Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

That is one heck of a harpoon! When he is attempting to push it in, his skin is indenting inwards. I have yet to inject in any place than delts for my shallow IM. I recently injected HCG as a shallow IM and seriously need to get a new spot as I have 1 injection daily, either Test or HCG.

I inject daily and rotate shoulders and ventorgluteal. The VG has become my favorite injection place. It's easy to see and if one wishes to aspirate that's easy to. It did take some time to get comfortable injecting there.
I don't do upper outer quad anymore, I've hit too many nerves and veins and gushers, so I'm done with that location. Ventro glute is not that small of an area, painless and the only area where you don't need to aspirate.

i think I just hit a nerve tonight. I injected and my leg started twitching. What can I expect as a side effect from this injection?
i think I just hit a nerve tonight. I injected and my leg started twitching. What can I expect as a side effect from this injection?

In my past experiences the area in my leg will be sore for a few days. The pain doesn't last too long, at least it hasn't for me.
I inject using a 28 gauge 1/2" needle and rotate between the vastus lateralis (outer thigh), ventrogluteal (VG), and the deltoid. This gives me 6 different intramuscular locations. I inject HCG subQ. The VG location is my favorite spot. I tried injecting the cypionate subQ but more times than not I developed a lump at the injection site. Probably due to a reaction with the cottonseed oil.
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Would it be okay to do the VG injection sitting down in a chair? I find it a lot easier to locate the muscle, while it also seems to be more relaxed.
The reason for a small amount of air is to prevent(or reduce) the amount of medication from leaking out of the tract that is created with the syringe. (Obviously, the larger the bore/gauge needle, the more med that can leak out. Read or watch a video on Z Tracking also)
On a similar note, I don't know if anyone has ever mentioned prior, but if you prepare your syringe prior to showering, then after washing the site(s) you usually inject into with warmer water and soap, it makes the injection easier and less painful. Why, the heat opens the pores, and the soap decreases the skin tension or surfactant tension. If you are giving yourself a larger bore IM shot, stick your thumb over the site, apply a decent amount of pressure for 3 seconds (numbs the skin nerves) and wipe and inject.
(Suggestions from administrating 100,000 injections in a 40 year career.)
(I was going to say thousands, but once we(3 of us) gave every guy at Lackland Air Force base the flu shot in one day, 5,000+ in 8 hours)

Why would you leave air in the syringe when injecting IM?
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For ventrogluteal, I just find my ASIS then go like 2”-3” back (in line with my asis). That’s the easiest way I have found to find a consistent spot injecting myself.

All these diagrams showing someone else’s hand on the trochanter confuse the S out of me.
For me personally, I don't care for either glute site. The dorso glute location is just too difficult for me to administer an injection to myself. The ventro glute location is easier to access for a self administered injection, but the area you need to "hit" with the needle is much smaller, and you need to be very accurate when pinning here.

I still prefer the vastus lateralis (outer quad) for any shallow IM injection. It's a huge muscle, with a lot of surface area available for pinning up and down the muscle. It is by far the easiest location to pin yourself, as you can prop your leg up, use two hands, and if you don't hit your exact spot, it's usually not an issue. With a 1/2"/29ga insulin pin, it just doesn't get any easier.
If you use sesame or grapeseed oil there should be no issue. Cottonseed oil is thicker and you would need a 27g syringe. Make sure you inject air into the vial, before you fill the syringe.
I use a 29 g with cottonseed oil but I inject daily. However, I used the same 29 g when I was on E3.5 day injections too. I don’t find it that big of a deal, especially with the Easytouch syringe.
28g is a pain to draw my cottonseed oil. I bought a box of 27g just because 28 is slow plus i get lots of bubbles for some reason. Hell I’m fine with 25g but I was taught here that I end up wasting .04ml with those luer tips.

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