Blood woork 1-15-2016



Labs on 1-15-2016
100mg Test in a transdermal cream applied daily
Armour NDT @ 165mg daily
B-6 - 15mg/day
MAGNESIUM - 450mg/day
COPPER - 3mg/day
D3 - 10,000iu/day (Based on BW will reduce to 5000iu/day)
NIACIN - 1500mg/day
C -
FOLIC ACID - 5mg/day
B-12 METHY INJECT- 2000mg/week (Based on BW will reduce to 1000mg/week)
TOTAL T = 815 (348-1197)
FREE T = 21.8 (6.6-18.1)
E2 = 3.5 (8-35)
SHBG = 40.4 (19.3-76.4)
DHT = 243 (30-85)
DHEA-S = 19.6 (30.9-295.6) (Started back on a 50 mg/day of DHEA based on these results)
IRON BIND CAP - 401 (250-450)
UIBC - 259 (150-375)
IRON, SERUM - 142 (40-155)
IRON SATURATION - 35 (15-55)
FERRITIN SERUM - 56 (30-400)
LH - 0.8 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.9 (1.5-12.5)
FT3 - 3.6 (2-4.4)
FT4 - 1.18 (0.82-1.77)
RT3 - 25.6 (9.2-24.1)
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL - 129 (100-199)
TRIGLICERIDES - 101 (90-149)
HDL CHOL - 42 (>39)
VLDL CHOL - 20 (5-40)
LDL CHOL - 67 (0-99)
T.CHOL/HDL RATIO - 3.3 (0.0-5)
WBC - 4 (3.4-10.8)
RBC - 5.59 (4.14-5.80)
HEMO - 16.9 (12.6-17.7)
HEMA - 47.9 (37.5-51.0)
MCV - 86 (79-97)
MCH - 30.2 (26.6-33)
MCHC - 35.3 (31.5-35.7)
RDW - 14.7 (12.3-15.4)
B12 - >2000 (211-946)
FOLATE - >20 (>3)
D25 - 124 (30-100)
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Your E2 is not just too low, but dangerously low. What is your current TRT protocol? Your Doctor has you on far, far too much AI.
I should have pointed out that the E2 test is the SENSITIVE TEST.
BW was with NO AI!!!!
See this thread for the story......
When I was taking an AI it was a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry small amount.
The above is the other labs I had ran.
I posted the reading that were most germane to an overall look at what is going on.
BTW I plan on running labs again in about 2 weeks. That will give me about a 30 day window. I will not run ALL the labs just T and E2 again. I need to win the lottery to run the them all again like I did on 1-15-2016:)
As I recall from the other thread, you are using a transdermal T cream. As I mentioned in that thread, it appears the transdermal application is converting at a very high rate to DHT. The extreme high level of DHT in your system is suppressing your E levels.
Yep I recall you mentioning it. If that is in fact the issue, then I am reeeeeeeeealy sensitive to conversion based on the amount of TD cream I use (less than a 1/4 teaspoon a day). I know there are guys that take a bath in the commercial (Axiron, etc) stuff:) and do not have this type of an issue? Do not want to take any Finisteride again....
I think this may have been brought-up on the other thread as well, but have you considered just switching from topical to twice weekly injections? That *should* lower your conversion to DHT quite a bit and since it seems that your high DHT is keeping your E2 far too low, allow you to have a higher and healthier E2 level.
I will do BW soon and run DHT again to see where everything is. Then I will add back in 2.5mg Finisteride and a month (unless someone has some research that indicates impact to get to steady state is less than 30 days) later do BW again to make sure that is the issue:(
O.K. Blood work from 2-10-2016
Total T = 846 (348 - 1197)
Free T = 18.3 (6.6 - 19.1)
E2 Sensitive = 5.1 (8.0 - 35.0)
SHBG = 36.7 (19.3-76.4)
DHT = 229 (30-85)
IGF-1 - 247 (47-192)
Looked at some older BW and my E2 did bounce around a bit, but this is still way low.
Found a few articles on HIGH DHT low E2:
And it is not like I am taking a bath with my TD.... Verrrrrrrrrry small amount applied on a very small area.....Say 2 - 3 inch circle...
Will add a small amount of finisteride (reluctantly) to see if any impact on lowering DHT and raising E2. Will do 2.5mg EOD for a few weeks and re-test....
Yeppers... I know... Playing with fire... My current Doc had prescribed it a long while ago to lower my DHT. Took it on and off for a long time.... Have BW now with NO finesteride, so test run is in order... Not wanting to go the injection route just yet. Long story..... Now I want to definitively tie the low E2 to the high DHT. Only way for me to do that is another short run of small dose of the dreaded Finesteride. That is why I will only run it for 2 weeks EOD to see if there is a positive impact on both E2 and DHT and if so then I will have to make a decision as to what I want to do. Appreciate your concerns. I appear to be one of the lucky ones that can stop it and all the bad things go away after some time.
Yeppers... I know... Playing with fire... My current Doc had prescribed it a long while ago to lower my DHT. Took it on and off for a long time.... Have BW now with NO finesteride, so test run is in order... Not wanting to go the injection route just yet. Long story..... Now I want to definitively tie the low E2 to the high DHT. Only way for me to do that is another short run of small dose of the dreaded Finesteride. That is why I will only run it for 2 weeks EOD to see if there is a positive impact on both E2 and DHT and if so then I will have to make a decision as to what I want to do. Appreciate your concerns. I appear to be one of the lucky ones that can stop it and all the bad things go away after some time.

I certainly wish you all the best, but the risks are certainly great.
A subq injection is such an easy thing it doesn't make sense to mess with finasteride. Your loyalty to TD delivery is taking you down a treacherous road of polypharmacy. So if the finasteride helps or crushes the DHT, what then? Stay on it forever? It will catch up with you eventually.
Yeppers... Understand.... Just want to put the last nail in the coffin on the issue of high DHT being the culprit of my LOW E-2..... Call me the "CRASH TEST DUMMIE OF LOW crash test dummie.gif E-2 AND HIGH DHT".

Labs on 1-15-2016
100mg Test in a transdermal cream applied daily
Armour NDT @ 165mg daily
B-6 - 15mg/day
MAGNESIUM - 450mg/day
COPPER - 3mg/day
D3 - 10,000iu/day (Based on BW will reduce to 5000iu/day)
NIACIN - 1500mg/day
C -
FOLIC ACID - 5mg/day
B-12 METHY INJECT- 2000mg/week (Based on BW will reduce to 1000mg/week)
TOTAL T = 815 (348-1197)
FREE T = 21.8 (6.6-18.1)
E2 = 3.5 (8-35)
SHBG = 40.4 (19.3-76.4)
DHT = 243 (30-85)
DHEA-S = 19.6 (30.9-295.6) (Started back on a 50 mg/day of DHEA based on these results)
IRON BIND CAP - 401 (250-450)
UIBC - 259 (150-375)
IRON, SERUM - 142 (40-155)
IRON SATURATION - 35 (15-55)
FERRITIN SERUM - 56 (30-400)
LH - 0.8 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.9 (1.5-12.5)
FT3 - 3.6 (2-4.4)
FT4 - 1.18 (0.82-1.77)
RT3 - 25.6 (9.2-24.1)
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL - 129 (100-199)
TRIGLICERIDES - 101 (90-149)
HDL CHOL - 42 (>39)
VLDL CHOL - 20 (5-40)
LDL CHOL - 67 (0-99)
T.CHOL/HDL RATIO - 3.3 (0.0-5)
WBC - 4 (3.4-10.8)
RBC - 5.59 (4.14-5.80)
HEMO - 16.9 (12.6-17.7)
HEMA - 47.9 (37.5-51.0)
MCV - 86 (79-97)
MCH - 30.2 (26.6-33)
MCHC - 35.3 (31.5-35.7)
RDW - 14.7 (12.3-15.4)
B12 - >2000 (211-946)
FOLATE - >20 (>3)
D25 - 124 (30-100)
I realize this site primarily focuses on testosterone issues, but I've been having trouble maintaining a decent HDL level. I admire your 42, I only wish I could get there. Keep it up!
I've started on a reduced nightly AI (0.035mg) 7 doses so far. E2 retest on 10 March.
Historically my cholesterol has been good. Recently I had to give my first pint as my HEMA and HEMO were at upper range. Numbers above were a month or 2 after donating. The E2 is a new development for me. Now getting weight off is another story...... Opposite of my cholesterol:)

Labs on 1-15-2016
100mg Test in a transdermal cream applied daily
Armour NDT @ 165mg daily
B-6 - 15mg/day
MAGNESIUM - 450mg/day
COPPER - 3mg/day
D3 - 10,000iu/day (Based on BW will reduce to 5000iu/day)
NIACIN - 1500mg/day
C -
FOLIC ACID - 5mg/day
B-12 METHY INJECT- 2000mg/week (Based on BW will reduce to 1000mg/week)
TOTAL T = 815 (348-1197)
FREE T = 21.8 (6.6-18.1)
E2 = 3.5 (8-35)
SHBG = 40.4 (19.3-76.4)
DHT = 243 (30-85)
DHEA-S = 19.6 (30.9-295.6) (Started back on a 50 mg/day of DHEA based on these results)
IRON BIND CAP - 401 (250-450)
UIBC - 259 (150-375)
IRON, SERUM - 142 (40-155)
IRON SATURATION - 35 (15-55)
FERRITIN SERUM - 56 (30-400)
LH - 0.8 (1.7-8.6)
FSH - 2.9 (1.5-12.5)
FT3 - 3.6 (2-4.4)
FT4 - 1.18 (0.82-1.77)
RT3 - 25.6 (9.2-24.1)
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL - 129 (100-199)
TRIGLICERIDES - 101 (90-149)
HDL CHOL - 42 (>39)
VLDL CHOL - 20 (5-40)
LDL CHOL - 67 (0-99)
T.CHOL/HDL RATIO - 3.3 (0.0-5)
WBC - 4 (3.4-10.8)
RBC - 5.59 (4.14-5.80)
HEMO - 16.9 (12.6-17.7)
HEMA - 47.9 (37.5-51.0)
MCV - 86 (79-97)
MCH - 30.2 (26.6-33)
MCHC - 35.3 (31.5-35.7)
RDW - 14.7 (12.3-15.4)
B12 - >2000 (211-946)
FOLATE - >20 (>3)
D25 - 124 (30-100)
I realize this site primarily focuses on testosterone issues, but I've been having trouble maintaining a decent HDL level. I admire your 42, I only wish I could get there. Keep it up!
I've started on a reduced nightly AI (0.035mg) 7 doses so far. E2 retest on 10 March. Good luck on reducing your DHT and increasing your E2
CRASH TEST DUMMY reporting back...

BLOOD WORK 3/3/2016
Total T = 803 (348 - 1197)
Free T = 23.0 (6.6 - 19.1)
E2 Sensitive = 17.2 (8.0 - 35.0)
SHBG = 36.7 (19.3-76.4)
DHT = 163 (30-85)
DHEA = 387.0 (30.9-295.6)
2.5 mg Finisteride EOD
Also added in 50 mg DHEA from MRM / day

O.K. from my little experiment it appears that high DHT drives down E-2.
The Finisteride reduced my DHT by about 100 points and my E-2 is at a nice spot now (17.2).
MRM brand DHEA seems to work reeeeeealy well for me as my DHEA-S went from 19 up to 387 on 50mg per day.

I do not notice any impact from the Finisteride at the levels I was taking. I think higher dosing did have a negative impact.

I am back on NO finisteride and have to do blood work for a scheduled DR appointment soon so eill see if E-2 goes back down and DHT back up. Will most likely do BW this coming week.

CRASH TEST DUMMY signing out:)
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