Blood Results: High SHBG, High Prolactin, Low Free T, Low E2


New Member
Good evening all,

I am 29 years old, white male, 5'8" tall and weigh 165 lbs with around 20% bodyfat. I workout 3-4 times a week lifting weights and eat a healthy diet (lots of chicken, veggies, rice, some cheese, yogurt)

I have been having feelings of tiredness, brain fog, forgetfulness, lower sex-drive, bone joints "popping", etc and decided to have some blood work done to see if there are any glaring problems. The things that stand out to me are the low E2, low FT, high SHBG, high prolactin.

I take no meds, but supplement with ZMA at night before bed.

Below are the blood results.


Wondering if anyone has any advice on the results.

Thank you.
The last year has been a noticeable thing for me, or at least I started to pay more attention to the lethargic attitude I have been feeling lately.

I guess I am not sure the best course of action to get these levels more normal -- or at least start feeling better and was wondering if anyone had any input on it.

I don't see Free T but with your SHBG that high you most certainly have a FreeT problem. This can be a small window for TRT but it's not that common to do it with a TT as good as yours is but some of the better Drs will treat symptoms and administer TRT based on a Free T deficiency. There's no way I know of to get the SHBG down, typically comes down some with androgen therapy. If you got on TRT and SHBG stayed high youd have to run pretty high totals to get your Free T to improve and even then it could still be problematic.

NVM...I see it now and it's as I thought would be pretty low, 13 on a 9-26 scale isn't very hopeful

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