicle xray but after being let down about his breadth of knowledge i just walked out of his office without getting it. He probably wouldn't know what he was looking at. I havent had a sperm test he said it was high but not to worry about it maybe im sterile?

The doctor or sonographer would perform the ultrasound - similar to when a doctor looks at a fetus in belly of a pregnant woman. Its the same hand held devise, but instead they place it over the veins above the testicles (upper scrotum). The ultrasound can view the movement of fluid (blood) which appear as highlighted red / blue on screen. This is called a doppler view. Here is an example. Totally painless. They just hold the device against side of scrotum. Nothing more.
More examples:

As for guessing you might be sterile - there is nothing that would indicate that. Don't jump to conclusions. Just have things checked out. And trust me, no doctor (male or female) cares what any of our "junK" looks like. They are not amused or disgusted by prostate exams, breast exams, etc. its no different than a parent changing a baby's diaper for the 500th time. Its 100% clinical, as it should be.

I have no idea why they would ever image your testicles any other way (such as x-ray, as you mentioned). The doppler view shows the actual blood flow, as any movement of fluids lights up (red/blue) on the screen while the ultrasound is in doppler mode. When not in doppler mode the darkest colors are fluid/, while the lightest colors = bone, cartilage, etc.

This is very cool technology - I had the opportunity to do a 1 day class at University of Colorado Medical School. Very simple, safe (no radiation), and effective for specific diagnostic conditions.

An echocardiogram does the exact same thing, except monitors the blood flow through the chambers and valves of the heart. Otherwise its the same thing.

I hope this alleviates any questions you might have.
It's kind of a Yes and a No ... Yes, no doubt the best ticket IMO is you need to get with a GOOD physician, one who can really get a comprehensive diagnosis completed for your situation. The problem being is the word, "good", which for some reason these Endos and Urologists keep getting bad press with this area of practice.

Some of my first experiences in 2009 were with an Endo, who honestly knew less than some first time members here who spent 2 hours reading stickies here! I'm not kidding, he completely denied that estrogen would ever convert from exogenous test medication.

Not sure what part of the country you're in? Yes, the team at Defy Medical is A+, but I think for your particular situation you might need get deeper with urology exams, x-rays, etc., first before getting too deep into just jumping on a TRT regiment. 1) You could call Jasen Bruce at Defy, and see if they have a reference on anyone nearby you. 2) Look through the A4M directory , possibly a physician/clinic will also specialize in this area, and he/she can help you get it figured out.

Again, all of this is just my .02 ... With Mid 400's total serum, I might expect to see LH in mid 3's, low 4's. Your LH IMO is just high enough to say "hmmm", and then the FSH result just adds more question marks (??). Have you by chance had a sperm test? It's the one time you will look forward to lab day, LOL!!
Thanks man the thing with jumping from urologist to urologist until one finds what is wrong with me will cost me a fortune. i thought it wasn't true that most urologists and endos know jack shit and only want to collect the co pay, until it happened to me. If im telling my doctors the symptons he should want to know what is wrong with me and get to the bottom not just give me a clean bill of health because my hormones came within range completely ignoring what i feel like. makes me feel like im crazy and obviously there is something wrong with me when its a chore to even get an erection

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